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Endgame Activities

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  • #31
    Re: Endgame Activities

    Originally posted by Vyuru View Post
    However now the blm sub intrigues me, what would mulitple +elemental attack traits do for your wyverns breath attack?
    Yeah, that could work if the /blm had the Wyvern Breath Attacks =p

    I've been looking into drg a lot lately & while I only have it at 23 currently, I'm planning on doing a huge lvling splurge. While doing this though, my only subs would be /sam & /whm. (prolly LS static =p) Anything particularly bad about this?

    Yay, Ty for this Eohmer~

    Silentsteel - Taru of Awesomeness on Valefor

    80 Whm, 86 Drg, 40 Sam, 37 Blm, 31 Smn, & lower as it goes down... I have way too much play time for no levels, lol.


    • #32
      Re: Endgame Activities

      Originally posted by silentsteel View Post
      I've been looking into drg a lot lately & while I only have it at 23 currently, I'm planning on doing a huge lvling splurge. While doing this though, my only subs would be /sam & /whm. (prolly LS static =p) Anything particularly bad about this?
      Fundamentally, no. However, /sam begins to get the tools it needs to perform optimally starting at level 50, while at the level you stated, /war, /thf, and yes, even /rng provide tools early enough to be worth it (BTW, /rng works best from levels 20-30, after that, I would strongly urge you to not consider it, as the main benefit from it is replaced by a native version). As much of a proponent as I am to be known for the superiority of /sam over most other subs, that holds true only for Dragoons 50-60+; before then, it just happens to take a back seat to other jobs.

      As far as /whm goes, it's a good, solid choice that every Dragoon should make sure they have. /Blu comes in at a good second, most easily tied with /rdm. /Blm takes 4th in my book, but that's just my preference. /Whm will start to become viable for solo/small group play at around 20, when you gain Healing Breath II (and, subsequently, begin to heal more efficiently using that than Cure II).

      The rest is simply a matter of choosing the proper gear and targets for your role at the time. That, and making sure you're having fun!

      EDIT: BTW, Brutal Earring is 5% proc rate. A *very* noticeable 5% at that, too.
      Last edited by LilithAngel; 03-01-2007, 02:32 AM.


      • #33
        Re: Endgame Activities

        aww, boo *doesnt want to lvl war XD*

