Well, an old friend told me of this game, and I gotta say I got hoooked right away. A danish store had imported it, so I ordered it, hopefully it'll be here tomorrow.
I am going monk, no doubt about it. I've read as many forums as I possibly could find, and downloaded around 600 MB of gameplay clips and other things.
I am going with the Galka race, why? They seem to be a powerfull, yet peacefull race that's had some bad luck in the past. An underdog race that most seem to dislike.
I might sub as warrior, if that's the best way to go from a physical damage aspect. I prefer a simple playstyle kind of char, pick an mob, punch it till it's dead.
Now, I won't go about asking people for info on the races, but I would like to know places where I can read/download/whatever info on the following.
1. The Galka race. Racial info, their history, the way the look, etc.
2. Galka Monk sites/stories/image galleries.
3. Gameplay movies featuring the Monk (To see how they perform in combat, etc).
Hope some of you feel up to dropping a few helpfull links. I have only really known about FFXI for 2 days, so what I have gathered by myself isn't much.
If anyone wants to talk about their experiences as a Monk (Perferably Galka, but not a demand), or show images and whatnot, feel free.
PS: This is my first post here, so be gentle :D
I am going monk, no doubt about it. I've read as many forums as I possibly could find, and downloaded around 600 MB of gameplay clips and other things.
I am going with the Galka race, why? They seem to be a powerfull, yet peacefull race that's had some bad luck in the past. An underdog race that most seem to dislike.
I might sub as warrior, if that's the best way to go from a physical damage aspect. I prefer a simple playstyle kind of char, pick an mob, punch it till it's dead.
Now, I won't go about asking people for info on the races, but I would like to know places where I can read/download/whatever info on the following.
1. The Galka race. Racial info, their history, the way the look, etc.
2. Galka Monk sites/stories/image galleries.
3. Gameplay movies featuring the Monk (To see how they perform in combat, etc).
Hope some of you feel up to dropping a few helpfull links. I have only really known about FFXI for 2 days, so what I have gathered by myself isn't much.
If anyone wants to talk about their experiences as a Monk (Perferably Galka, but not a demand), or show images and whatnot, feel free.
PS: This is my first post here, so be gentle :D