I guess despite all my reading of the forums and my experience in the game thus far, I still don't know when NOT to use my 2 hour. The reason that I am saying "not" is the fact that the Monk's 2 hour (the best 2 hour in the game, thank you very much) is very tempting to use when you are in a bog boss situation...
I was killing a dragon for Rank 3 yesterday... and I must admit that I paniced... and so I let it RIP!
Despite killing the dragon, I did notice that I was low on HP because I generated so much hate and was not equiped to tank (my armor was lvl 30 and I was deleveled to 25...)
I almost died... but we ended up beating the record time for killing the dragon...
Anyways... any advice on when NOT to use the Hundred Fists?
I guess despite all my reading of the forums and my experience in the game thus far, I still don't know when NOT to use my 2 hour. The reason that I am saying "not" is the fact that the Monk's 2 hour (the best 2 hour in the game, thank you very much) is very tempting to use when you are in a bog boss situation...
I was killing a dragon for Rank 3 yesterday... and I must admit that I paniced... and so I let it RIP!
Despite killing the dragon, I did notice that I was low on HP because I generated so much hate and was not equiped to tank (my armor was lvl 30 and I was deleveled to 25...)
I almost died... but we ended up beating the record time for killing the dragon...
Anyways... any advice on when NOT to use the Hundred Fists?