Well, a couple of friends and I are thinking of getting into Nyzule Isle stuff in a bit. I'm seeking advice on subs and a few other things for this activity.
I should also say that we don't exactly have a group for this either, and I do realise that some advice would be different depending on what jobs are in the party. Knowing how we think though this will most likely be a fairly balanced party.
Also who the disk holders will be and how many we will have is unknown at this point.
First off I need a little more information about the Omerta Pathos. From what I have heard online, there are Pathos that will block Elemental/Enhancing/Healing/etc magics, but it has always sounded like a seperate Pathos for each one. Reading up on it in Wiki, it sounds like Omerta just blocks all magic. So it would be greatly appreciated if someone could clear point of confusion up =^.^=
Subs that I have ready for Drg are War, Sam, Rdm.
I'm thinking that *if* I am going as pure DD (and it seems most likely that I should do this on the boss floors), that I should go as /sam to boost my ability to SC, and well all the other nifty abilities that /sam gives. It seems the best sub for offense/defense abilities.
For the rest of the floors that don't have some horrible boss monster of painfull death, I think that I should go drg/mage. It sounds like you have a fairly decent chance of needing to split up to look for something, and the ability to take over the healing duties is also a usefull thing to have along.
For this, I'm thinking that drg/whm may be best. I won't be needing to main heal all the time, I can have auto refresh and a good chance at some bard/corsair/red mage form of refresh as well, and if all else fails I can bring juices. MP *shouldn't* be a problem with MP merits and some of the pretty good RSE Mithra get. Also, I get to have Erase and various ~na spells, which sounds pretty dang usefull.
So I'm thinking drg/sam for DD, and drg/whm for healing/support.
Merit-wise, a thought occured to me.
Body Boost boosts your hp by 50%, I have heard that you can use Empathy to give your wyvern this hp boost, which greatly increase the power of the Healing Breaths. Do you guys think that it would be a good idea to merit Empathy given that?
Also, it's sticking in my head that Empathy is supposed to give your wyvern Stoneskin, but I see no mention of this on Wiki.
I'm thinking that I want Angon fully merited. Deep Breathing is another ability that I want, but since putting more merits into it only decreases the recast timer, I'm wondering if it might be better to do something like 3 Angon, 1 Deep Breathing, and 2 Empathy merits.
I should also say that we don't exactly have a group for this either, and I do realise that some advice would be different depending on what jobs are in the party. Knowing how we think though this will most likely be a fairly balanced party.
Also who the disk holders will be and how many we will have is unknown at this point.
First off I need a little more information about the Omerta Pathos. From what I have heard online, there are Pathos that will block Elemental/Enhancing/Healing/etc magics, but it has always sounded like a seperate Pathos for each one. Reading up on it in Wiki, it sounds like Omerta just blocks all magic. So it would be greatly appreciated if someone could clear point of confusion up =^.^=
Subs that I have ready for Drg are War, Sam, Rdm.
I'm thinking that *if* I am going as pure DD (and it seems most likely that I should do this on the boss floors), that I should go as /sam to boost my ability to SC, and well all the other nifty abilities that /sam gives. It seems the best sub for offense/defense abilities.
For the rest of the floors that don't have some horrible boss monster of painfull death, I think that I should go drg/mage. It sounds like you have a fairly decent chance of needing to split up to look for something, and the ability to take over the healing duties is also a usefull thing to have along.
For this, I'm thinking that drg/whm may be best. I won't be needing to main heal all the time, I can have auto refresh and a good chance at some bard/corsair/red mage form of refresh as well, and if all else fails I can bring juices. MP *shouldn't* be a problem with MP merits and some of the pretty good RSE Mithra get. Also, I get to have Erase and various ~na spells, which sounds pretty dang usefull.
So I'm thinking drg/sam for DD, and drg/whm for healing/support.
Merit-wise, a thought occured to me.
Body Boost boosts your hp by 50%, I have heard that you can use Empathy to give your wyvern this hp boost, which greatly increase the power of the Healing Breaths. Do you guys think that it would be a good idea to merit Empathy given that?
Also, it's sticking in my head that Empathy is supposed to give your wyvern Stoneskin, but I see no mention of this on Wiki.
I'm thinking that I want Angon fully merited. Deep Breathing is another ability that I want, but since putting more merits into it only decreases the recast timer, I'm wondering if it might be better to do something like 3 Angon, 1 Deep Breathing, and 2 Empathy merits.