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Monk Tank?

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  • Monk Tank?

    Alright, heres my situation. I'm a Galkan 17th level Warrior/16th level Monk looking at getting my subjob tonight. I dont group, but I have a partner who is a TaruTaru 18th Blk mage/9th Wht mage. We always hunt together. Now we have been partied as a Warrior/Blk mage combo and have been kicking ass. We can take out toughs all day long with me tanking (not doing much dmg) and him blasting the crap out of them. We end our fights with low hps and mps and rest after each battle. Not as efficient as a group, but very steady and fun and without the hassles that groups bring.

    My question is this. My monk is awsome. He hits really hard, has a ton of hps and his TP moves are wicked. I solod him to 16th without breaking a sweat. I love playing him. I perfer him to my warrior. Now that I am getting my subjob, do you think I could switch my job to Monk/Warrior and still effectively tank? I know I wouldnt be as good as my warrior, but my warrior also does hardly any dmg (7-14 per hit with 1h sword and shield). I'm wondering if the trade off between getting hit more but doing alot more dmg would even him out.

    I will defintely keep my gear maxed out, I use Vit enchancing food and I keep potions, remedys and antidotes on hand.

    I actually see myself as being able to keep hate alot more effectively as well being a monk/warrior because of my increased dmg.

    I know everyone says Monks cant tank, but I'm wondering if that applies more to large groups who are pulling multiples without rest and fighting harder mobs.

    Can anyone offer any advice please?

  • #2
    Well you say you can do decent damage with the grapples so why not use grapples with your warrior? You get decent armor and def bonuses from having warrior as your main... not to mention you are gonna be a more effective tank that way... (You also get berzerk @15 and defender + double attack @ 25)

    And yes you won't be doing the exact same damage as having you monk as main... but its pretty close... And once you start tanking those Incredably toughs your gonna need all the def bonuses you can get...

    Hope this helps...
    Avenger~ Fighting the Future to Avenge the Past
    Dark Knight~ I'm taking a break from FFXI for now...

    Rank 4 San d'Oria
    Drk: 38 | War: 29 | Thf: 25 | Mnk: 10 | Rdm: 9| Whm: 7 | Pld: 5
    Attained~ Dark Knight, Paladin, Ranger, Samurai


    • #3
      Your monk will be able to tank fine until about lv.30. Warrior and Monk are near identical up until then if you have nice and current armor. However, at lv.30, you have little in the way of high-defense armor, and all of the warriors will be sporting their shiny new Bastok CP armor. Your VIT and HP will remain high, but you'll notice for each level you gain, you'll take more and more damage comparitively to warriors. By lv.30, it will be an awfully tough battle for a MNK/WAR and a BLM/WHM to duo on Tough mobs. YOu'll survive, maybe... but the downtime will be abysmal, as you'll have ~800 hp to heal after every battle, and he'll have ~400mp to heal

      As far as 2-man groups go, there are a few 2-man groups that can hang pretty well. I used to have great fun duoing with another player, we played as DRK/WHM & DRG/PLD. We had enough mana to keep eachother alive and could chain 2 vt's or 3-4 t's. It was a lot of fun, if not the 3k exp that people are getting. But really, a good party can be very satisfying. If you are hanging out with a black mage, there is no reason you can't have a great group everytime you play. Just do the inviting yourself. If someone isn't working out, ask them to leave.


      • #4
        i agree mnk is not really a tank job though it can do in a pinch

        the reason i subed war was for provoke so i could pull the mobs off of mages. i was in a fue to many partys where the provokers where not doing there jobs. now with dodge and focus combined with my 612 hp (i love being galkan) i can pull the heat off the tanks long enough for the healers to really go to work on them. i can pull decently not great but thats what a good thf is for. I have come to realize that my role in the party is to do damage and distract.
        you might be a king or a little street sweeper, sooner or later you dance with the reaper.

        Rank 5 San'dorian
        current job
        Drk 54
        other jobs
        mnk 30, war 30, thf 22, bst 18, whm 10, rng 7, drg 6, smn 8

        Genki 1 & 2 Shatered

        drk af 1 & 2 complete


        • #5
          well here's an interesting story... leveling kazham at 28ish... i was keeping hate from my damage alone off two plds... until they acutally voked 'cause a blm got hate... and the plds were curing me (whenever i actually got hit) i just found it amusing... then again i had str+10 i think from food and equip... plus was boosting constantly while waiting on a pull... and after 30 it was amusing 'cause it kept happening since i had berserk (mind you after prot2 i just barely kept my default defense... >.<

