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What weapon? Knuckles or others?

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  • What weapon? Knuckles or others?

    Im looking at all the possible weapons a monk can use. and im new like really new. so i wanted to know. does it matter if i use 1 style of weapon (such as Knuckle, Claw, Cestis) like do i get bonuses or certain skills by using certain styles of weapon. if this is so which would be the best to keep using? i was thinking about getting a cestis first then using Knuckles from then on.


    Props to my peeps over at for making this!

  • #2
    Delay doesn't really matter, so go with the highest damage and special effects over shorter delay.
    The best H2H advice one can give, really.
    Rude, but not wrong. ;x
    Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
    'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
    'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
    Private First Class
    Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
    Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
    "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


    • #3
      The only time delay makes a significant difference when doing a direct comparison of Ši“¬ to Ši“¬ is when it is half or lower of the other's delay...
      Otherwise, Lone is right...stick with the higher D+ rating...

      Of course, you won't see much with really high delays until you start using ƒpƒ^s (I think they're called 'Hooks' in NA)...
      Or the Giddeus BC60 Spartan Cestus (has delay of +120)

      Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


      • #4
        just to give u some idea, here's the list of h2h weapons i've used up to the current lvl;

        lvl 1 - Cat Baghnakhs
        lvl 9 - Brass Knuckles
        lvl 10 - Lgn. Knuckles
        lvl 12 - Burning Cesti
        lvl 14 - Strike Baghnakhs
        lvl 20 - Cougar Baghnakhs
        lvl 24 - Lynx Baghnakhs
        lvl 32 - Impact Knuckles
        lvl 41 - Mythril Claws
        lvl 48 - Patas
        lvl 50 - Tct. Mag. Hooks
        lvl 56 - Bone Patas +1
        lvl 58 - Spartan Cesti

        i now use Bone Patas +1 rather than Spartan Cesti, just because of its too long delay. i'm an elvaan, so i do miss quite often as compared to other races, and using a weapon w/ long delay kills me...

        just note, this is just a path that i took. of course u r free to choose whatever the weapons u think r fit. also, at my lvl, some people prefer Cermet Claws +1, due to its much lower delay.

        btw, if u can manage to get Cross-Counters, equippable at lvl 50, u r pretty much set until lvl 70, or even beyond. not to mention it's a highly-rare drop item from the NM that spawns only every 24 hrs, and costs like 1.5 million in my server...


        • #5
          anybody know where i can find the strike baghnakhs??? I know i get it from an orc in ghelsba but i dont know its name and location.

          thanks in adv.


          • #6
            cross-counters cost 3 million gil in my server.. i was wondering what is the suggested lvl of PT to kill the NM that drops it?

