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Bone PT & Dragon Kick questions?

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  • Bone PT & Dragon Kick questions?

    I just hit lvl 65 with my perm party and I was just wondering if it was smart to head to Gustav to fight the bones there or if it was a little too low. Also are there any good camp spots with good spawnrates?

    Our melee in the PT consist of a paladin, monk(me), and a dark knight. I know drk gets spinning slash in 1 lvl so would the ideal renkei be Red Lotus>Howling Fist>Spinning Slash? or is there anything better?

    Also I had a query about dragonkick. Does anyone else have random damage with it? I am subbing warrior which is why maybe the damage isnt consistent compared to a sneaktrick kick, but sometimes its just awful. I was lvling off of processionaires with my party and we put together a random light chain which was Red Lotus>Cyclone(rdm)>Dragon Kick and the first time the dragonkick hit for like 700+ and the Light hit for 1000+. But after that the damage seemed to go as low as 150s. Is this normal?

    thanks in advance

  • #2
    -Retas > Kuumei > Spin is perfectly fine...

    -All of your TP:Damage WSs will seem to have totally random damages from time to time...
    It's aggrevating, but should be expected...

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      Subbing THF makes 225 WS's much more consistent in the high range.
      DRK75 / THF37 / WAR37 / RDM60 / BLM31 / PLD11



      • #4
        If you have a brd in your set, use raging fists instead of howling, i've noticed it does alot more damage for the most part. I usually do about 500-600 with Howling, while i'll do 600-900 with Raging


        • #5
          as to the question of whether it's too early or not, i'd wait till at least 66, or 67 to be on the safe side.

          as to the damage, TP is one thing, STR boost is another, and of course # of hits plays a big role.

          and like Awntawn mentioned, if DRK is to finish off the renkei w/ Spinning, he/she should sub THF for constant, high dmg. WAR is fine as ur sub in that case.


          • #6
            thanks for the replies guys, I just went there with my party with 4k to go to 66 and once we hit 66 things started speeding up pretty nicely. The thing is it seems that theres only that little one tunnel to set up camp at. The big room near the tunnel has the Taxim NM and a few pugils and like 5 or maybe 6 DoomGuard/Warlocks, but it seems like sometimes it goes to quickly and the spawns dont come fast enough, is this normal? Any strategy to make the exp endless, or is there a better spot?

            thanks again guys


            • #7
              Originally posted by qlynt
              thanks for the replies guys, I just went there with my party with 4k to go to 66 and once we hit 66 things started speeding up pretty nicely. The thing is it seems that theres only that little one tunnel to set up camp at. The big room near the tunnel has the Taxim NM and a few pugils and like 5 or maybe 6 DoomGuard/Warlocks, but it seems like sometimes it goes to quickly and the spawns dont come fast enough, is this normal? Any strategy to make the exp endless, or is there a better spot?

              thanks again guys
              besides the one u camped at, u can also camp at F-9, G-7, I-7, or I-8. all r either little tunnels like the one u camped at, or the wider pathes.

              also, besides that big room, there r other places where u can find skeletons, E-9, G&H-6, I&J-6, J&K-8. (is there any at F-7? never bothered being there.)

              regarding the speed of respawn, were there other parties at that time? only 1 party of lvl 66 shouldn't have any problem w/ the spawn rate.


              • #8
                I think that the best spot there is the spot just to the left of the tunnel leading to the bone area, there is another tunnel up there, you have bones on both sides of you that way so you can pull from either side if things start getting low, had 3 PTs in the area and we never ran out because we always had the backside to go to.


                • #9
                  Wow, thanks I didn't know there were so many spots in there. Are the coordinates you mentioned all Bones for exping from LVL 65-70? Also what is the coordinates for that spot with Bones on both sides? I haven't explored much there yet.

                  thanks again!


                  • #10
                    I think it's F-9, it's directly left of where you were camping though. Just go out there one time and look, hard to miss.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, there are lots of camping spots in Gustav to hunt skellies...
                      as opposed to say, Ranps tomb...

                      I've had great PTs in the area straight ahead from the primary tunnel. You have to be weary of stray pugils, but otherwise, camping that hill is a good spot.

                      Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                      • #12
                        52MNK here. I can't wait to hit the upper 60s. Sounds so much fun! Throughout my entire monk career I've always been forming parties. Have a couple of close friends, notably a Paladin who've I've been through the get go, but other than that, no one really knows why monks are good. Except maybe JP who've been through it and know about bones being in the upper levels. Do you think it's a good time for me now to get a set party? And since I already have a Paladin, I know BRD/WHM are good, what other members would you recommend? Thanks!


                        • #13
                          Perm parties are always a good thing to have although sometimes it can be as much of a hassle as it is a blessing. Leveling up with 6 different people schedules as opposed to your own is sometimes a very difficult thing.

                          The bright side is that if you have a smart party that works well together and is always learning then you can have some of the best and easy exp throughout. Right now in my perm party I have Paladin, Darkknight, Monk, Bard, Whitemage, Redmage.

                          Somedays we get alot done, sometimes close to 1 level and other days I don't get any experience. Hope I've helped a little.


