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monk boost, doesnt help at all.. elaborate plz

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  • monk boost, doesnt help at all.. elaborate plz

    i got the ability boost, and i was very disapointed with it, considering the fact that it does absolutely nothing... am i doing something wrong? i casted it FOUR times on my guy, and my first attack was normal, and my second attack did a bit more, for example, 16 damage, then 18 damage.... whats with this? is boost just worthless, or am i doing something wrong?
    " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."

  • #2

    Boost is only for the first attack after you cast it.


    You are in a fight
    You Cast Boost
    Your next attack after that should do more damage
    after that it wears off
    wait 15 seconds, rinse repeat


    • #3
      i know that already, i was just trying to emphasize the worthlessness of the attack by saying that my SECOND attack dealt more damage then the first. the attack is worthless.
      and another thing, whats with the stuff that says "looks like a decent challenge" and yet it kicks my ass?
      " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."


      • #4
        wee more pwnage
        once again i request i big shiny button at the top of the forums that requests u top search b4 asking a question, i think thatd be much more effective then rules people will never read .
        (that sorta hinted that this has been answered b4 )
        on to my actual response...
        boost- well 1st of all boost is stackable i.e. use boost wait 15 secs repeat untill uve done it uhh 7 times .. then u have 15 seconds to engage and attack hit the enemy . each boost give +12.5%atk and after 7 ull notice it quite a bit, i recomend u use a weaponskill as ur 1st attack, preferably one where u hit only once so u maximize ur damage. as for why a decent would kick your ass, well 1st check is just a rough esitmate based on our level and the enemies lvl it doesnt take your job or equip into consideration. first each job has a enemy its best against, for example its skeletons for monks, ghosts for whm, etc... each job also has something it will damage very little, this happens to be crabs for monks (unfortunate because many of the common leveling paths involve crabs early on). an easy way to guess at if the enemy will be easy or tough for a monk is to look at it, if it appears to have a tough or thickskin it will most likely be tougher then something w/ a weak skin(how ya gonna punch through a crab shell lol) . on a side note the tougher the skin the higher def lower the attack so often things like skeles or yags will deal more damage but take more damage as well where crabs would deal less damage an take less damage, also abilities enemies have will be similar to their stregnths (magic casters use things to enhance magic, enemys w/ higher attack will do things to improve this and thing w/ high def will do the opposite). so overall ull have to have the very best of all the equips (of any job) and the very best job vs that enemy to be able to take it so while early on most all jobs will be able to take any even but as it goes on things will become increasingly tougher to the point that ull have a very tough time w/ easys making it so that it becomes near impossible solo for more exp then ina pt from 15 on and after 40 u have to be smart vs most easies.
        hope this helped
        -btw why u wouldn seen mucha a diff from 4 boosts at 5 w/ 4 boosts its u had like 20 atk so +2~ atk wont do much

        Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
        Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


        • #5
          absolutely no difference whatsoever... *IN FACT* i would say that boost makes my damage *WORSE* than it was before
          CONSIDERING THE FACT THAT THE FIRST ATTACK I DO AFTER BURST IS ********LESSSSSSS********** THEN THE SECOND ATTACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! EXAMPLE: i cant burst ***SEVEN**** times.... i attack a monster.... i deal **20** DAMAGE, then ******************** TWENTY FOUR ************************* DAMAGE... DOES THIS MAKE SENSE?!?!!?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!! THIS SKILL IS *WORTHLESSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*
          " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."


          • #6
            ok if ya had read my overly long and rather booring post u wuld understand why. boost give +12.5% to ur atk per boost. that will be very very low like +5 atk points max, damage, as far as i can tell, is spit out from whatever equation it uses as a min and a max attack is somewhere in this equation but is fairly small w/ bare hand damage, h2h skill, and +dmg from ur weapon in the equation too so any +atk at this point will do very little, and overall boost is essentially worthless until later levels when u have a higher attack.

            Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
            Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


            • #7
              my base atk is like 50... when i use boost 7 times, it goes to over 100, i still shouldent see any difference?
              " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."


              • #8
                idk umm maybe ur missing a 0 or something that really shuld do somethin

                Spuncan - Beta 41 mnk - rank 5 - Goldsmith 40
                Spuncan - Retail 73 mnk - rank 10 - Woodworking 63


                • #9
                  Attack is also only a part of the damage mitigation. If you are boosting your attack up to very high levels, the chance that that particular attack will miss are very slim. Look for other posts on the board as Spuncan hinted to see other uses of boost. Particularly Chi Blast.


                  • #10
                    i try time, and time again, and i see no difference whatsoever.. is it possible that my character is glitched and gains no damage with extra attack? i havent seen a damage difference since a long time ago....... this is extreamly frustrating
                    " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."


                    • #11
                      this just simply doesnt make sense to me... i often find that i do even LESS damage with boost on... someone PLEASE help me. i cant STAND this.
                      " The duber people think you are, the more suprsed they are going to be when you kill them."


                      • #12
                        Its what, a level 5 skill? What do you expect. It doesnt really affect damage all that much, but it does help a bit with accuracy. The attack after u use boost should almost always hit.. thats why most people only use it right before they use a weapon skill
                        I plan to live forever.. so far so good.

                        Celeras - Jack of all trades: Bold = Current main, Italics = Current Sub.
                        (HumeMale)-Blm60, Whm30, Pld54, War30, Drg16, Nin15, Thf14, Bst08, Smn03, Mnk07, Others < 2 --- Status - Need a break
                        Celeras - The Taru: (TaruMale)-Whm20, Blm20, Rdm15, Others 1 --- Status - Deleted
                        Celeras - The Original!!: (ElvaanMale)-Thf44, Rng30, War15, Others < 5 --- Status - Deleted


                        • #13
                          I never had a problem w/ boost. I'd run around, hit it 7 times and attack, usually my first attack would be around double the normal hit. It sucks that it's not working for you but it really is a decent skill


                          • #14
                            Yes, I agree... I keep boosting when the mages are resting for MPs, and the next attack does do over double damage. I agree that if you boost only once (say during battle), it won't help your damage much... From the look of it in fact, you lose damage (miss an attack for a boost), so unless you want the hate on you (as it acts as a miny taunt it seems), I'd suggest not using it during battles.
                            The sole thing that one possess throughout their entire life is hope.


                            • #15
                              Ok ok, I kept this thread in mind when I was playing this morning, and tested something out...

                              Before you boost, open your Equip menu and look at your Attack number.

                              Then close it out, run Boost, and then open it up again and look at the number.

                              Keep running it and then checking your Attack number again and again. Hell, make a macro so it keeps running Boost for you every 15 seconds and keep the Equip menu open... Notice anything interesting?

                              Another test I ran...

                              Don't boost at all, and go beat the hell out of an 'easy prey' mob. Keep an eye on your average damage dealt for your two punches (not just the first of your two, but BOTH punches) Say you maybe do 19 for the first punch and then 20 for your second.

                              Next find another 'easy prey' but Boost the shit out of your character before you go after it. Now look at the damage dealt on that first attack. NOTICE!!! When I say first attack, I don't mean first punch, I mean first TWO punches. I'm guessing this is because your two punches are considered one attack as a monk, so Boost covers them both. They'll both be significantly higher than the 19/20 that you did when you didn't boost. It's after that two-hand attack that your damage goes back to normal (the 19/20 average that you had before).
                              Alright.... who farted?

                              Obsydian: 47 THF/ 31 MNK/ 24 WAR/ 19 RNG/ 10 SAM/ 8 NIN
                              Anomalie: 24 GFR
                              Saetynn: 17 GFR
                              Jelloshot: 10 GFR

                              RSE - 4/4

                              NM Record (raredrop/enc):
                              Spiny Spipi - 2/3
                              Leaping Lizzy - 1/2

