Now, I could've swore that Monks used Chakra instead of MP, but what for and how? So far, the only Chakra I know of their Active Ability which heals them, but is there another Chakra that's used a different way? Also, what do they use MP for? This might have been a bug, but earlier today, my friend's Monk had about 6 or 8 MP at one time then, during a fight, it just vanished. He didn't use an ability or anything. It simply dropped to 0. Now was this a bug, or was it used for something?
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"For a long time it gave me nightmares... witnessing an injustice like that... it's a constant reminder of just how unfair this world can be... I can still hear them taunting him... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... I mean, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GIVE HIM SOME CEREAL!?!" - Carlton Banks -
from what i herd abour chakura is that it heals about 1/10 of your hp or something like that... and you can use it every 15 mins or something like that just look at the topic below that guy knows more...:sweat: and i dont think it uses tp.
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Yeah, I know about that Ability and only Weapon Abilities use TP. I'm talking about Chakra like a form of energy used for certain things like Mages use MP for Magic. However, I recall hearing a long time ago that Monks use Chakra for something just like Mages use MP for spells."For a long time it gave me nightmares... witnessing an injustice like that... it's a constant reminder of just how unfair this world can be... I can still hear them taunting him... silly rabbit, tricks are for kids... I mean, WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GIVE HIM SOME CEREAL!?!" - Carlton Banks
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yea, Gen I dont know what ya talking all previous FF's Chakra has been an ability, not a form of energy. Ki and Chi are...but...Chakra has always retained itself as a healing ability in FF.
mm...Chakra is yoga btw...bleh (pukes)
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Chakra is a monk ability that allows instant regeneration of approximately 1/10 your total HP, and it also instantly recovers certain lesser status effects, such as poison and darkness.
Chakra in XI isn't nearly as pimp as it was in Tactics or the like...You get HP and only HP, and you can only use it once every 15 minutes...
excellent for clutch situations...
has saved me a number of times...
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Actually Chakura will recover your HP based on your VIT. It's VITx2, so if your VIT is 70, then you will recover 140 HP. Once you get your AF armour Chakura will be boosted to VITx3.RNG75/MNK75/BST75/THF66/WAR40/NIN40/SAM40
Windurst R10/Bastok R10/Sandoria R10
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k let me help u here ppl. Ki is the japanese word for energy which is sustained in your body....Chi is the chinese word for the same exact thing...NO Japanese ppl do not use the word chi > xphantomx chi and ki mean energy so stop trying to make it sound all different. Chi and ki are energies within just like mana is the energies from the universe/enviroment. (obviously u ppl need some lessons about chi and u only heard ki from dragonball z games LOL) but neways chakura is a self healing technique...U flare up ur energy (like on dbz when going super saiyan or just powering up lol) then u have urself healed. I believe it goes by how much vitality u havex2....Chakra is not only used in yoga.It's used in almost every basic martial arts/aculpuncture/foreign exercise (say this becuz ppl have different beliefs and one major belief is in energy um in the eastern asia society..hence Crouching Tiger hidden dragon) class. chakra I beleive is pronounced the same in every single language too. So i hope this helps u ppl who obviously ain't have a clue to what ur were talking about.manna's a stupid word I just hate how it sounds, i prefer magic power LOL. if u ever played guiltygearXX u would notice that Jam had projectiles (aka beams) even though it said she had chi...beams are a custom with the word ki that's the only one way I can prove they're the same without going to deep into it!
America=energyIf ur a lone taru who is seeking to...
fight for the city of Windurst.....
You could just join my linkshell! Machi no Taru's (or however i change the name lol!)
This offer is only limited to every race that lives in windurst...cept Elvaan's
I'm also in TWDM see Daxswells for that!
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RemyZero hit the nail on the head. A Bird's Egg gives 6hp and 6mp to all character classes, regardless of it's usefulness. Could have been any number of other food items, but that's the one that pops into mind immediately.
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