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New Monk....

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  • New Monk....

    Hi I am a new monk. Lvl 10 now. After playing a few days I just have a few questions. I am sure they are repeat and sorry in advance:

    1. Sub jobs? Advanced jobs? I dont understand. Whats the difference. I want to be a samuri but I thought I had to be lvl 30 to do the quest or something. But I read somewhere else it is lvl 18? Once I become a samuri, do I get to use both job skills or will I have to go to my mog house and either choose Monk or Samuri? Can someone please just explain this to me?

    2. Boost..I have noticed no diference when I activate boost. Am I supposed to use this with another attack or something?

    I appreciate those who understand me and help me out

  • #2
    Can anyone help? Maybe a link to a place I can read about sub and advanced jobs?


    • #3
      lvl 18 is when you can do your subjob quest, thats where you unlock the ability to set a sub-job, (ex. 18war/9mnk) subjob is limited to 1/2 the level of your main job, even if you have it at a higher level than your main job, whenever its set to sub, it can only be 1/2 the lvl of your main job

      in the example above, you get all the benefits of a 18 warrior, plus any of the abilitys and stat boosts granted to a lvl 9 monk

      lvl 30 is when youll be able to unlocked the advanced jobs, which are any jobs that you dont start the game with (notice in your mog house there are alot of ????? options)
      the starting jobs are
      White Mage
      Black Mage
      Red Mage

      The advanced jobs that you can unlock at lvl 30+ are
      Dark Knight
      Beast Tamer

      also, in the case of h2h weapons boost doesnt just apply to the 1st hit, it applies to both hits since you attack with 2 weapons at once, but only equip them into one weapon slot

      it adds a % of your attack value for each boost, you will notice more and more as your overall attack rises the difference boost makes, boost is like a very short lived buff to your weapon skill (hand to hand) making it so that you can hit things that would usually be hard to hit, and hit for more damage (say you hit for 2 damage against a mob cuz it has really high defense, if you boost a couple times beforehand, you may hit it for 10 and 12, then next time w/o the boost youll hit it for 3 and 5

