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Mad about Monks, gonna be one when I get my game :)

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  • Mad about Monks, gonna be one when I get my game :)

    Well, an old friend told me of this game, and I gotta say I got hoooked right away. A danish store had imported it, so I ordered it, hopefully it'll be here tomorrow.

    I am going monk, no doubt about it. I've read as many forums as I possibly could find, and downloaded around 600 MB of gameplay clips and other things.

    I am going with the Galka race, why? They seem to be a powerfull, yet peacefull race that's had some bad luck in the past. An underdog race that most seem to dislike.

    I might sub as warrior, if that's the best way to go from a physical damage aspect. I prefer a simple playstyle kind of char, pick an mob, punch it till it's dead.

    Now, I won't go about asking people for info on the races, but I would like to know places where I can read/download/whatever info on the following.

    1. The Galka race. Racial info, their history, the way the look, etc.
    2. Galka Monk sites/stories/image galleries.
    3. Gameplay movies featuring the Monk (To see how they perform in combat, etc).

    Hope some of you feel up to dropping a few helpfull links. I have only really known about FFXI for 2 days, so what I have gathered by myself isn't much.

    If anyone wants to talk about their experiences as a Monk (Perferably Galka, but not a demand), or show images and whatnot, feel free.

    PS: This is my first post here, so be gentle :D

  • #2
    hrm... good for u finally someone thats picking race based on what they like, not just stats (im guilty of this )
    lets see history, i forgot where they game from but they first arrived in Vana'Diel in the region of Kuzotz and built vast structures there, now ruled by the beastmen, the Anticans. Eventually they made their way to the Southern Quon continent near where Bastok is atm. at some point they waged a war w/ the Quadav which end w/ a truce i believe. Then the Elves arrived, quickly expanding their territory and took over much of the quon continent. some time later the Humes arrived near where the Galka were situated, while Im not sure whether or not the Galka were slavesd before this they were quickly put to use by the Humes to build their massive mines creating the backbone of Bastok, which in the end pushed San'D back. The Beastmen began to multiply in their size quickly making war on the Elves and Hume/Galka (the taru taru as well but they really dont interact w/ the Galka) Elves were spread out and quickly lost much of their territory cutting off the port towns of Selbina and Jueno (was just a fishing town atm) San'd shrank to the Ronafaure forests and at times had trouble holding that. Bastok, being much more tightly kept, and fortified in the mountains pushed the quadavs back to Pashlow which they had called home for a long time. Most recently Orcs have taken west ronafaure and set up camp in Ghelshba. While trying to establish some of the deeper regions of Palborough Quadavs attacked at killed many a Galka involved in mining. current day, many galka and hume protest the treatment of galka, and it has gotten better... some what, and quite a few people hope for change. hrm... famous galka Oggbi is a famous galka monk that u get your first few AF from, theres Zied a master Dark Knight, and Iron eater the first Galka Mithril Muskateer. prolly the best info for all this is the official site

    Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
    Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63

