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Vyuru's performance after the update

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  • #16
    Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

    What's funny now is that RDM didn't suffer from this, because all we have to do is Haste and the melee will just be retard-happy.

    And god damnit, the hate that you guys get now... GL NIN tanks. That's all I can say about that. I suspect now that tanks like PLD that can get huge hate spikes will be more popular because people are now going to go back to /SAM or /WAR days of olde, and just unload on the mob.

    The Tao of Ren
    FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

    If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
    Originally posted by Kaeko
    As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


    • #17
      Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

      So far my highlight was the 2358 Penta Thrust I got off in ODS last night as DRG/WHM.

      I played around with my gear a bit and sold my Potent Belt to use Warwolf full time. I was thinking I may get a Swift Belt but with the way attributes work for DRG now, Warwolf and Wyrm seem to really be the only viable choices.

      I need to decide between continuing to wear Wyrm Finger Gauntlets +1 full time and macroing in Drachen +1 for Penta, or just wearing Drachen +1 full time. Prior to the change I preferred the accuracy in Wyrm +1 but now that STR and DEX are 1/1 on gear, I may just use Drachen.

      Setup at present: TP / WS
      Mythril Grip +1
      Tiphia Sting / Balm Sachet
      Homam Zucchetto / Wyvern Helm
      Brutal Earring
      Assault Earring
      Chivalrous Chain / Shadow Gorget
      Hydra Scale Mail
      Wyrm Fng Gt +1 / Drachen Fng Gt +1
      Shadow Ring / Ulthalam's Ring (soon I hope)
      Raja's Ring
      Amemet Mantle +1
      Warwolf Belt
      Drachen Brais +1
      Homam Gambieras

      One thing I learned fast after Dynamis last night, is that I'm going to really need to work on a buffer. It's a lot easier to pull hate at the wrong time now. Though if anything people are going to have to learn fast when to use a weaponskill and when not to. I'd rather shave a few hundred off Penta and kill the damn thing then I would hit a massive Penta but leave it at 5% and royally pissed at me.

      Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


      • #18
        Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

        Originally posted by WishMaster3K View Post
        What's funny now is that RDM didn't suffer from this, because all we have to do is Haste and the melee will just be retard-happy.

        And god damnit, the hate that you guys get now... GL NIN tanks. That's all I can say about that. I suspect now that tanks like PLD that can get huge hate spikes will be more popular because people are now going to go back to /SAM or /WAR days of olde, and just unload on the mob.

        Funny you should say this, but I ended up in a merit pt earlier tonight in just this exact setup. Nin/War, Drg/Sam (me), Brd, Sam/Doesn't Matter, DWAM War/Nin, Mnk/Whatever, and that Rdm was on point with the Haste. The Brd got us up to chain 97-98, somewhere close to 100 (tried to finish off with Wivres, nailed a 2k+ Penta on it), while the RDM was too busy keeping myself and the Sam alive, cuz we were eating the birds alive out there. The Nin couldn't keep hate, so he gave up trying (only voked to peel them off the Brd as she ran past). All in all, very fun.



        • #19
          Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

          Lilith ... that is just

          Have you tried out subbing WAR yet? Or is it because your gear selections enhances SAM more so you can't do a fair comparison?


          • #20
            Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

            Why use Penta? From what I hear there are DRG pulling 3.5k+ Skewers now (that's likely with /WAR and Double Attack going off. If not then holy...)

            "BLAH BLAH BLAH TIDAL WAVE!!!"


            • #21
              Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

              I was using /SAM at that point because my friend insisted I use that over /WAR for Seigan. Consequently, I ended up taking almost just as much damage as I would have if I'd have gone /WAR. I'm fairly certain that my numbers would indeed have been higher had I taken /WAR, which I still intend to do at some point. My gear selection is actually rather neutral as to what sub I take.

              As far as Skewer is concerned, I've yet to see my own beat my Pentas under my current /Melee setup, so I'm tending to lean towards the latter for now. Perhaps it'll do more under the influence of /WAR than /SAM, what with better DA proc rates and higher Attack ratings possible. If only I could get a Pole Strap from ODS, I'd be a happy camper. I just need a group to take me to ODS in the first place.


              • #22
                Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

                If only I could get a Pole Strap from ODS, I'd be a happy camper. I just need a group to take me to ODS in the first place.
                Come to Unicorn and I can get a group for you

                You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

                I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


                • #23
                  Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

                  I tried Skewer a few times but didn't seem to be hitting as high. I tend to stick with Penta most times anyway with the Shadow Gorget. I hope to get a Light Gorget some time for Wheeling and Skewer though.

                  I really need to get out and xp/merit to test all this but haven't had a chance so far.

                  I wouldn't mind a Pole Strap but I won't go crazy trying to get one either. I'm quite satisfied with the Mythril Grip +1 for now.

                  Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                  • #24
                    Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

                    Originally posted by Malacite View Post
                    Why use Penta? From what I hear there are DRG pulling 3.5k+ Skewers now (that's likely with /WAR and Double Attack going off. If not then holy...)
                    Malacite, those were pics of Pentathrusts doing 3.5K ... not Skewers.

                    Somehow I think Skewers doing more than 2.5K happens on extreme circumstances. Boreal Hound anyone?


                    • #25
                      Re: Vyuru's performance after the update

                      nothing too great compared to other stories. a 1500ish Wheeling thrust here and there (i use it sometimes >_>) My Penta thrust do not do anything less then 1k now, unless overkill keeps hits from hitting. Personal Best so far is 2228 Penta Thrust. Funny thing is I had to /nin the other day for a mamool party... /nin doesn't blow donkey chunks like it used to... it still sucks though D: ( double attack and berserk)

                      Note my gear isn't all that good either.

                      Axe Grip or Mythril Grip+1
                      Tiphia Sting/Angon
                      Wyvern Helm
                      Chivalrous Chain
                      Brutal Earring and Assault Earring
                      Assault Jerkin
                      Spike Finger Gauntlets (Hecatomb mittens for WS)
                      Flame Ring and Raja's Ring
                      Amemet Mantle +1
                      Sword Belt+1
                      Drachen Brais +1 (Barone Cosciales for Jumps)
                      Amir Boots (Hecatomb leggings for WS) (Drachen Greaves for jumps)

                      That's what I use to pt atm. I only PT in the mire when I can help it. Food of choice atm: Coeurl subs.

                      Merits: 8/8 polearm, 4/4 crit, 2 str, 5/5 jump, 5/5 high jump, 3/3 angon, 1/1 deep breathing, 2/2 empathy (have others but they don't really matter in pt... few staff, some hp, spell interupt down, ect)

                      I have O hat, wally world turban, Scorpion Harness, Narasimha's Vest(christmas gift), wyrm finger gauntlets, Bushinomimi, Ethereal Earring, woodsman Ring, warwolf belt, life belt and swift belt, to switch in for random stuff. (prob start macroing in Warwolf belt in for penta again. I've been kinda overwhelmed with the new stuff. lol

