How hard is it to find a party as a Monk past level 30?
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Do Monks easily get parties 30+?
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In my experience in both Beta and Retail, getting a party for monk between lv.30-40 is pretty tough. As DJ would say (and has said in past posts) there is a bit of an efficiency drop. For some reason, you miss more often, your attacks don't quite stand up to other melees, and your weapon skills are pretty lackluster.
Backhand blow is amazing... when it hits. But on an IT backhand does anywhere from 30-250 dmg, and 30 dmg in the middle of a renkei just causes the renkei to fall flat.
At 41 you have access to a lot more equipment. Most importantly, you have Raging Fists, which can easily outdamage Viper Bite at this level.
So for 30-41, the best recommendation is to pump up your dexterity and strength using equipment. Add your stat boost to your search comment. If someone searches and sees two monks the same level, one with DEX+10 STR+10 in their comment, and one with nothing in their comment, you know who they'll pick. If you're elvaan, RSE is a good bet. RSE pants (DEX+2), Gloves (DEX+2) (or ochiode's kote), and Body (DEX+1), the Mercenary Captain's Headgear (DEX+1 STR+1) (or the Emperor's Hairpin (DEX+3)), and Leaping Boots (DEX+3) are ideal. If you're not elvaan, i'd say go with the Mercenary Captain's Doublet (DEX+1), and if you can't get the Kote, stick with Battle Gloves (Attack+3). The Purple Belt is certainly desirable, and worth the meager 20k it's going for on Midgar. With the Purple Belt, you don't need to feel so bad about long delay weapons, so the Impact Knuckles go a step farther to increase your damage. Beetle Earring (Attack+2) or Beetle +1 (Attack+3) are good too.
Wearing stock equipment at this level will kill you - avoid the urge to 'upgrade' your armor at the cost of STR and DEX stats. Wait until 40 and pick up a Combat Caster's Cloak for the STR+2, or another piece of armor that provides some worthwhile stat gain. Remember that defense is not king as a monk. Be prepared to mash your Dodge macro, and use Chakra as needed after lv.35.
Finally, you can't place enough importance on good food. Meat mithkabobs are great if you have enough DEX+ equipment already and don't miss too often. Meat Chiefkabobs are even better if you can find them and can afford them. If you find that you miss too much, try the DEX+3 food (my mind is blanking, but i think it may be broiled trout???).
Anyway, 30-40 is tough, but there is a big payoff when you hit 41. Stick with it, and you'll be rewarded for your efforts.
Edit (1-23-04): umm - i was either stupid or tired when i posted this. Monks can't wear leaping boots - i can't think of any boots off the top of my head for mnk that contribute to DEX or Accuracy. Sorry about the confusion.
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I am 33MNk @800tnl .. yesterday i had a little trouble finding a party at first but hey, then i got one and BAM in garliage we where rocking l.. The other day i was about to drop my MNK and go full time BLK and THF but im going to keep lvlin MNK along side those other jobs, I am really excited to get to lvl 35 for chakra and then 41 for raging fists. ^^
So MNK's dont let no partys get you down, it gets so much better keep at it it will pay off ..
I also plan to continue to play other classes also,
my mains from this point on will be BLK/WHM - MNK/SAM - SAM/MNK - MNK/THF - THF/MNK - THF/NIN - BRD/WHM .. i will be playing all these jobs because at higher lvls there very much wanted . . the MNK will be my fun when i dont feel like playin THF or BLK job ^^smOkt-unicorn server
65Carpenter ~ 74Angler ~ 52Chef ~ 51Chemist ~ 34Metalworking ~ 64ClotheWeaver
AF: 6/6 - Complete - - Charm Gear! - - Fight Gear!
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Every job has a 'harder time' getting parties after 30. For every level you gain, there are less and less people to get a party with. The nice thing about getting this high (especially after level 35) is you can usually just go about your business anywhere in Vanadiel and get a PT invite.Vargas 75 MNK - Ragnarok (Retired)
Varg MNK - Ragnarok (Remade)
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Heh, after 90 minutes of waiting for a group in Jeuno tonight, I get an invite from a forming group...get this, they were 2 whm / 1 blm and trying to find melee. ^^ We eventually got a warrior and ANOTHER whm (the warrior's friend) to join, and, interestingly enough, the party actually did pretty well.
All in all I made out with 10k xp in 5 hours, that 5 hours including 2 partial wipes and one full wipe, which isn't bad, that's about 2.5k/hour of actually fighting (when nothing was going wrong).
5 levels to raging fists....I'm starting to get excited.
