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What's better for a Monk? *Stat and weapon comparison*

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  • What's better for a Monk? *Stat and weapon comparison*

    I have a few questions for those who are more experienced in being a Monk. I'm sure others have the same questions so this thread will benefit all.

    1. What is better, high damage / high delay or low damage / low delay? I'm talking for a true Monk, one who wants to beat the crap out of a mob and do it fast. Not one of those heroic tank type Monks. I play a Taru Taru Monk so even if I wanted to I couldn't tank for my life. *Hey I think I made a pun* I want to create the most amount of damage at the shortest amount of time. I'm currently lvl 9 and I have a choice of the following weapons, someone please help me pick:

    Keep in mind, lvl 9 Taru Monk who wants to create the most damage in the fastest time.

    Brass Bag : DMG 4 DLY 60 ACC 0 ATK 0
    Leg Knuckles: DMG 4 DLY 96 ACC 2 ATK 3
    Royal Cesti : DMG 2 DLY 43 ACC 3 ATK 0
    Brass Knucks: DMG 4 DLY 96 ACC 2 ATK 0
    Burning Cest: DMG 3 DLY 40 ACC 3 ATK 0 (Chance of Fire damage)

    Please list what you think is best from 1 and down, incase one from the list is missing or too expensive at the auction house.

    Looking at the list, what does attack do? You hit faster or for more? As for accuracy, is it even noticable or make a difference to a weapon with no accuracy? Does a delay of 36 really make that much of a difference?

    2. Also, what stat is better? VIT or Evasion? There is a head item for my lvl that has 2 vit and one with 5 evasion, being a Taru Monk I want to avoid getting hit but also want to have alot of hp incase I do. Now the debate is will the 5 evasion help me avoid being hit or when fighting incredibly tough mobs or higher it isn't avoidable and I should get the vit to improve my hp so when I do get hit I don't fall over. Also will it be like Everquest where in the high end game, monsters will have AE's and having a high evasion will do jack?

    3. And finally a question that has been asked many times but the people asking it were always looking for something different in a character then I and maybe we can get a thread going that finally answers it. What is a better combo, Monk/??? ? I'm talking, again, for pure damage output, fast. I'm hearing Monk/Thief is the best but Mnk/Sam comes close. Also, if Mnk/Thf is the best, will Thf/Mnk be better or is chi blast and the other monk skills better then the theives?

    I know this is a rather long post and alot to ask for but in reference to just number 1, how many threads not only in this forum but many other Monks ones do you see topics asking which weapon is better, does delay make a big difference, burning cest or brass bag, etc. Thanks to anyone who reads this and a big thanks to anyone who responds. :-p

  • #2
    Re: What's better for a Monk? *Stat and weapon comparison*

    Originally posted by Felipewcw
    Keep in mind, lvl 9 Taru Monk who wants to create the most damage in the fastest time.
    getting off to a bad start ey?


    • #3
      As far as the headgear goes, I would go for more VIT at early stages at least. You will need all the defense you can muster because even with +evasion equipment you still won't dodge that often.

      For your other questions, I'm going to be startign a new thread soon on that same topic. Look for it!


