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  • #16
    ah!just wanted to help the i mean it wuld be stupid to go up to a japanese person and say..i feel ur chi, cause that's not the correct way to say energy..just like u wouldn't walk up to american's and much is pan...u wuld say bbread..if uhave common sense that a person might think u mean pans as in frying pans!
    If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
    fight for the city of Windurst.....
    You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
    This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

    I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


    • #17
      Calling someone who doesn't happen to study Japanese martial arts and energy in general a retard is pretty illogical, especially considering the way you type.

      Anyway, this just strengthens my desire to become a monk.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Kyoushu
        Calling someone who doesn't happen to study Japanese martial arts and energy in general a retard is pretty illogical, especially considering the way you type.
        My thoughts exactly. When you insult someone's intelligence, make sure you use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar unless you enjoy being hypocritical.

        And on another note, chi/ki is not only energy within. Those who study and use chi/ki in the east believe it is everywhere. If you're wondering how I know, I'm a martial artists and have been studying martial arts for many years now; both internal and external arts. Also, Webster defines mana as "the power of the elemental forces of nature embodied in an object or person."

        And, indeed, chakra is a term that originated in India. It refers to any one of the 7 centers in your body which store and produce energy (I believe they call their energy prana which is where I think the word mana came from). Each chakra is associated with a different system or organ (ie. nervous system, lungs, etc.). You meditate and open a chakra (or two, or three, etc.) and it's supposed to enhance or heal the systems or organs it's associated with. I forgot what's supposed to happen when all the chakras are opened or if it's ever been supposedly attained.

        Anyway. Ultimarenee, everyone is ignorant to something so grow up and stop acting like everyone should know everything and insulting their intelligence. Especially when you replace "you" with "u" and "people" with "ppl."
        "For a long time it gave me nightmares... witnessing an injustice like that... it's a constant reminder of just how unfair this world can be... I can still hear them taunting him... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... I mean, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GIVE HIM SOME CEREAL!?!" - Carlton Banks


        • #19
          In Star Wars they call it The Force.

          Use the Chakra Luke!


          • #20
            Monks are now scary since the changes. It used to be 15 minutes reuse time on Chakra and Square lowered it down to 5 minutes. So now I think monks will be a very nice class and could even solo into the higher levels if they plan their Chakra's right and watch their HP closely.


            • #21
              for one the belief of chi is inside and mana is with out ok...I know what i say...thank you..and ease up..i'm a little girl ok..n_n and i like to insult ppl....but sorry u_u if i hurt ur feeling...I'm gonna act more like starfire....cause people do not and should not act like the way i did before! :mad: and when i insult people i'll use as manee dam mistAkes I WANT too!and i'm not a martial artist...well i am but that's not how i know it...I believe in the paranormal...and no i do not see dead people or in my case ppl! I LOVE YA GENROU *bows him a kiss*...and why can't everyone know just about everything...I do! (no not personal things...I'm not a mindreader -_- i wish i was!*:angel:
              and also the force had nothing at al to do with chakra. U had the force mind trick which was telepathy
              the force which was telekinesis
              force lightning which is electro?kinesis...they had another name for this but i forgot!
              um what else force push pull same telekinesis lift also.... ah they all are just fancy names for the kinetic paranorma!
              well maybe some people believe chi exist in other things but i dunno why some ppl call it manna. cuz manna is magic so maybe some kids just make up stuff. hmmm *taps her chin!
              HEY JOIN TARU FORCE...its the same as the taru army onlything we're not gonna be centere don that disgrace of a Ragnork ( i bet no one's gonna join) *cries*
              If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
              fight for the city of Windurst.....
              You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
              This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

              I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


              • #22

                im not here to put anyone down or say that you're wrong. im here to tell you what i heard. i watched one of those Discovery Channel shows on kung-fu or soming and this guy used Chi for healing himself and others

                he would "focus his energy" into his hands and then "release" it into the person's body and they would feel much im pretty sure Chakra is the same as Chi/Ki/energy whatever you wanna call it. so im guessing that Chakra may be a form Chi thats used for healing.....
                This Message Will Blow Up In 5...4...3.......


                • #23
                  according to eastern medicine

                  chi (ki) is universal energy...

                  chakra is a personal center of chi, which may be released, channeled and otherwise manipulated by concentration...

                  one body may contain several chakras, but all are connected in the same chi...

                  Kynósoura :: 新しい犬星 :: The unfiltered meanderings of djplaeskool


                  • #24
                    Thanks for clearing that up!

