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  • Dragoon/Samurai...?

    good idea? bad idea? what do you guys think. i like the idea, im just not too familiar with the abilities of each, so i dont want some really good ones to be wasted or have some cancel each other out or something. or maybe the other way around... Samurai/Dragoon (im posting this same question in the samurai topic...) lemme know what ya think

  • #2
    Ehm, it could be okay, I'm not really sure. The big concern is that you're missing Taunt, which is basically the be-all-end-all ability. But the increased TP might outweigh that loss ... or it might not ...

    Oh, let's put it this way. If I can be a DRG/PLD then you can be a DRG/SAM. Cool? :sweat:

    Ille deus Morpheus non est Morpheus de Matrice, sed Morpheus, deus somni et mutantis!


    • #3
      lol sounds good to me :sweat:

      the folks in the samurai forum said drg/sam would be pretty good. im thinking that's what i might be


      • #4
        Alright, now I haven't played FF XI yet, so sorry if this sounds like a noob-ish question, but what is so great about the warrior's taunt ability? Does it just anger the enemy and make them attack you?


        • #5
          Why taunt is useful.

          It has to do with something called "hate management". For each monster, there is a hidden (not shown) attribute called "hate" that determines how likely a monster will attack a target.

          This attribute can be raised in several ways. For example, if black mage deals out heavy damage or white mage heals a decent amount, the monsters will increase its hate values towards them. This will most likely result in the monsters dash to attack the black/white mages.

          Anyone who has played FF series before would probably know mages are not built for taking damages. This is when Taunt comes in handy: you draw monster's attention and thus preventing your weaker allies taking damage.

          In more advanced tactics, thieves can use backstabbing on monsters (which will likely draw the monster's attention). In this case, the team's tanker should use taunt to regain the monster's attention to setup for the next backstab. Even better, you can setup two tankers to "sandwitch" the monster, and use taunt in turns to even out the damages among the tankers.

          I am sure taunt has its virtue to Dragoons. But Dragoons aren't built for taking damages (Paladins are) and so I believe its virtue will diminish as Dragoons gain higher levels.


          • #6
            The best thing about drg/sam is that you can renkei with yourself.
            pentathrust > skewer

            Lovelace is right that taunt's usefulness goes down for a drg. Our role is more of a damage dealer. The warrior's other abilities like berserk and double attack are more fitting for that role. Taunt would be saved for any sort of emergency.

            For more info on drg/sam, I believe there is a thread on that very same subject serveral threads down.

            Read my report on the FFXI Square Enix 2005 gaming event in Hawaii

