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quick AF3 question (Temple Hose)

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  • quick AF3 question (Temple Hose)

    Hey guys,

    Wheres the ??? for AF3 in Oztroja? Is it before or after the password trapdoor?

    I have the quest, know about how many i need, yadda yadda... just want to make sure I know where Im going when I bring some people there. Ive done Genkei 3 so Ive been to the High Priest area, also my thf friend farms coffers there often so we know the area just dont know where the ??? is.

    Thanks a lot.

    Seraph Server

  • #2
    The torch is at the top of the stairs as soon as you reach the top floor.

    The thin part from G is the staircase right after the room with the pool with the leeches in it. The torch is right at the part where the staircase opens up to a slightly larger hall, just before the intersection.

    I recommend full 18 with a lot of high-level help. The NM doesn't seem to stick to one target and is prone to targetting even low level players that barely touch him. If he unleashes 100 fist on you, you won't last very long. He's also a monk, and has a tremendous counter ability. Before you fight him, have the high levels swing to the front, while everyone else attack from behind to avoid counters.


    • #3
      cool thanks alot i know the place you mean its the + intersection before the door that leads to the password trapdoor i think. appreciate the info.

      Seraph Server


      • #4
        anyone have any info on this NM for the Temple hose? )


        • #5
          It's buff. Probably one of the most durable ones I've fought. I hate it only slightly less than the redmage af3 monster. You want at least 18 people and you want a bunch of them to be high level helpers, especially warriors and paladins and such.


          • #6
            it was pretty hard. did it with me (61 mnk at the time), 61 thf, 60 blm, 59 whm, 65 ninja, 61 pld. we barely lived but mostly do to me screwing up and using 2 hour too early and then the black mage was too far near the stairs and 2 yags aggrod him. we ended up winning but it wasnt pretty. was fun though. it still would have been difficult without the mistakes. it has a ton of hps.

            my suggestion would be to pull it to the door or even into the safe room past the door if possible. pld used 2 hour when it did monk 2 hour, keep mages away from the leg sweep area stun, etc.

            Seraph Server

