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Monk Tanking guide to Lvl 30

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  • #31
    Not sure if it was discussed in this thread or not but i've heard that if you don't use your 'dodge' job ability, then ur guard skill will go up faster because you're giving your character more of a chance to guard than to evade. not sure if my analysis is right here, but thats my understanding. might wanna test it with a whm handy
    MNK > All
    Sorry m8, that's just how it goes

    If chances are one million-to-one that something will go wrong, there's still a 50-50 chance it won't..

    DoD & -=AllForOne=-



    • #32
      I am lvl 7 MNK and I was wondering if any of you could help me to know what kind of equipment or tactics I should be doing. And how do I get this so called sub-job I am not actually sure that you can do it at my lvl. But thank you alot and please put any other information about how I could become a good MNK in parties.


      • #33
        I am lvl 7 MNK and I was wondering if any of you could help me to know what kind of equipment or tactics I should be doing. And how do I get this so called sub-job I am not actually sure that you can do it at my lvl. But thank you alot and please put any other information about how I could become a good MNK in parties.


        • #34
          Hello again =)

          Tenrai: Thanks for the props!

          Broncino: Yes, Dodge does not aid in lvling guard, because if you successfully evade, guard never has a chance to activate. From a tank's perpective, Dodge is useful:

          - When pulling from long distance.
          - For more hate. Every action creates some emnity. You can cancel it right after, if lvling guard is your intent.

          It's also useful when farming mobs that are too weak to lvl your guard.

          Honorfall: The guide outlines the armor/equip/food it takes to be a successful tank.

          I realize that I don't cover how to get the money for such items, so I may be posting links to gil-earning threads at some point.

          I say, always get your money straight first, to have the right gear for your lvl =D


          • #35
            The critical point for Monk tanking, is that while properly equiped Paladins and Ninjas can out tank equally equiped Monks, there simply aren't enough good tanks to go around. When I checked my server today, out of 4000 people online, there were only 170 Paladins, and only 100 Ninjas. 300 tanks is simply not enough to keep 4000 people in parties, thus Monk player's end up getting tapped tanking too.

            Harry Voyager


            • #36
              Great guide, I look forward to doing some tanking soon
              18 RDM | 20 BLM | 15 MNK

              FFXI character profile


              • #37
                plus its just always a good idea to have a couple vokers in the pt incase something wrong happens
                MNK > All
                Sorry m8, that's just how it goes

                If chances are one million-to-one that something will go wrong, there's still a 50-50 chance it won't..

                DoD & -=AllForOne=-



                • #38
                  hey, i noticed this thread was lacking in new discussion, so i have a fairly related question. now, i realize that its gonna seem stupid at my lvl to not know, but, now's as good a time as any to find out...

                  I lvled my war sub to 15 and then quit, partially just because i absolutely despise lvling warrior . i was thinking about lvling it to about 20 or so, but i looked into job abilities and traits, and warriors get neither at 20. So, my question is, do u get extr stats (str, vit, dex, etc...) from ur subjob? would i get more attack? thanks alot. I might still just lvl it to 25 so i can get an extra little suprise when my mnk hits 50 :D. or i guess the extra HP wouldnt hurt
                  MNK > All
                  Sorry m8, that's just how it goes

                  If chances are one million-to-one that something will go wrong, there's still a 50-50 chance it won't..

                  DoD & -=AllForOne=-



                  • #39
                    Gimp SJ is pretty self explainatory. If your SJ is gimp ure gimp... you will perform a lot worse than if it was up to par. Thats not the only factor in having a Gimp SJ... I wouldnt invite someone with Gimp SJ, specially MNK... that shows your commitment to the game, worse than not having up to par gear. Even tho you dont get any skills from those lvls you always get stat boosts by having your SJ maxed, you will never perform your best w/o SJ maxed.

                    now taking into consideration the mad competition on DD spots, having a gimp SJ does not help at all... so take the time and lvl your SJ, mages might get away with it but melee very unlikely.

                    I myself find having a Gimp SJ very shameful (and I did have it for a long time) Now that I took my WAR to 30, I am never /anon... I'm proud of being 55/27... and will never be gimp again.

                    PLD 75 | WAR 37 | MNK 44 | NIN 55 | BST 11 | WHM 20 | RNG 13 | BLM 18


                    • #40
                      umm... thanks @_@ so i think u said that u do get stat boosts? lol
                      MNK > All
                      Sorry m8, that's just how it goes

                      If chances are one million-to-one that something will go wrong, there's still a 50-50 chance it won't..

                      DoD & -=AllForOne=-



                      • #41
                        a monk is NOT a tank

                        how could you even put up a discussion about the "guide to a monk tanking before level 30"...every monk ive ever seen try to tank has failed miserably...i mean com on the game is designed that way specifically...wars and pld's are tanks...mnks and theives are melee fighters (not as good as the advanced ones though) blm and rdm are nukers, and whm are healers...that's it

                        just cause you picked mnk and ignorantly want to tank now, doesnt mean a mnk is a's not


                        • #42
                          Nice way to be a troll.

                          MNKs can tank, I've tried it as this guide said at level 16, it works.

                          MNKs do just as much damage as a DRK and more than a DRG.


                          • #43
                            how the hell was I trolling? you're the one who trolls just responding on other topics "you're all wrong" ...and failing to give any reason why...explain how i was trolling, or accept the fact you're just ignorant and like to debate things with nothing to back your side up

                            MONKS ARE NOT TANKS...and you're saying you did it before lvl 16...whippidy doo...problem is nobody stays below 16 very long, and long term is the real question....and in the long run, a monk is not a tank...period...nobody argues that.


                            • #44
                              You come in and call the thread creator ignorant, you are trolling.

                              You have never tried her methods, you are trolling.

                              I can tank up 30 if you would like. It really doesn't mean anything to me, but I know it works.

                              I have a good MNK friend level 50, he said he tanked to 30 and had no problem with it. Then he tells me it really can't be done, the armor difference is too great.


                              • #45
                                Re: a monk is NOT a tank

                                Originally posted by LoneWarriorNY
                                how could you even put up a discussion about the "guide to a monk tanking before level 30"...every monk ive ever seen try to tank has failed miserably...i mean com on the game is designed that way specifically...wars and pld's are tanks...mnks and theives are melee fighters (not as good as the advanced ones though) blm and rdm are nukers, and whm are healers...that's it

                                just cause you picked mnk and ignorantly want to tank now, doesnt mean a mnk is a's not
                                Man how can you say such a blaphemous thing?!

                                A well-trained monk can tank fairly well. When I say well-trained, im talking about a monk that has excellent evasion, high guarding, and as well as counter-attacking. They also have the hi HPts to back up the low DEF that they have.

                                A monk can make a good, if not excellent, tank at lower lvls. In higher lvls, they make good back-up and contingency tanks. They cant be frontline tanks anymore after lvl 30, around the point where "easy prey" can whup your ass now, because they meet mobs that hit harder, and have serious DEF. Also their armor becomes paper.

                                Those monks you may have met, probably couldnt pull it off being a tank, due to lack of sufficient training, and or equipment.

