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DRG 75 gear other than Endgame

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  • DRG 75 gear other than Endgame

    Ok so due to my current work schedule, I cannot do anything pertaining to Endgame, I tried Dynamis but because I work night-shift the LS leader really did not approve of me only making 2 runs (if that) every other week, which is acceptable on my part. I can rarely do Nyzul Isle runs because I'm not that proficient on it yet to start my own runs, not to mention I'm always picked last if there is a SAM seeking a run also. For the static Nyzul Isle LS that do runs all the time, I tried to get into several of those but with their times and dates, they always seem to correspond with my work days so that's a no no too.

    In all I'm looking for advice from all you veterans of the game (playing since it came out) on acceptable gear to use that would match my skill level of playing as DRG. My current gear set up (which is my penta thrust setup because I don't have Drakesbane yet) is the following:

    Mezraq - Weapon
    Pole Grip - offhand
    Angon/Tiphia Sting - Ammo
    Walkure Mask - head
    Chivalrous Chain (upgrading to Peacock Charm soon) - Neck
    Assault Earring, Coral Earring - Ear
    Woodsman Ring x2 - Ring
    Barone Corazza - Body
    Tarasque Mitts +1 - Hands
    Forager's Mantle - Back
    Life Belt - waist
    Barone Cosciales - legs
    Marine M Boots - feet

    I also have STR gear setup, ACC gear setup (need help on haste gear), and a mage setup I use for soloing but those I can work with well except the haste gear part.

    I'm pretty badass as playing DRG (only 75 for about 7 months) yeah I'm bragging but that's beside the point, just looking for gear that can somewhat match (not really match but is acceptable) Endgame gear since my time schedule does not permit to make any runs.

    ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*

  • #2
    Re: DRG 75 gear other than Endgame


    Walkure Mask > Walahra Turban (5%)
    Body > Assault Jerkin
    Hands > Dusk Gloves (3%)
    Neck is fine
    Feet > Dusk Feet (2%)
    Life Belt > Swift Belt (4%)

    The above gives you an overall haste rating of 14% which is pretty acceptable/normal. I haven't seen your STR setup but I'll throw out the basics below:

    Then you want to purchase the following:
    Warwolf Belt
    Wyvern Helm
    Some form of STR ring (2x Ruby Ring)

    All should be quite cheap.

    If you do Sky, you can aim for Neptunal Feet, Hands and Body.

    As for gear setups (i.e. Acc as mentioned), depends on what you're doing really.
    Soloed to 75

    [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

    all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
    .:|The Prototype BST|:.
    Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


    • #3
      Re: DRG 75 gear other than Endgame

      Yeah I just got the Walahra Turban working on trying to start a run for Assault Jerkin, got the gil to buy the dusk pieces so I'll probably be getting around to getting those when my days off come. I have to look up the run for Swift Belt for now, but in the coming days I have a lot of work to do to improve my skills as a Dragoon, which isn't very far off, for now it's just coming about the right equipment and stuff.

      Thanks for the Tip and I'll let you know how it turns out, post a youtube video or something.
      ~The will to not want anything in exchange for nothing~ *Your's truly Linus*


      • #4
        Re: DRG 75 gear other than Endgame

        mmm yea pretty much what LadyKiKi said

        my current setup is similer but I have all the things she mentioned. I to cant do end game alot due to work, so I am in a similar boat as you ;p
        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.

