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Questions About Monks

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  • Questions About Monks

    I want to play either a Elvaan or Mithra Monk|Warrior but peopel say that monks at higher lvls are not all that good. they baically said they suck. so i got a few questions

    how do monks defense afffect them (as in how long can they last in battle) and with the addition of higher HP, does that compensate for monks defense

    how much does beserk lower your defense and raise your attack

    how much does defender raise your defender and lower your attack

    at higher lvls do monks get groups easily

    on the damage ranking where are monks at, i know rangers do the most damage then dark knights, but where are monks

    are monks as bad as people say they are

    how fun are monks to play

    what is their role in a group

    how good can monks tank

    what is the attack interval of the average monk

    is a monk a good choice for a main class at higher lvls or not

  • #2
    A Monk's strength in the high-end game is the ability to consistantly, continually, without interruption, output good damage.

    Consider, for example, the active abilities of the Monk. You have the ability to make a powerful opening strike (Boost), to counter Evasion Down or make yourself more difficult to hit (Dodge), to counter Accuracy Down or hit targets with high evasion (Focus), to pull from a distance (Ki Projectile), to self-heal slightly (Chakra), and to increase your damage output even more when you have agro, through Counters (Alarm).

    Now we can get into the passive abilities: you're better with HtH than anyone else (and faster), you have those nice HP boosts, and later on you get an additional randomized strike (Kick).

    Other jobs cannot counter being debuffed nearly so well in an immediate situation, nor can they survive quite so well if things take a turn for the worse.

    Subjobs add another layer of complexity, but in the end it's all about complementing your primary abilities.


    • #3
      ok, let me answer one of the questions;

      "at higher lvls do monks get groups easily"

      from 50-59, the time is tough onto us... but for 41-late 40's, as well as 60-, things greatly change.

      the reason is simple; rangeki ws that mnk learns at lvl 41 is the strongest ws at that lvl, and that fact will get u invites. but as u reach late 40's, especially 49, drg then start to use pentathrust, and other jobs follow w/ strong ws'. and since rangeki have less renkei choice, mnk start to get a lot less invites... i once had to wait like 5 days (yes, days, not hours) to get invites... condition was this; i waited up to 3 hrs everyday, and after 3 hrs, and changed to other jobs to play in parties...

      but as u reach lvl 60, things again change. kumei->dancing edge renkei is very strong, and due to the fact that a lot of mnk's quit in 50's because of the very low invite rate, 60+ mnk's population is very small. so when leaders know how strong mnk can be, mnk will get invites. but unfortunately, because many haven't made a party w/ mnk in their 50's, they tend to forget about us... and when that unfortunate factor comes across, we get ignored...

      remember, as Arctyc says, mnk's normal attack is really strong and reliable. it is so sad that not many ppl realize this, but mnk is really strong.

      finally, when we fight skeletons, mnk is a must-have. in late 60's, we go hunt skeletons, and in that party, there usually r 2 mnk's. u won't believe how strong mnk can be against skeletons.

