I just hit lvl 65 with my perm party and I was just wondering if it was smart to head to Gustav to fight the bones there or if it was a little too low. Also are there any good camp spots with good spawnrates?
Our melee in the PT consist of a paladin, monk(me), and a dark knight. I know drk gets spinning slash in 1 lvl so would the ideal renkei be Red Lotus>Howling Fist>Spinning Slash? or is there anything better?
Also I had a query about dragonkick. Does anyone else have random damage with it? I am subbing warrior which is why maybe the damage isnt consistent compared to a sneaktrick kick, but sometimes its just awful. I was lvling off of processionaires with my party and we put together a random light chain which was Red Lotus>Cyclone(rdm)>Dragon Kick and the first time the dragonkick hit for like 700+ and the Light hit for 1000+. But after that the damage seemed to go as low as 150s. Is this normal?
thanks in advance
Our melee in the PT consist of a paladin, monk(me), and a dark knight. I know drk gets spinning slash in 1 lvl so would the ideal renkei be Red Lotus>Howling Fist>Spinning Slash? or is there anything better?
Also I had a query about dragonkick. Does anyone else have random damage with it? I am subbing warrior which is why maybe the damage isnt consistent compared to a sneaktrick kick, but sometimes its just awful. I was lvling off of processionaires with my party and we put together a random light chain which was Red Lotus>Cyclone(rdm)>Dragon Kick and the first time the dragonkick hit for like 700+ and the Light hit for 1000+. But after that the damage seemed to go as low as 150s. Is this normal?
thanks in advance