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Rutter Sabatons

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  • Rutter Sabatons

    I am a few hundred XP away from level 67 which means a few armor upgrades will be available. First and foremost is of course the Assault Jerkin, which I intend to camp over the weekend. My question however is regarding the Rutter Sabatons. They are an awesome piece that I really want, but I am not sure how obtainable they are.

    I searched the Jeuno Bazaars and found an air tank for 100,000g. For a pop item with an NM drop thats substantially less then 100%, is this worth it? I could always farm it, but wiki listed the hobgoblin that drops it as like lvl 74-77 which is beyond my ability to camp. Also, I am not sure how tough Bugbear Matman is.... I hear horror stories about his AoE. Could a single party of 65-75 players beat him? Any advice would be appreciated!
    Main Jobs: DRG75 PLD56
    Sub Jobs: WAR37, BLU37, SAM37, DRK46

    Angon (1) Deep Breathing (1) Empathy (2)
    Polearm (6) Sword (2) Crit Hit % (2) MP (2)

    Smithing (26.0), Clothcraft (59.8)

    Mission Progress:
    Bastok Rank 10, ZM 16, CoP 3-5
    ToAU 44, Chief Sergeant
    WoTG 7, Mythril Wings $$

  • #2
    Re: Rutter Sabatons

    I have had an airtank in my storage for months. This seems to be the one thing I can't get people to help me on. I guess he is a real pain. I am currently using Feral feet.

    I was lucky to get that tank for only 10k. I will be switching to barone feet at 70 though, so I won't be pursuing the rutters anymore.

    Honestly I would try to focus my efforts on Gae Bolg. That was the choice I made at 66. The wyvern nm is much easier to get to and is almost always up. To each his own though.
    Thanks Kazuki.
    Dragoon Equipment


    • #3
      Re: Rutter Sabatons

      I ruled out the Gae Blog due to the difficultly.... maybe I overestimated the NM though, What kind of group would I need to beat him?
      Main Jobs: DRG75 PLD56
      Sub Jobs: WAR37, BLU37, SAM37, DRK46

      Angon (1) Deep Breathing (1) Empathy (2)
      Polearm (6) Sword (2) Crit Hit % (2) MP (2)

      Smithing (26.0), Clothcraft (59.8)

      Mission Progress:
      Bastok Rank 10, ZM 16, CoP 3-5
      ToAU 44, Chief Sergeant
      WoTG 7, Mythril Wings $$


      • #4
        Re: Rutter Sabatons

        Originally posted by Greylynx View Post
        I ruled out the Gae Blog due to the difficultly.... maybe I overestimated the NM though, What kind of group would I need to beat him?
        If you know a NIN, RDM and BRD, the four of you could handle the fight. That is the fewest number of people I have done it with, and anything over a party of six might be more of a hassle in part of the trip to the spawn point. In a full party plus a second party of two, I tanked it on WAR/NIN. A little tougher, but can be done if no NIN around; but a WAR/NIN tank will probably need a little more support.

        Also, I went 1/2 on this, but I knew people that were upwards of 1/6 or possibly higher. Friend had an extra Air Tank which I used on my first attempt, and I bought my second Air Tank from a Rolanberry bazaar for 40k. So people will sometimes drop the price if they are desperate to sell. But 100k seems average price.
        [ 75PLD / 75WAR / 75BLU / 75NIN / 75DNC / 41MNK ] : [100 +3 bonecraft / 60 +1 leathercraft ] : [ LJ: ]


        • #5
          Re: Rutter Sabatons

          I think the poster above me was describing the Bugbear fight not the Gae Bolg fight.

          Voiuvre(sp) isn't hard. We did the fight MNK/NIN, BRD/WHM, RDM/BLM, THF/NIN who were all 75 and my DRG/RDM @66 and a 64 BRD/WHM. The mnk tanked most of the time but I got hate and tanked a little bit. I helped heal and remove the paralysis when I could. Fun fight, nothing hard, only took a few minutes. Just make sure you have people who have DOT spells to override its regen. 100% drop rate also.
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #6
            Re: Rutter Sabatons

            100% drop rate also.
            Is it? I may have to rethink my stance on that lance then.

            Also, to the OP, beware of people selling normal brass tanks or whatever they are called for slightly lower than Air Tank prices. I've seen alot of /shouts in jeuno over that issue. Make sure you are buying the correct air tank for the NM fight, or just go and farm it up with some friends.

            You might want to bring 3 air tanks per run since he has a roughly 33% drop rate without a thief or /thf in the party from what I've been told.

            You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be misqouted and then used against you.

            I don't have a big ego, it just has a large mouth.