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Hey i am a monk lvl 37 elvaan i got for now +9 str which is +13 or +14 when i eat mithkabob(always in pt) and i got +10 in dex.
I am looking forward to buy the tropical punch those are only 10 k: dmg+1 delay+0 accuracy+10 do you think it is a good choice?
4 more lvl to go to lvl 41
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i don't mean to scare u guys, but life becomes really tough onto us, mnk's, in 50's. i once waited for 5 days, yes, days, 5 hrs each day for a total of 25 hrs to get invited into a party. that was when i was lvl 53 mnk.
drg learns Penta Thrust at 49, and so does war at 51. war learns Rampage at 55. mnk? Raging Fists all the way up to 60... and where does Raging Fists fit in when it comes to renkei? no where. coz thf finishes w/ Viper Bite, and Raging Fists just doesn't chain.
the only time in 50's when mnk's become wanted would be 54-56 if party decides to kill skeletons in Eldieme, but that's pretty much it.
good luck. :sweat:
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i'm also 32 mnk gonna try to get 33 in kazham then see how it goes in garliage...
kinda getting scared about the whole findin pt's past 30 deal but if it gets too bad i'll just gil farm days on end untill i have good enuff gear to make me desirable...
i know mnk ain't the best for finding a pt, but i also realized that the ultimate payoff is a killer dmg dealer, that's also very good solo wise so ima try to stick with it to the end
main problem? i gotta go back to valk and lvl my war again
75MNK, 62BRD , 37WAR , 37THF, 37WHM
Full AF "Paragon of Monk Excellence"
Genkei 5 Completed
Rank 10 San, Rank 8 Windy, Rank1 Bastok
Zilart and CoP Missions Complete
93 Merrits, slacking need to work on that..
Shura Haidate +1, body and head.
Faith Torque, Black Belt , 3/5 Tu'lia Set, 4/5 AF2, 1/5 AF+1
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Mithrael: You're thinking of Roast Pipira (+3DEX, +...16% attack? Something like that). Runs about 9k a stack on Fairy, sigh...
For the boots, I'd suggest the Fuma Kyahan at 39. Until then, nothing else really sticks out.Saionji
36 MNK / 20 DRK / 10 RDM / 8 BLM / 8 PLD / 8 THF / 7 WAR / 1 NIN
Shinobi Order
Fairy Server
(Come check out our quest guide! Most San d'Orian and Bastokan quests up so far!)
Portrait of a Mastermind
"The only rule of survival is to think only of oneself." - Ziggy, Xenosaga, Episode 1: Der Wille zur Macht
You represent...hope.
You're quite a daydreamer and can be a hopeless romantic. You enjoy being creative and don't mind being alone at times.
You have goals, and know what you want in life...even if they are a little far fetched.
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The server I was previously on..has 1600 users, and only...
2 monks out of 1600 users. Both were 33 and 34. That is scary. Everyone else were in thier late 50s according to the search thing.(This was not on Fairy, but another server..)Elathia :: Hume :: Female :: San d'Oria rank 7 :: WHM70 | BLM52 | RDM24 | THF15 >> Cerberus //Retired
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Finding a group isn't too hard 30+ I passed out last night after going out and getting drunk.....and of course for some reason I logged on before passing out. Got about 5 tells for PT and 1 for BCNM from my BCNM group. It might depend on server too.
(P.S.- The person that took my place in BCNM 40 got Erase, somebody slap me.)75Mnk/37thf/38war/32whm Retired
"We live in a world where the great cats, the great apes, the wolves, the bears, and all the other creatures of nature "humanity" all shame humanity.
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Right now im lvl 32 and i am having the worst time finding a party. I went to both kahzam and garliage for this and when i got to yhoater, i was the only lvl 32 there and as for garliage, i joined a pt that had 2 successful kills in 1 hour. Sigh..... times like this makes me feel i should have became a mage.Kiss your girl before the fade of an illusion.....
I live my live in an evolution
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ok i just posted on banging my head thread but what the hell.
im a 32 mnk/sam right now...and it is next to impossible to find a party on my server with NA players...they will always choose a drk or sam over me..i wonder y that is? all the times ive partied with either of these jobs ive done the same if not more damage than both. i think ppl on my server see drk or sam and go "ooh extra job...get them" which is BS! my mnk has been at 32 for 2 or more weeks now (long enough for me to lvl sam and nin to 21 and 16 and rng to 12 in my spare time after waiting for 2-3 hours or more it gets a little frustrating...i hope u all dont have as bad of luck as im having
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