Hey all,
Was just looking to get some other opinions on what upgrades would help:
Weapon: Thal
Grip: Pole Grip
Ammo: Tiphia Sting
Head: W. Turban
Neck: Chiv. Chain
Earring: Brutal / Assault
Body: Zahak's Mail
Hands: Dusk
Ring: Rajas / Woodsman
Back: Amemet+1
Waist: Swift
Legs: Barone
Feet: Dusk
Head: Wyvern Helm
Earring: Triump x2
Ring: Flame Ring
Belt: Warwolf Belt
Feet: Rutter Sabaton's
I know I can replace the Dusk pieces with some R/E. Homam has a long wait list, but Aurum would be possible.
Was just looking to get some other opinions on what upgrades would help:
Weapon: Thal
Grip: Pole Grip
Ammo: Tiphia Sting
Head: W. Turban
Neck: Chiv. Chain
Earring: Brutal / Assault
Body: Zahak's Mail
Hands: Dusk
Ring: Rajas / Woodsman
Back: Amemet+1
Waist: Swift
Legs: Barone
Feet: Dusk
Head: Wyvern Helm
Earring: Triump x2
Ring: Flame Ring
Belt: Warwolf Belt
Feet: Rutter Sabaton's
I know I can replace the Dusk pieces with some R/E. Homam has a long wait list, but Aurum would be possible.