                    At least I know what I'm talking about from now on. :D


                    • #25

                      Yes, that's how it works.


                      • #26
                        I see that poster a little 1 sided. I don't really care about the WTC/9-11 incident! I personally sorta enjoyed it. But back to the matters is. If ur a christian u don't believe in that stuff so why do u care what a chakra is.
                        P.s. there shulda been more death IMO!
                        Save your thooughts ok, i don't care what u say!
                        If ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
                        fight for the city of Windurst.....
                        You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
                        This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's

                        I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!


                        • #27
                          We don't care what you say either.


                          • #28
                            shut up. Nothing worse than a dumbass know-it-all Ult.

                            Thanks for the information on thread DJ.
                            63 dragoon , 31 white mage, 30 warrior, 13 monk, 10 samurai, 5 thief.

                            Proud to be Timeless / Lunarian / Ancient!
                            Shadowlords Behind sufficently Kicked!
                            Wyvern: Jessie the Cute


                            • #29
                              Since people really wanted to know about it, I'll clarify.

                              Chi is pyschic energy generated by the human body then directed. It's not chi until it is directed. I have seen martial artists do amazing things with it. A friend of mine with a large beer gut used to say that is where he stored his chi. Kinda funny but he would punch at a balloon, stop an inch short and the baloon would still pop.

                              To understand Chi we must look back to the very beginnings of Oriental Medicine to Taoism (pronounced: dow-ism), which means The Way. Taoism is the most influential root of Oriental Medicine. The ancient medicine people or Taoist's main focus was to observe the ways of the natural laws governing the universe as a method to understand the unseen inner world of our physical body.

                              One of the philosophical foundations upon which their medical theories was built recognized that everything in the universe is composed of two complementary yet opposing energetic forces known as Yin (female) and Yang (male). Yin the female principle is associated with water and represents the earth. Yang the male principle is associated with fire and represents heaven. Yin and Yang - female with male uniting the water energy of earth with the fire energy of heaven are the two primary forces responsible for all of creation. Together this energetic life force of Yin and Yang is known as Chi, which means Energy. Einstein's famous equation concludes that energy forms matter and when matter disperses it coverts back to energy so every particle of existence is made of energy (Chi) and explains all movement, changes and phenomena in our universe.

                              These ancient people believed that the same natural laws of Yin and Yang governing the universe had to influence human beings. We were not considered a separate entity; we were viewed as a miniature universe subjected to the very same universal laws. If Chi was the creating force of all visible components then they believed it had to be a factor behind our existence as well. Therefore, from Yin and Yang came the Five Elements of the universe. These Five Elements - Water, Wood, Fire, Earth, and Metal give birth to all things in creation, including human beings.

                              The human body as a miniature universe houses 12 energetic channels or pathways wherein Chi flows. These channels are known as meridians and control both our gross and subtle anatomy. Our gross anatomy is the form that we can see, whereas most individuals cannot see the subtle anatomy. This subtle energetic body represents the whole of which we are -- our body, mind, emotions, and spirit. Unlike the veins that our blood flows through meridian pathways also travel throughout the entire body, but rather than fluid they deal more with energy and states of consciousness. Each meridian is associated with one of the Five Elements and connects to a Yin or Yang organ of the physical body, which link our states of consciousness.

                              It is said that Chi applies to the human body in 2 ways; inherit Chi and acquired Chi. Inherit Chi is the energy we receive from our parents at the time of conception. Acquired Chi is the energy accumulated by the quality of life we choose to lead, the food and air ingested. It is believed that the major cause of all disease stems from a blockage of Chi circulation. Individuals become ill when either they cannot absorb enough Chi or the circulation in their body has become blocked.

                              Human beings cannot sustain a high quality of life by food and breathing alone. It is important to have a strong flow of Chi energy, as the most nutritious food would be of no use if our inner constitution were weak. In order to absorb and integrate the external universal energy we must learn to integrate and strengthen the fundamental life force within. Chi healing is an ongoing process of cultivating and strengthening the Yin (female) and Yang (male) within our being. Good health is learning to live and be in balance with the all aspects of our internal world - the body, mind, emotions and spirit so that we may be in balance and good relationship with all aspects of our external world.

                              Chakra points are a bit different. There are seven Chakra Points on the human body.

                              The chakras and Kundalini Yoga (a system of meditation based on balancing the chakra points) came to be an integral part of yoga philosophy in the non-dual Tantric tradition, which arose in the 7th century and espoused the belief that the mind and the body are intrinsically linked. This tradition advised being in the world rather than separate or transcendent from it, like many other Hindu and Buddhist traditions.

