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Monk dmg compared to DRG/DRK/RNG

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  • Monk dmg compared to DRG/DRK/RNG

    Ok, from what i see on this forums I see that RNG, DRk, and DRG are considered damage dealers but what about Monk?

    Im not talkin about low levels.. more like levels up to 40-70.

    I used to be a MNK but now im playing DRG. Needless to say each jobs are fun.

    But im wondering why MNK arent up there with the damage dealers?

    (Sorry if this was posted in another topic but i cant seem to find any info of this in here)

  • #2
    Well.... It all comes down to weapon skills I suppose.

    Rangers, will probably always be on top no matter what (plainly do to costs..).

    Drk and Drg probably won't be always on top tho...

    The thing is with MMORPG's, jobs/classes are always an update/expansion away from being drasticly changed. So you never know...


    • #3
      in this forum, it seems that ppl r so underestimating mnk's damage. in one of the threads i posted, ppl were like "DRG rulez!!!" or "what r u talking about? DRK is THE one!!!" but pretty much nobody mentioned about mnk. (i wouldn't post a link on purpose coz it's just not worth seeing it. ppl r so biased and many of the comments don't make sense anyways.)

      i posted saying that in the test conducted by the japanese players (lvl 65, when 65 was at the cap) mnk scored the top in the total melee damage (excluding rng), counting all the ws' but excluding the renkei damage. and one of them replied saying "he's got no data to prove it." well, that was true, but it was only because the data was too old to trace back, and once i saw that reply, i stopped posting in that thread since i felt posting there wouldn't lead anywhere.

      well, sorry i'm complaining, but the point is, mnk for sure is one of the top damage dealers. some ppl, if not many, go crazy seeing the damage by drk's scythe doing 150 or so per hit, or drg's pole arm doing 130, while mnk's damage shown in the log window is that of one hand, and we hit twice. i'd think that's actually a reason why ppl underestimate mnk; lower damage they see in the log, which if simply doubled could almost equal that of other classes. and we benefit from lower delay thanks to martial arts.


      • #4
        I'm normally a lvl 20 WAR right now, but I sub my MNK job. From level 1 on up as long as I've been a WAR, I've found very few fights where I could win while playing solo if the opponent was evenly matched or tough. When I go out with MNK as my main job to level it up playing solo, however, I've found that I have been able to easily beat some of my "tough" opponents. I haven't yet gotten my adv jobs and haven't played as DRG/DRK/RNG yet, but MNK can definitely deal some damage.
        Kurgan @ Ramuh
        NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
        TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
        Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
        On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
        Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27


        • #5
          If you ever played FF I or even some of the D&D games you'll know monks are pretty sad to start off with. But we get a lot better as we go. The stacked Martial Arts bonuses helps a lot not to mention the other abilities we get kicking at 51 and double attack at 50 (with war sub). We also have some pimp gear just for us to use. Feels like i'm on hundred fist when i attack sometimes :sweat:
          Monks have no trouble keeping up in damage imho. Drk's and Drg's all have liabilities which make them a bad choice sometimes. Drk's use things like souleater which draws crazy agro and takes health away from them each swing. Monster AoE skills kill a wyvern damn quick which gimps a Drg not to mention their awesome ws PentaThrust doesn't link well in renkei's. Monk's more stable our ws's are spread out all over the table and we can link with pretty much anything.
          Retired ;(


          • #6
            To me monks have the ability to be one of the best tanks AND one of the best damage dealers. At lvl 25 I've got a ton of +atk items (a total of +14 attack) I am almost always the main damage dealer of my groups in qufim.

            You can get items to buff your DEF more and be a tank or buff your accuracy/attack and be a damage dealer. With monk getting counter/evasion AND gaurd. That's 3 defensive skills. Not too shabby


            • #7
              A monk cannot tank later on, so I'd stick to offensive type equipment. Even in a pinch you will go down fast at the later levels. From what I hear, a MNK outdamages a DRK after lvl 60. I know in experience groups I equal or beat a DRK most of the time in damage, not to mention I gain TP twice as fast.

              Monks still seem to be misunderstood by North Americans so it is difficult to find groups as one. Hopefully this will change as people see what we have to offer.

              54 Monk


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gin
                A monk cannot tank later on, so I'd stick to offensive type equipment. Even in a pinch you will go down fast at the later levels. From what I hear, a MNK outdamages a DRK after lvl 60. I know in experience groups I equal or beat a DRK most of the time in damage, not to mention I gain TP twice as fast.

                Monks still seem to be misunderstood by North Americans so it is difficult to find groups as one. Hopefully this will change as people see what we have to offer.

                54 Monk
                Thanks for the info. Ive been looking for a higher lvl monk to get their opinion on the tanking thing. I think eventually i might go MNK/SAM and just be an offensive machine. Do you see many of that kind of thing at your level?


                • #9
                  not sure if any of u know about the new 250 mnk ws but its an 8 hit combo which i think should put mnk above drk and drg but no idea about rng was told even without that ws later on mnks beat drk and drg but u would need to ask some1 who is higher lvl and mnks rule btw


                  • #10
                    not sure if any of u know about the new 250 mnk ws but its an 8 hit combo which i think should put mnk above drk and drg but no idea about rng was told even without that ws later on mnks beat drk and drg but u would need to ask some1 who is higher lvl and mnks rule btw


                    • #11
                      doh sorry about double post there internet going really slow and clicked to many times i think lol :sweat:

