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Pros and Cons of playing a Monk

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  • #16
    sacto, I agree with everything you said =)

    However, the point is that Monks are *FAR* from the kings of soloing... they are hardly better than any other class in terms of soloing (with a few exceptions like WHM of course).

    For one, even my PLD can solo far more effectively than a MNK of similar level. I can solo easy preys/decent challenges (at level 30 I could solo wights and giants in qufim), and also I have a ton less downtime than a monk due to my better cures and more MP. I think a DRK would be able to solo quite well too thanks to good armor (they actually have same armor as PLD even at level 40-50, they just wouldn't use shields) as long as they don't berserk/lastresort/darkness or what not. Use Drain and Aspir occasionally and they would have overall less downtime than a MNK. Obviously BST is the 'King of Soloing' and RDM is probably a distant 2nd.

    I as well like to solo now and then just to get away from it all. In these times, I usually sub THF and go somewhere with easy prey beastmen. There are several advantages to this = gilfarming (usually 50+ gil each), you get all the drops, you get crystals and a little CP, and the added XP is just a bonus. For instance, I was wandering around Giddeus, Ghelsba, Pal mines, Valkurm, and Mhaura when I was level 30. I didn't even mean to gain any xp (just checking out how the gilfarming was in certain areas) and I got a couple thousand XP in a day. No where near as good as a PT, but then again, I made a ton of money =)

    MNK wouldn't be as good at this as PLD or RDM, since they would have to sub a WHM or RDM just to reduce downtime, meaning they won't have treasure hunter and gilfinder =\
    I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.


    • #17
      Good post.

      My monk still looks way cooler than any paladin though :-)

      *punch punch punch*


      • #18
        Bah, but you're galka!! (so am I, so no 'racism' here )

        I think taru MNKs look the best, because they remind me of mandragoras. Come on, Tom Tit Tat should be your hero!
        I believe in karma. Anyone I treat badly probably deserved it.