                              Most commonly, it is taught that the human body contains seven major psychic centers, five situated along the spine and two found within the head. These centers are called chakras or padmas. Chakra means "wheel," and padma means "Lotus." Essentially, a chakra is a whirling vortex of energy at the point where the mind and it’s physical manifestations meet.

                              It is believed by many that the point where each chakra is located corresponds with the points in the body where psychosomatic illness most commonly manifests and that many physical symptoms or illnesses are the result of unbalanced charkas. A pain in a specific area can indicate a difficulty in the corresponding part of your life or identity controlled by that chakra energy which must be addressed or cleansed through meditation before the pain will cease. For example, a woman with consistent sore throats may not be expressing herself and her opinions when she feels compelled to out of fear or hesitation. That fear must be faced and resolved and then the sore throats (a physical manifestation of a blockage of your communication chakra) will stop. Chakra's may also be generally cleaned or cleared using meditation focusing on the chakra points, the movement of hands over the chakra points or by placing healing crystals over the chakra points.

                              Although different schools teach different numbers of Chakra points, seven is the most common number.

                              The Chakra Points
                              Chakra Number: One
                              Name: Base Chakra
                              Location: Base of the Spine
                              Color: Red
                              Element: Earth
                              Association: Connection with the Earth, Security, Prosperity, General Health

                              Chakra Number: Two
                              Name: Groin Chakra
                              Location: Lower Stomach and Sexual Organs
                              Color: Orange
                              Element: Water
                              Association: Emotions, Sexuality, Movement, Change, Grace

                              Chakra Number: Three
                              Name: Power Chakra
                              Location: Solar Plexus/Upper Stomach
                              Color: Yellow
                              Element: Fire
                              Association: Will, Energy, Strength

                              Chakra Number: Four
                              Name: Heart Chakra
                              Location: Chest
                              Color: Green
                              Element: Air
                              Association: Love, Identity, Unity, Integration

                              Chakra Number: Five
                              Name: Throat Chakra
                              Location: Throat
                              Color: Blue
                              Element: Sound
                              Association: Communication, Creativity, Expression

                              Chakra Number: Six
                              Name: Brow Chakra (often called the third eye)
                              Location: Forehead
                              Color: Indigo
                              Element: Light
                              Association: Sight, Psychic Ability

                              Chakra Number: Seven
                              Name: Crown Chakra
                              Location: Top of Head
                              Color: Violet
                              Element: Thought
                              Association: Thought, Universal identity, Wisdom

                              Hope this isn't too much info. But some people may actually enjoy it.



                              • #30
                                <quote: If ur a christian u don't believe in that stuff so why do u care what a chakra is.>

                                Several aspects of this:

                                1) Yoga isn't a religion, it is philosophy. While it may have it's roots in other lands, it does not say anything at all against Christianity. We don't know entirely how the body works or acts. No matter what God you choose to believe in, we don't know exactly how the body and spirit are tied together. So... Chakra healing may be just as valid for Christians as any other religions.

                                2) ALL Christian seminaries teach other religions as well. For two reasons. A) There is wisdom to be found in most religions, regardless of your faith. B) By exploring what others believe and deciding for yourself what you believe, your own faith is made stronger.

                                When I was a kid, I was reading Johnathon Livingston Seagull at church during a break during a bible study week. This book really is about reincarnation. The Deacons in the church went ballistic. Asked me where I got such "trash". I got it from our preacher. It was a textbook for him when he was in the Seminary.

                                Light cannot enter a closed mind.

                                I worked as a paramedic on an ambulance for years. Ask any long term medic or ER doctor. There reaches a point where you KNOW someone is gone. When the lights may be on, but the house is empty. All the work in the world won't bring them back when you feel that emptiness.

                                What ties the spirit to the body? We don't know and there is no scientific documentation on this. One philosophy or belief has as much merit as any other, no matter what faith you follow.

                                I am not saying I believe in any of these philosophies. But they are interesting to examine and help shape my own beliefs.

                                PS. I was not at the 911 WTC trajedy. I WAS one of the medics pulling the corpses of children out of the Oklahoma City bombing.

                                This is not a place to flame people and so I will not state my true feelings. But I will say this. Someone who says they took pleasure out of that has no business telling Christians, or anyone, what they should believe.

                                Quote: For every infidel you show me who is not a christian, I'll show you a christian who is not a christian." (The court fool in Ivanhoe)

                                Tolerance, care, wisdom, and understanding may be found in ANY religion. Or it may be found missing among followers of any religion.

