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"Respirate" - An idea

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  • "Respirate" - An idea

    One thing that has always bothered me as a Dragoon - The fact that the Dragoon cannot use breath attacks. The wyvern can, but you have no physical control over that. What I was thinking, is making two new Job abilities.

    Respirate - 30 DRG - Performs an elemental breath attack on the enemy. 5 Minute recast. [/b]

    Inhale - 60DRG - Adds a special affect to your next breath attack. 10 Minute Recast, 30 second duration.

    The different breaths will be just like the wyverns.

    Gust Breath - Deals Wind damage to the target.

    Frost Breath - Deals Ice damage to the target.

    Lightning Breath - Deals Thunder damage to the target.

    Flame Breath - Deals Fire damage to the target.

    Sand Breath - Deals Earth damage to the target.

    Water Breath - Deals Water damage to the target.

    With Inhale, they each to different debuffs, too.

    Gust = Silence

    Frost = Paralyze

    Lightning = Stun

    Flame = Blind

    Sand = Slow

    Water = Poison

    Breaths can be MB-able, and will be affected by how much HP you have, and MND.

    With Spirit Surge, they will do twice as much damage.

    Is this a good idea? Maybe if enough of us write to the Developers, then they'll put something like this in.
    Last edited by Kolid; 10-02-2006, 01:05 PM. Reason: >.< Quotes ruined the title

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

    If you're going to do this, Blind doesn't fit with Fire. You'd have to do either Disease or Burn because Blind is a dark based enfeeble.
    My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

    Which FF Character Are You?
    Originally posted by Balfree
    Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


    • #3
      Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

      People subbing DRG can use breath attacks then

      A 30 second stun can be severly powerful too.
      Last edited by LadyKiKi; 10-02-2006, 02:42 PM.
      Soloed to 75

      [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

      all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
      .:|The Prototype BST|:.
      Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


      • #4
        Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

        Why would a Dragoon be able to use breath attacks in the first place?


        • #5
          Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

          Maybe he is trying to mix the dragonier(sp) that beowulf's girlfriend was in tactics with the lancer/dragoon of pass FF's.


          • #6
            Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

            Sorry. I can't agree with this one as it fundamentally changes the class.

            Honestly the only change I really want to ever see with Dragoon is the ability to split targets between myself and my wyvern. As a dragoon we should be able to command our wyverns as opposed to just having them mindlessly attack what we do.

            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


            • #7
              Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

              It's just an idea, I mean, how 75% of the Dragoons out there whine for new changes, this is just a suggestion. I don't see how being able to use a single breath attack every 3 minutes changes the dynamic of the job... And I really don't see how anyone wouldn't see this as part of the job.

              Perhaps a different idea to make it work outside of subs - Make it a pet command for the Offensive Wyvern. That way, you can actually MB without luck, you can actually choose the element of the mob, and you can basically have your wyvern store TP to 300, then unleash an amazing MB.(Yes, breaths can MB.)
              Last edited by Kolid; 10-02-2006, 05:55 PM.

              Which FF Character Are You?


              • #8
                Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                Sorry if my previous post came off as negative. Let me try to explain my view in a bit more detail.

                With their lances in hand and their faithful wyverns by their sides, dragoons surprise their enemies with their extraordinary jumping abilities.
                That is the SE description of the Dragoon job. Everything in the DRG AF and San D'Oria storylines adds into that description to solidify what a Dragoon is. The only special physical ability that is mentioned for Dragoons is their ability to Jump. That trait is shared by all Dragoons throughout the FF series of games, from Kain thru Cid. Kimahri was an exception to this, but that was because he was a Blue Mage as well.

                I always looked at a Dragoon as a Batman of sorts in the FF series. Esentially, Dragoons are normal humans with some extraordinary physical abilities. We don't have any superpowers like heat rays or xray vison or invulnerability. Like Batman, we have our trusty sidekick as well. (though there's a lot less talk around the watercooler about our relationship with our wyverns). The only time FFXI strays away from this approach is when a JA tied directly between the Dragoon and Wyvern is used. Even then I think any mysticism surrounding those abilities is just how SE chose to represent them in game.

                The Dragoon job is quite extraordinary, while the Dragoon itself is not. Adding in the abilities that you mention would fundamentally alter the job in my eyes because it would make the Dragoon itself extraordinary. It would give us the heat rays or the ice breath. That's not who we are. We're not Superman. We're Batman.

                Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                • #9
                  Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                  Maybe he is trying to mix the dragonier(sp) that beowulf's girlfriend was in tactics with the lancer/dragoon of pass FF's.
                  Ah, that's right. I forgot about Reis. But Dragoner is a completely different class altogether >.>
                  That trait is shared by all Dragoons throughout the FF series of games, from Kain thru Cid.
                  Actually, Richard from FFII doesn't have Jump.


                  • #10
                    Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                    I still think our wyverns should grow and we should be able to ride them

                    If anything I'd like more interactions/emotes for the wyvern ... I like how it sleeps when we sit down and how it rests and such ... I want to like stroke it, or pull its tail, or actually slap it when it misbehaves or something .....
                    Soloed to 75

                    [DRG | BST | PLD | NIN | RDM | THF | DRK | WHM | SAM]

                    all done via BST sub where applicable (no DRG/BST!)
                    .:|The Prototype BST|:.
                    Xtreme Precision Soloing [XPS]


                    • #11
                      Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                      I'm with eticket. I'd be over the moon for something as simple as a controllable wyvern (like an automaton or other pet). Being able to split targets and pull with my wyvern would be great.


                      • #12
                        Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                        Originally posted by Murphie View Post
                        I'm with eticket. I'd be over the moon for something as simple as a controllable wyvern (like an automaton or other pet). Being able to split targets and pull with my wyvern would be great.
                        That's the only major change that I have wanted that I haven't seen. They dropped Call Wyvern down to 20 minutes, which imo is how it should have been initially, and they finally are allowing us to buff our wyverns. Granted, they did come up with sort of a bass ackwards way of doing it through Empathy but I'm happy with how that turned out.

                        Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                        • #13
                          Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                          The dragoon in FF2 was Ricard, and as mentioned, he had no special powers. Same as all the others. He may have had a higher polearm skill than other weapons when he joined your party, but that was no big deal.

                          Also, FF: Tactics Advance featured a Dragoon job with no wyvern sidekick, so the Dragoon itself did breath attacks. Just fire breath, ice breath, and bolt breath. Something to consider.
                          Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
                          Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
                          Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

                          Bismarck Crafting Services
                          My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"


                          • #14
                            Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                            Just to clarify, what I meant was that they shared a trait of having no spectacular abilities other then usually having hops like MJ. FFVI and FFX are the notable exceptions to the standard DRG trend, though I would hardly consider Edward a DRG. That, and the ability customization in that game was through the roof. Kimahri I touched on earlier. FFT is hardly canon as far as jobs go since there are so many job variations in the game.

                            Wii code: 6851 9579 6989 9039


                            • #15
                              Re: &amp;quot;Respirate&amp;quot; - An idea

                              The FF:TA Dragoon was basically what you got if you trained Reis as a Lancer and set her secondary skill set to Dragoner. Less work for the same effect, but also less cute (What can I say? Reis was a cutie. )

