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Monk Genkai 5

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  • Monk Genkai 5


    Anyone try this yet? We havent been able to come up with any viable strategies to get even close to winning. I found a link to the 2ch board but its very difficult to find info there using translators.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

  • #2
    The Goal is to literally beat Maat to within 5-10% of his life...
    then, he'll give up.

    Here's what I did:

    -Eat Attack food
    -Tameru (Boost) x 9
    -Hyakuretsuken (2 hr)
    -Kikoudan (Chi Blast) -> Maat
    -Attack until @100% -> Rangeki (Random Fists, repeat as necessary)
    -Chakra anytime Prior to Maat's Hyakuretsuken
    -When Maat uses 2 Hr -> Kamaeru (Counterstance)
    -Attack until @100% -> Rangeki

    End of battle (83 HP remaining)

    There are quite a few other strategies out there...
    like the Opo Opo Strat...

    -Purchase OpoOpo Necklace + 4 sleep potions
    -Enter BC
    -While Wearing Opo Opo, use sleep potions (each will give 25% TP)
    -When @ 100%, continue as above

    Some also use Icarus Wings (which give instant 100% TP) so you can unload 2 WSs into Maat quickly...

    ...oddly enough, I died many times trying Opo Opo and Icarus stuffs...12 to be exact...
    all I can say is be patient, cause if Maat does Rangeki, Kuumei, Souryuukyaku, or Ashuraken on you (all WSs Random Fist and higher), you WILL die (unless some higher power smiles down on you and he misses) and have to get another testimony and try again...


    A VERY important note for MNKs:
    If you get Maat down enough life before he uses his WS, he will go right into 2 hr and will not use one...which was key to my success...

    Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


    • #3
      Counterstance is actually WORTH something? ._.
      Rude, but not wrong. ;x
      Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
      'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
      'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
      Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
      Private First Class
      Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
      Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
      "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


      • #4 actually WANT to use Counterstance to lower your DEF to like 50 when Maat uses Hundred Fists on you?

        Isn't that like signing your own death warrant?
        Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
        Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)


        • #5
          Originally posted by Redlimit
 actually WANT to use Counterstance to lower your DEF to like 50 when Maat uses Hundred Fists on you?

          Isn't that like signing your own death warrant?
          I originally thought so too...and never used it in all my defeats...

          The time I won, preventing him from using the WS kinda surprised me and I just hit the Counterstance Macro and saw what happened...

          I guess the counterstance bonus + the lv70 Counter +5 Earring and the Lv50 Counter +2 ring did some good, cause I countered him 12 times almost in succession. The couple of time I got hit, yeah, it was for 150+, but after a few of those counters, I turned it off, got 100% TP, Rangeki, victory. Trust me, you will not be able to keep up to pace with Maat if you simply go toe to toe (unless you're a Galka with the HP to spare). It's a risky strategy, I know, but after having lost 12 times, I was willing to try anything...and it worked.

          Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


          • #6
            Third try today and our monk almost won! He actually did win, but the last blows before Maat gave up killed him . We forgot about reraise scrolls so he'll have to try it again.

            Thank You so much DJplaeskool! Your strategy is the best!


            • #7
              I'm having problems as well. The fights basically come down to luck. I actually almost beat Maat at 66 because I used Counterstance before I even started the fight and got very, very lucky when I countered him five times in a row at the start of the fight. I tried this again at 67 and didn't counter him once. Instead I died in about 5 hits (all 200+ damage thanks to having 40 defense with Counterstance on).

              Those two times were just for fun, but now that I'm 70 I would really like to beat him sometime in the future. I've failed twice at 70... and I spent about 30k doing so.

              The first time I tried him at 70 I used an Icarus wing before the fight and buffed up with everything except Counterstance. I got him to around 20% before I died.

              The second time I used an Opo-opo necklace to get 100% TP in the beginning and proceeded as normal. Used the TP at the beginning, then used an Icarus wing right after, used TP again, then got the sh*t beat out of me anyway (even used Counterstance when he did Hundred Fists and countered him four times). In the beginning of this fight Maat hit me three times before I even got one hit in... and one was a crit for 205.

              I don't think I'm doing anything wrong. I'm pretty sure it's just random luck on the countering thing.

              I guess my third try at 70 I'll just wear the latent ring and earring, and just put counterstance on from the beginning. Probably a stupid idea, but it almost worked at 66.


              • #8
                Well, tried him again today after spending 50k on medicine and died anyway. Even tried using a Re-Raise scroll then Hi-Pots and an Icarus wing but Maat regens too fast for that to work for anyone but a THF who only needs to steal from him to win.

                Looks like I'm stuck at 70 for a while. One thing's for sure... I'm done spending gil on these fights. Going to just have to go toe-to-toe with him and hope my luck is good.


                • #9
                  Yeah... triple post and pretty much talking to myself now... sorry. Just wanted to update.

                  Tried it again for the 6th time, failed again. Broke my rule of not spending any more cash and forked out 20k for a stack of sleeping potions. Got to 300% tp, boosted a ton, buffed up, hundred fists, stood close to Maat (but not enough to hit him), Chi Blasted, Dragon Kicked (for 400... yay. Raging Fists seems to do the same amount of damage), Maat went into his 2 hour almost immediately, I used Counterstance, countered him six times. Was looking good until he countered me twice for 210 each and hit for 140 between those two counters. When my HP went to 90 or so I clicked counter off and died to a 96 hit.

                  Maat was still at about 25% when I died.

                  I didn't think this fight would get to me, but I'm starting to hate this game now. It's not very fun wasting time and gil and conquest points (time = chocobo to Oztroja and solo flagellants; gil = the prisms powders for Oztroja's top floor and all the friggin' potions and wings and the hi-pots I tried once; cps = instant warp scrolls to get back from Oztroja).

                  I guess I'm whining, but this fight really needs to be toned down a bit for monks.

                  Edit: Got lucky on the 7th try and won. Only reason was because Maat used One Inch Punch instead of a different WS and hit me for 200+. I also got lucky on guessing when he'd use his 2hr and was able to counterstance at the exact same time.

                  It was funny, because right as I thought I was about to lose, he gave up (I kept counter on during the entire 2hr). I had 202 HP left at the end of the fight as an Elvaan monk.

                  I'd like to thank Syara for telling us her strategy. Although I used an Opo-opo necklace in the beginning (like I tried before and it didn't work... just got lucky this time), I followed the rest of her strategy exactly as posted.

                  Good luck on the sand charm drop Syara ^^ And wish your friends good luck on the fight with Maat for me.

