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Monk's 2 Hour... When NOT to use it?

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  • Monk's 2 Hour... When NOT to use it?

    I guess despite all my reading of the forums and my experience in the game thus far, I still don't know when NOT to use my 2 hour. The reason that I am saying "not" is the fact that the Monk's 2 hour (the best 2 hour in the game, thank you very much) is very tempting to use when you are in a bog boss situation...

    I was killing a dragon for Rank 3 yesterday... and I must admit that I paniced... and so I let it RIP!

    Despite killing the dragon, I did notice that I was low on HP because I generated so much hate and was not equiped to tank (my armor was lvl 30 and I was deleveled to 25...)

    I almost died... but we ended up beating the record time for killing the dragon...

    Anyways... any advice on when NOT to use the Hundred Fists?

    43 Monk; 25 Warrior; 20 Theif; 10 Dragoon; 11 Dark Knight; 7 Ninja.

    55 Red Mage; 32 Black Mage; 27 White Mage.

  • #2
    if chances are good that you or someone in your party is going to die (i.e. things are going horribly wrong), thats when you should. other times, you can if you want, but make sure your whm can keep you alive (unless youre just trying to save someone else). i would suggest not using it if it will cause you to die and dont really want to die.

    what a confusing post, nevermind me.
    honey bear abuser.


    • #3
      2HOUR is basically for emergency use; well at least for me and i also use it when leaving the party as a thank you gift. i guess the only time you shouldnt use it is when your main tank hasn't set enough hate for you to beat the monster to a pulp

      but in my opinion, mnk 2hr can be used whenever as long as its an emergency... every situation except for the one you stated is ok for mnk 2hr


      • #4
        A monk two hour takes a bit of time to be effective - it's not an instant one shot like the ranger... If you get a mob that you believe you won't be able to handle - let it rip and tell the group and healer so that they'll be able to keep track.

        Use it also for boss fights and the such - make sure the group knows first.

        Lastly - use it before you log off on the last mob of the night or something. No reason not to - it'll be reset when you come back =)

