Ok if I am a Warrior lets say and I sub job Dragoon Will I be able to summon those little monsters?
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Little monsters? The dragoon doesn't summon anything. He simply has a pet dragon. The pet dragon is his 2 hour ability, so no, you wont be able to use it if your main job is warrior. You can only use the 2 hour ability of your main job. However warrior is the best sub job for dragoon.
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Actually warrior may not really be the best sub job for dragoon but it's the most accepted because of taunt. Dragoon/Theif is really great too.Ailis
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lol BANNED....that is what you get for being an arss........
anywway :p
DRG/WAR is good so is DRG/THF
but anything/DRG....really is not a great idea-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.
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Originally posted by CarbonFibre
So then SATA + Super Jump would be insane! j/k that sounds like it would defeat the whole purpose of trick attack. Does stacking it with jump do more damage than sneak attack with a regular hit?
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Just a thought I have tried out before, if you do sub Drg, and are an appropriate level you'll get Jump and that will add some tp, not the best choice for a sub, much like half the classes in the game, but not unthinkable.
Drg/War good solid DD
Drg/Rdm good attacker support magic
Drg/Whm Dragon Breath, can be sweet
Drg/Thf sneak attack I personal think its overrated unless it's done by a main thief job, just me though it still does damage either way^^
Drg/Pld not the best choice, more vtl for drg
Drg/Sam since the meditate nerf it's really not considered any more.
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