            • #7
              Re: Rutter Sabatons

              I look at it this way... the cost of the tanks is negligible. Even at 100k per... that's about 200-300k for the boots.

              There are very limited choices for endgame feet gear for DRG.

              AF2 is virtually useless.
              AF1+1 is decent but tough to acquire.
              Amir is actually a decent substitute if you can get the AP for it.
              Pahluwan is useless in comparison to other pieces.
              Hydra Greaves are great but near impossible to find.

              It comes down to:
              Rutter Sabatons
              lvl 67 def 16 str+3 vit+2 atk+5 slow+2%
              100-300k depending on tank prices and NM success

              Barone Gambieras
              lvl 70 def 19 str+2 atk+5 parry+3 emn+2
              500-600k on Seraph

              So, hunt around for tanks and get a good crew together. The Rutters are definitely worth it.

              Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


              • #8
                Re: Rutter Sabatons

                Maybe if you do this fight first, the bugbear won't seem as hard LOL.
                Thanks Kazuki.
                Dragoon Equipment


                • #9
                  Re: Rutter Sabatons

                  Originally posted by Skoal View Post
                  Maybe if you do this fight first, the bugbear won't seem as hard LOL.
                  If I tried recruit my friends to do that fight I suspect I wouldn't have any friends when it was over! Those mitts are nice but I'll take the Tarasque or SFGs over them, definately not worth the trouble.

                  I thought I had alot to do with the Assault Jerkin and Rutter Sabatons, but man you really have me thinking about this Gae Bolg.... seems like an awesome Polearm. I know I don't have enough high level friends to pull this fight off. I wonder if I can get other people to help with the promise of hunting skulls for the opo-opo crown while we are there?


                  Man I have my work cut out for me.
                  Main Jobs: DRG75 PLD56
                  Sub Jobs: WAR37, BLU37, SAM37, DRK46

                  Angon (1) Deep Breathing (1) Empathy (2)
                  Polearm (6) Sword (2) Crit Hit % (2) MP (2)

                  Smithing (26.0), Clothcraft (59.8)

                  Mission Progress:
                  Bastok Rank 10, ZM 16, CoP 3-5
                  ToAU 44, Chief Sergeant
                  WoTG 7, Mythril Wings $$


                  • #10
                    Re: Rutter Sabatons

                    Originally posted by Greylynx
                    I wonder if I can get other people to help with the promise of hunting skulls for the opo-opo crown while we are there?
                    Thats why 2 of the people came when I fought the nm. Plus you can get the pop item for tarasque and fight that too. That way people could make a little money too. Thats what we did.

                    Gae Bolg is an awesome polearm. It was one of my items that I have always wanted since I became a drg.

                    AJ, Gae Bolg, Rutters, all seem like a big task. They can be. I was lucky enough to have my friends come along so we had fun the whole time.
                    Thanks Kazuki.
                    Dragoon Equipment


                    • #11
                      Re: Rutter Sabatons

                      Originally posted by Greylynx View Post
                      I ruled out the Gae Blog due to the difficultly.... maybe I overestimated the NM though, What kind of group would I need to beat him?
                      DRG in my LS checked this Polearm out and decided he had to have it. Once we found out that the NM is ALWAYS up, it was just an issue of mobilizing the troupes.

                      We rolled out with about 12~16 of us. 2 NINs for tanks, and one of them went down twice. But we still dropped him with relative ease. Was just a longer fight than I expected for my LS. 2 NIN, 2 DRGs, MNK, SAM, WAR or two, and a BLM tossing out Burst II with impunity. I was tossing out nukes as well as doing main healing duties. I think the fight took like 8 minutes or so. Was solid fight, and the Polearm is a 100% drop.

                      As for Goblin Collector, how do you kill that thing? Attacks fast, and does that much damage a hit, as well as over powered nukes, who's gonna tank this thing? Go in and 2hr it? WAR/NIN's Spampaging, MNK's AFisting, and BLMs just blasting away all while a RDM/DRK Chainspell Stuns it? Either way, that's far too much work for those gloves! Sheesh! Better give Acc+12 as well for all that work!
                      PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
                      RDM32 - BLM17 - DRK11 - RNG11 - BRD9 - BST7 - WAR6 - MNK4

                      Lakshmi: Windurst Rank 10 - Zilart, CoP, ToAU COMPLETE - WotG
                      SAM90 - DRK90 - MNK90 - WAR90 - RNG90 - BST90 - RDM83 - NIN50 - THF46 - DRG42 - BLM40 - PUP23 - WHM20 - PLD13 - BRD13 - BLU10 - SCH10 - DNC7 - COR5 - SMN1


                      • #12
                        Re: Rutter Sabatons

                        I posted the collector as a joke. Its seems like an absurdly hard nm that drops something that has 2 alternatives that are just as good or better.
                        Thanks Kazuki.
                        Dragoon Equipment


                        • #13
                          Re: Rutter Sabatons

                          If you're a hume, go with your RSE2 boots. I've used them from 62-75.

