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Sup Job?

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  • Sup Job?

    I was thinking of taking the " Monk " approach, i was gonna be eother one of the following

    Monk/Black Mage
    Monk/White Mage

    What one do u guys think would work out the best?
    "You are just a puppet... You have no heart...and cannot feel any pain..."

  • #2
    MNK/BLM bad
    MNK/WHM bad
    MNK/SMN possibly the worst combo possible

    Your best bets are to go with Warrior, dark knight, paladin, or samurai.

    Clothcraft 82+2


    • #3
      umm hrm outta tyhpse 3 id say mnk/whm wuld be best but only for soloing purposes from like 18-30, even then i think /war war will be better, plus u shouldnt solo much after 15. my recomendations are:
      mnk 18-30 sub war
      mnk 30-60 sub thf
      mnk 60-70+ sub sam
      its also good to lvl all 3 of those jobs all along because they each add different thing to your monk, useful at different time, plus u may be more acclimated to a backup tanker then a main damage dealer, or a renkain fool
      hrm... pld sub no real point for a mnk, u wont be able to backup tank yet ull have the def to do it, u dont need the hp, and ur mp will be very very low. dark knight... (waits for mithrael to come beat me up) the higher attack is nice, the black magic is a waste, and if u get hit ull definitley be feeling it, id put this as another main damage dealer w/ thf, ull do more damage then thief but ur healer will have to be working tons if u ever get agro

      Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
      Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


      • #4
        Don't mix the Magic Jobs & Melee Jobs together. Your advantages will be discounted, nor you don't get any advantages.


        • #5
          k im gonna go with MNK/SAM sounds fun
          "You are just a puppet... You have no heart...and cannot feel any pain..."

