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What stats for Monk.

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  • What stats for Monk.

    Hi, I'm going to be a Monk as my Main job. What stats should I focus for on monk. I am going to be a Damage Dealer so what stats would increase hit chance, faster hits, better damage?
    "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

    -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

    "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee

  • #2
    If you're elvaan, dexterity
    If you're mithra, strength

    pretty much ignore vit/agi if you don't have a warrior subjob to provoke.


    • #3
      What if I'm a Human and I'm subbing theif?
      "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

      -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

      "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee


      • #4
        strength/attack should always be foremost w/ a monk dex/acc seccond to that. this is the same for pretty much any race stat diffs arent that significant although mithras will want to invest less into +dex/acc.

        To do this always go w/ the higher +stat bonus equips once your past 30 unless the added def is very significant and the +stats are very small, also as often as possible have meat mithkabobs or other +str/atk foods on hand while lvling. lastly be sure to always keep your weapons upto date. my suggestions for this are...

        -cat bagh naghs - 1
        -bronze knucles - 5
        -brass knuckles - 9
        -bastok kuckles - 10
        -tropical punches - 10(w/ enough gil)
        -brass bagh nagh - 12
        -strike bagh nagh - 14
        -cougar bagh nagh - 20
        -lynx bagh nagh - 24
        -claws - 30
        -impact kuckles - 32
        -mithril knucks - 38
        -mithril claws - 41
        -windurst hooks - 49
        -cross counters - 50 (w/ enough gil)

        of course all this is dependent on your cash flow you can cut out the ones w/ in a few lvls of another if need be

        Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
        Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


        • #5
          Thank you for your help guys, and Spuncan ty for the information it helped.
          "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

          -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

          "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee


          • #6
            cougar bagh nagh - 20
            -lynx bagh nagh - 24

            i would have to disagree on you with getting the lynx. they both do damage +6... while the lynx has delay of 30, cougars have a delay of 48. not a huge difference. on top of that, the cougars do addition ice damage plus gives you ice resistance(i think +3). i would suggest keeping the cougars insead of getting the lynx.


            • #7
              Alright I will try that thank you T.
              "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

              -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

              "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee


              • #8
                well either u'll be using same thing till 40 any posible adv can help.. hrm.. i guess +ice would help vs ice spikes mot really that useful

                Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
                Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


                • #9
                  The fact is that Cougar has the same DMG rating than Lynx, but adds Ice Effect to attack... and has half the delay.

                  Which one do you think is better? =\
                  MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

                  Current Funds: 1,300,000


                  • #10
                    cougars are slower than lynx, and i the ice effect went off maybe once per battle for me.

                    I just sold them and bought lynx, im sure the .2 seconds was better than the occasional 5points of ice damage i was getting.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, It is the other way around.

                      Lynx = faster
                      Cougar = Ice Spikes Damage Effect

                      Lynx are all around better (sorry, didn't bother to check, just went on memory - which, I admit, is not very good early in the morning)
                      MNK: 31 RNG:70 WAR:35 SAM:10 NIN:35

                      Current Funds: 1,300,000


                      • #12
                        Hmm I got an idea I'll just buy both! Thanks for the help my fellow comrades.
                        "The Code of Honor is the only code I follow."

                        -Katsuchiyo-(1,000 vitories to come.)

                        "Knowing is not enough you must apply, Applying is not enough you must Do." -Bruce Lee

