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What stat is counter attack based on?

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  • What stat is counter attack based on?

    Wondering what stat counter attack is based on, I'm thinkin dex. Therefore I'm gonna make a mithra mnk/war sounds like the best combo. I also used a stat generated and the mithra seemed to be the best suited. I was also thinkin about sam as a sub job for more tp but from what i heard its not worth it. Well im out any input would be great. Thanks to all!!

  • #2
    Evasion, you can only Counter when you evade an attack (and it doesn't always happen.)

    Pretty sure evade is affected by agility.
    Rude, but not wrong. ;x
    Rank 10 Bastok, Rank 10 San d'Oria, Rank 10 Windurst
    'Rize of the Zilart' Missions: Completed
    'Chains of Promathia' Missions: Completed
    Treasures of Aht Urhgan Missions: #8
    Private First Class
    Purple: O | Brown: O | Black X ;-;
    Mee Deggi the Punisher: 1/1 (no help, no TH)
    "I Kill For Fun, Meng!!" - Tony


    • #3
      Actually, if you evade you do not counter. If you use Dodge (your increased evasion skill) your counter rate goes down. Also, i'm told if you use 3rd eye (i haven't leveled a sam sub so i can't confirm) you will not counter. Using Perfect Dodge yields no counters too. A counter is essentially absorbing the enemy's attack and turning it on them.

      I have been wondering this same question though... For some reason my Counter rate as a dark is a lot higher than as a monk... maybe it's just because I seldom get hit as a monk. But it seems like when i'm soloing as a dark i counter an insane amount (for lots of damage too).


      • #4
        Haha, and I've been using the evade ability to 'boost' my counter chances.....oh well . Good info^^
        Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
        Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


        • #5
          Counter is a passive ability that is triggered when the monster attacks but after evasion is calculated. If you evade the attack it will NOT be countered. Wen you do counter an attack it just says the mobs attack was countered by you and instead of the mob attaccking you you attack it. Interesting point you made about the DRK my broters 35 drk / 10 mnk countered more than my 20+ mnk

          hope that helps a bit
          How to speak San d'Orian

          Exp Chain:

          Slug Shot

          Alchemy 100, Woodworking 60, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 51, Bonecraft 50, Clothcraft 53, Cooking 50


          • #6
            interesting info about countering, i wonder if the weapon you are using effects counter rates. Because the only major difference between the DRK and the Monk is the weapon they use. Or the fact that your monk was using dodge and your DRK friend wasnt.


            • #7
              I dont know if the DRK *REALLY* countered more of the unevaded attacks but when my MNK countered it was for like 2x20 dmg (40) but when Crusher countered it was for 150+ sometimes..
              How to speak San d'Orian

              Exp Chain:

              Slug Shot

              Alchemy 100, Woodworking 60, Smithing 51, Goldsmithing 51, Bonecraft 50, Clothcraft 53, Cooking 50


              • #8
                the best thing i can figure so far is that maybe counter is based on your parry stat. I know that seems really off the wall, but i started to notice my counter chances increased as my parry skill went up. In the last couple days of beta, i leveled my DRK quite a bit (from lv.23-30). In that time, my parry skill increased 20+pts. of course, my parry skill only went up when i played dark knight (since i wasn't about to try and use a 1-hd or 2-hd staff in a party).

                All i can say is that i'm pretty certain that it's not evade, using dodge on my lv.30 dark knight made counter go away when i didn't use dodge, my dark countered about 1/10-1/20 of the time.


                • #9
                  From what I have seen it just happens randomly, its like warriors double attack, its a passive skill so its all random when it happens.


                  • #10
                    I love counter.

                    There is nothing more beautiful than landing both punches immediately after a successful counter.


                    Anyway...yes, counter happens pretty randomly. Yet, it seems that the higher your level, the greater the chances are of your character countering an attack.
                    All Nations: Rank 10
                    Rise of the Zilart: Complete
                    Chains of Promathia: Complete
                    75 BRD/75 WHM/75 BLM/75 MNK/75 RDM/57 DRK/40 THF/39 WAR/37 NIN & SMN/All the rest < 37

                    What to level next? (DRK!)


                    • #11
                      It's save many times when I solo
                      Blm.75 - Whm.56 - Mnk.58 - Rdm.48 - Nin.37 - War.37 - Drk.37

                      Merits - 98
                      Goldsmith - 85.2