                          HP +60
                          Strength +3
                          Dexterity +3
                          Vitality +2
                          Agility +2
                          Intelligence -3
                          Mind -3
                          Charisma -3
                          Sorry, I was too cheap to buy the Barone Boots ... and I attempted a Rutter run, that went horrid.
                          Soloed to 75

                          [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                          all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                          .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                          Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                          • #14
                            Re: Rutter Sabatons

                            Barone Gambieras is something I stayed away from because of the combination of prohibitive cost and Enmity+ stats. Barone Cosciales is something I put up with because I currently have no better option in legs to put there full time. Even Enmity+1 is +1 too much for me to be comfortable with (and I already have half of that category in Merits used capping crits; I have Blue Mage and Corsair to think of as well, and -Spell Interruption % is looking good right now). Putting the pants and boots together, that's +3 Enmity to every action you take, and for a Dragoon, that adds up *very* quickly.

                            In this regard, Rutter Sabatons > Barone Gambieras *every* *single* *time*. +2% Slow > +3 Enmity & 2-3x cost.

                            Of course, Amir Boots > both other boots put together.

                            As far as Gay Board goes, skip it. That's right, I said skip it. It isn't worth the time it takes to get your LS to get it for you (even considering the skull), not when this, this, this, and this trump it in its own level range, and is replaced incredibly easy with this, this, this, this, and just about any other 70+ lance. I guarantee you'll be enjoying your GB on a mannequin sooner than you'll think. Imperial Neza alone delivers that guarantee by itself (neither lance has any stats that matters other than DMG, Delay, and Level, and considering the rate you're leveling, especially with TAU, 3 levels isn't that difficult to cover).

                            Damage per hit is nice, but that's not what Dragoon is about; leave that rhetoric to the Dark Knights. You *will* see that big delay start to creep up on you, and moving faster damage and faster Weapons Skills tends to win out in the end (you even end up doing *more* damage that way). Don't let that big DMG:92 at that level blind you to the fact that you will attack significantly slower, and suffer in your performance for it.

                            On a side note here, using /sam's TP generating methods in conjunction with Dragoon's "Attack at any time" routine would initially deflect the need to 'wait' for TP, but the trick here is that you have at a minimum a 1:30 minute wait to the next "TP Boost", during that time, that's when Gay Board will read its ugliness at you, and it will feel like Jump is taking forever to load. If you really feel the need to use this lance, what I would suggest to keep the Delay problem to a minimum would be to adopt a routine similar to this:

                            1> Attack mob
                            2> Meditate
                            3> Use WS of choice
                            4> Jump
                            5> High Jump
                            6> Use WS of choice
                            7> Jump and normal attacks
                            8> Use WS of choice
                            9> Loop to Step 1

                            Interspersed with all that are, of course, your normal attacks. The focus of that routine is to try to eliminate the need for delay, not to simply "crank out as many WS as insanely possible", or even to be a part of a SC (which *will* break that routine). The problem then becomes the fact that since TP/Delay becomes a non-issue, the other lances will out perform GB because the damage output is faster, especially in said routine (example: Tournament Lance, under /sam and proper TP gear, regularly allows me to use 3 WS *per mob* in almost any TP Burn pt in TAU, and easily in any other pt setup anywhere else). If you can get it out faster, you can get more out, and the performance is, overall, better.

                            If you want GB, by all means, go for it. I simply present here better options, and why said options are better.


                            • #15
                              Re: Rutter Sabatons

                              not when this, this, this, and this
                              Cermet Lance is ok, I use it when I don't want to pull hate in a party when nin is tanking. The Giri adds the +3 emnity you just said that you wouldn't want if you had barone. Just like my server, Barchha+1 on his server has never been sold on AH. Its 92 woodworking so HQ will probably cost 600k to make if there is a 10% hq rate. The Narval nm is deep in the Grotto and is camped by gillsellers for the hair. IIRC you have to have a Sahagin Key to even get back there.

                              When jumps are up and I use weapon skill with Gae Bolg, I end up with 50~tp. The delay is nothing since you have haste and jumps. If we really were worried about delay we would use spears.

                              I enjoy doing adventurous things in this game. If you are going to burn through levels then gear doesn't really matter until the end. Nothing is cooler than fighting a wyvern to get a lance.
                              Thanks Kazuki.
                              Dragoon Equipment

