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Super jump Info

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  • #16
    Hmmm, fascinating ... so it's really an evasion tactic ... interesting.

    So, what's your opinion on attempting to bolster the Dragoon's mediocre defense by subbing PLD? I mean since hate is a forgone conclusion it seems, you won't really be missing Taunt ... what's so good about a WAR sub for DRG anyway? Hmm it almost seems you should sub DRK to boost attack and then jump to scrub off hate, but ... I don' wanna play a DRK ... :sweat:

    BTW THANK YOU for the info Cobalt, you are, as they say, t3h r0x0r!!11!11


    Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


    • #17
      wow. Super Jump not being an attack? hmm. that really distresses me. Honestly that makes me mad. From how you describe it, it seems that super jump is the only jump skill in which you go as high as the lancers/dragoons from previous Final fantasy games went. Those badasses, especially the ones in Tactics, jumped above the clouds, and took a while to come down. If super jump actually involves jumping up high enough that you don't come down for a few seconds, then it is perfect height to mount a dive. Coming down from that height would deal tremendous damage, especially if the wussy hop that is jump deals as much as people say.

      Hell if this game is really final fantasy, then the first jump skill you get should take you to the clouds. I was sorely dissapointed to see that jump is more of a dashing leap than a jump. Then to hear Super jump is the only one that takes you to actual Final fantasy jump height--and isn't an attack? This is a real turnoff for someone that has loved and glorified dragoons from the day they released FFIV.

      I'm sorry guys but this really pisses a fan of classical dragoon/lancers off.
      Never underestimate the power of Stupid people in large groups
      -someone wise


      • #18
        Super jump is a lot more useful than you think. Yes, the jump animations aren't all that cool, and super jump is the only really good "FF" jump... but in this game, hate from monsters is a very bad thing. Also, taking a long time to animate a jump in the midst of battle is a bad thing. Like Cobalt said, you'll be dealing a crap ton of damage with Penta thrust and High jump. Also, Skewer and a skill I forget the name of have been unlocked, and they're possibly more powerful than penta thrust. By doing all this damage, you're going to gain tons of hate, and the stuff you're fighting is going to hit you hard. If you're doing too much damage, the warriors can't even taunt the monster off you, which means rapidly depleting HP for you. This in turn causes the white mages to need to heal you a lot, which only adds to their trouble and current amount of hate. However, instead of getting the crap beaten out of you, you can Super Jump, which shakes off the hate and lets you resume pounding out the damage.


        • #19
          Well i guess ur right there. I am a thief so i don't know to much about what it's like to have heavy hate towards you. As a thief, i almost never get attack aside from directly after sneak attack, and most attacks miss me anyway. But i see your point now, just that i still wish there was a true Final Fantasy Jump. Who knows. Maybe next level cap they can add some new job skills.
          Never underestimate the power of Stupid people in large groups
          -someone wise


          • #20
            awwww Cobbi's signature is too cute!!! TOO COOL!!!

            . ) the taru buddies..
            one let the darkness of his heart empower him!
            the other lets his spirits soar among the clouds!

            WOOT!!! Awwww i wanna play with the cute taru's . (

            *galruka thief shows up around cobbi and russta with a green dot next to his name* :sweat:


            • #21
              Originally posted by IleDeusMorpheus
              what's so good about a WAR sub for DRG anyway? Hmm it almost seems you should sub DRK to boost attack and then jump to scrub off hate, but ... I don' wanna play a DRK ... :sweat:
              DRK has some nice damage boosting abilites but the abilites you get with sub WAR are generally better. Berserk increases your attack by 25% whereas last resort only does a 15% increase, if I remember correctly. You also get defender, just in case you're being pounded on and your cooldown for super jump hasn't ended yet.

              Originally posted by Estorok
              wow. Super Jump not being an attack? hmm. that really distresses me. Honestly that makes me mad. From how you describe it, it seems that super jump is the only jump skill in which you go as high as the lancers/dragoons from previous Final fantasy games went. .

              I'm sorry guys but this really pisses a fan of classical dragoon/lancers off.

              EDIT: Just a note to clarify, the three paragraphs below pertain to Jump and High-jump ONLY.

              Just because the jump doesn't look very high, doesn't mean it's worthless. The jump abilities actually do a fair amount of damage. Even more if you have the dragoon-specific ring equipped as well as the AF boots.

              Think about it from a practical point of view. If each time the dragoon jumped and it took 4 seconds to come back down, that's 4 seconds I'm not kicking ass. As far as my kicking ass time is concerned, that's 4 seconds too long.

              They were designed as mere damage dealers, nothing more.

              The jump animation doesn't exactly look like a leap into the air like it says in the description, but it's in no way a "wussy hop".

              EDIT: Just a note to clarify, the above three paragraphs pertain to Jump and High-jump ONLY.

              Super jump is the perfect ability for dragoons because without it, post-level 50, we'd be toast. It's one of the more unique abilites in the game due to the fact that you not only reset hate, but you also evade any attacks the monster does while you're in the air. I just wish the cooldown was shorter hehehe

              Also, if we do damage to the monster with Super-Jump, that would kind of defeat the purpose of resetting the hate in the first place, eh?

              Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii


              • #22
                Wow! So it does to one bit of damage, just straight up and down. I never knew this about this skill, it's very interesting. I could see it being very useful.


                • #23
                  At first the fact that Super Jump didn't do damage kinda sucked, but as I think about it that is a very useful ability and will allow me to have some great (*evil grin*) fun w/ my other abilities.
                  "Don't blame me, blame yourself... or God"


                  • #24

                    Why are we having this discussion? The only thing and I mean the only thing you need to know is that DRAGOONS are AWESOME!!!!!!!!! They are the coolest looking dudes in the game. They have flying dragon partners that spit out cool fire, ice wind, and earth moves. Cool lances and COOOOOOOOOOOL jumping abilities.

                    (i wasnt flaming or anything this is just a joking comment)



                    Kujata- Archknights
                    Ragnarok- Tears of Altana

                    You are a Dragoon now, jump to your future and dont look back.


                    • #25
                      I just want to get this clear.

                      Is noraml jump just an attack, or is it an attack, that also gets the hate off you?

                      And is super jump just for getting hate off?


                      • #26
                        Normal Jump and High Jump are attacks, Super Jump is to drop hate.
                        "Don't blame me, blame yourself... or God"

