Any one know a faster way to make gil? instead of auctioning off your old stuff, and selling your loot from battles?
Reason why is, im tryin to get better equipment fo rmy monk, i wanted the purple belt, that gives 8% of haste, and a stat boost in STR, which i am capable of equipping.
I look at it on the auction board, and it was priced at over 40K gil!!! Ya know, it really sucks to be a close to med-level, and very poor monk
Reason why is, im tryin to get better equipment fo rmy monk, i wanted the purple belt, that gives 8% of haste, and a stat boost in STR, which i am capable of equipping.
I look at it on the auction board, and it was priced at over 40K gil!!! Ya know, it really sucks to be a close to med-level, and very poor monk
