How does the level 25 war ability (double attack) affect a monk if a monk takes war as a sub class? - Figure a level 51 monk / 25 war.
Monks already hit twice (once with each fist), but is this considered a single attack?
Would having the war's double attack ability mean that the monk would stand a chance of hitting 4 times rather than 2? Or would it mean the Monk would stand a chance at hitting a 2nd time with just one fist, for a total of 3 possible hits? Or is Double Attack completly ignored because the monk is already getting his "double attack" naturally as a monk?
oh... just an extra question
Anyone know how often this double attack actually happens? If its like once per fight, its really not worth worrying about I guess.
Monks already hit twice (once with each fist), but is this considered a single attack?
Would having the war's double attack ability mean that the monk would stand a chance of hitting 4 times rather than 2? Or would it mean the Monk would stand a chance at hitting a 2nd time with just one fist, for a total of 3 possible hits? Or is Double Attack completly ignored because the monk is already getting his "double attack" naturally as a monk?
oh... just an extra question
Anyone know how often this double attack actually happens? If its like once per fight, its really not worth worrying about I guess.