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A Monk's equipment....

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  • A Monk's equipment....

    I've been playing as a Monk for quite some time now, got up to level 35 (hume). I've noticed how cheap most of my equipment has been, but when I checked the prices of the equipment to come, I was completely caught off-guard. Jujitsu Gi goes for 120k on Garuda, brown belt for 300-350k, somethingoranother "kote" (gives attack +20) goes for 450k, cross-counters for 3 million! I thought I was rich at 80k, as its more than I have ever had before, but when I saw those prices, I think you get the picture. :sweat:

    What im really asking is, are there any quests to be done for the cross-counters? I know there are quests for the others, but what are the details of it? Who do you ask and where, what do you do and how, etc. Also if there are any good money-making quests, or better yet a sight with a bunch of them, they would be greatly appreciated. I know thats asking for a lot, but thats exactly what I need, a lot lol. Thanks in advance.
    "I talk to myself because its the only way to assure having an intelligent conversation."-ME

  • #2
    Cross-counters are a drop from a ~level 63 NM named "Western Shadow," in Fei Yin. Word on the street is that it takes a balanced group of 55-60 (tank should definitely be the highest level) to take it down. Jujitsu Gi and Ochiudo's Kote are also NM drops, although both should be soloable by 45-50. Brown belt is the result of *three* NM drops (quest requires you get items from three NMs, two of which don't drop the required item every time).

    Good money-making quests are mostly scroll quests (white, black, and ninjitsu). Go to and look up the quests for the following scrolls:

    Drain (~15-20k)
    Warp (~8-12k)
    Aspir (~20-25k)
    Teleport-Dem (~35-50k)
    Teleport-Mea (~35-50k)
    Teleport-Holla (~10k)
    Utsusemi: Ichi (~80-120k)
    Tonko: Ichi (~10-20k)
    Hojo: Ichi (~30-40k)

    Prices vary depending on server, but those should be somewhat accurate.
    61 MNK | 37 WAR | 37 THF | 35 RDM | 29 BLM | 25 WHM
    Mithra retired November 2004 - Hume started November 2006
    28 WAR | 18 MNK | 15 WHM | 12 BLM


    • #3
      same thing happen to me dude. it was totally unexpected. monk, theif, nin and sams has probably some of the most equipment and they cant jus buy stuff with conquest points.

      i suggest u start gil farmin alot. i personally hunted valkrum emperor multiple times at lvl 40 got 2 hairpins in 5 days :p ,and then sold them and bought ochiudo kotes and jujitsu gi. but then again im a feind when it comes to huntin notorious monsters
      74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
      my monk
      my nin


      • #4
        Iron Musketeers Gumbeer or something with a G...
        27 Def +3 Acc lvl 40 Ragnarok price? 9k

        Jugitsu Gi
        27 def +4 Acc lvl 40 Ragnarok price? 100k

        Brown belt and Fuma Kyahan are the two i'm worried about...

        75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM

        Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
        Genkei 5 Completed
        Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
        Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
        93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
        Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
        Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1


        • #5
          Too bad Iron Musketeers is ranged attack acc. and not acc..
          Riot -- 53 Monk, 26 Warrior, 16 Paladin, 15 Samurai, 5 Thief


          • #6
            ochiudo kotes,jujitsu gi and life r the 3 peices of equipmen u should try and get.
            74 monk , 50 nin ,37 warrior, 30 thief, 24 sam
            my monk
            my nin

