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  • ???/mnk

    What's the best Main job that is Supported by MNK?
    Sort of a inverted question.

  • #2
    I'm no expert but I'm gonna sub monk with dragoon. Why? 1) Because they both are awesome! 2) Because they are both damage dealers and a damage dealer+ a damage dealer=DAMAGE!!!!!!! 3) Monk gives HP and VIT bonuses to help the Dragoon with his DEF problem!
    Destiny is calling...will I be able to answer?


    • #3
      MNK sub is pretty useful for all melee at lower levels, but once you get to about the 40+ zone, you might want to weigh your other options as most other jobs have more useful abilities...

      2) Because they are both damage dealers and a damage dealer+ a damage dealer=DAMAGE!!!!!!!
      Not always...
      MNK damage is variable moreso on the rate of his attack and enemy vulnerability to Ši“¬, not so much raw power (of course, having a MIT MNK, STR isn't my strong point so I had to find ways around it, GAL MNK still = pwnage)...there are better subs out there if you want to dish out dmg, though at ower levels, it will suffice.

      Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool

