I know these are kind of a pain to get, thats not the question. Are they only good for weapon skills or does the 2% slow really make a difference if I tp in them? Should I waste my time on them? I have feral feet atm. I was thinking of getting the Amir Boots at 71.
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Rutter Sabatons?
Re: Rutter Sabatons?
2% delay of 500 is 10, using 500 for round numbers sake.
You're really not going to notice that 10 delay increase. On a typical lance, that will be a 9.6 delay (assuming lance has 480 delay). Unless the increase is drastic, it really won't matter all that much. Unless you're one of those persons who are absolutely must parse themselves/be perfect/very precise, etc, I wouldn't worry about 2% delay. I've seen many people wear them.
You got that Gae Blog (Bolg?) right? Its delay is high enough. Won't matter incredibly much if you tack on another 10~, either way, the best thing to do is to test them. I think they are worth getting, even though I don't have any myself. Like people who go for certain builds, I'm always at this belief where unless you increase your % builds to quite a high level, anything less than like 4% won't make much of a difference, unless it's a very long fight. Hence, I always find it silly for people to try to go for a Haste Build and only end up with like 9% Haste (unless you're rich, but still). Basically, if you're going for something like that, wear enough to make a difference in a short amount of time, not long, as chances are battles won't drag that long.
Just my opinion, and 2% slow isn't the end of the world. I hope you get what I mean.
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Re: Rutter Sabatons?
so I'm a bit late to this topic, but I thought I'd toss out my opinion. I believe I saw some figure once concerning Standard Lance delays, showing that Haste won't get you an extra swing 'til around 7% haste (this was in a 70 second fight, I think). With that in mind, 3 pieces of haste +3% gear (hello, Homam) would be enough. I don't feel like doing the math myself right now, but I feel that:
*2% slow won't be noticable.
*as soon as you start adding Haste Gear, the Rutters have gotta go. None of that "Cancelling out" crap. And yes, I feel that ultimately, any DRG should work towards a decent Haste build. 8 hits at 100/swing = 800 damage, but 9 hits at 95 damage = 855 damage."And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"
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Re: Rutter Sabatons?
I've been told that the 2% Slow isn't that noticable, and could be used full time. I'm a DRK, and I enjoy my Scythes. DLY:528 + 2% = 539 That's 9 seconds between swings! As it is, there are times that I worry that I'm in the middle of a disconnect there's so much time between each of my swings! lol I don't want to prolong that delay, so I wouldn't use it to build TP. However I feel it's more than worth it for WS. STR+3 & Atk+5 would be useful, and they're "free."
Unless your RSE2 just so happens to have STR added on it, (Taru & Mithra RSE2 do.) then this is the best STR based item for your feet until Abjuration for most jobs. (WAR & DRG have access to Barone/Conte items, but they're usually pricey, and NQ has 1 less STR)
Now, as DRG, if you can afford Conte, knock yourself out! But I've seen Air Tanks for 50k. So even if you spend 150k to get the drop, while Conte are going to be in the millions. (Just checked http://www.ffxiah.com/ and it says they're ~6M currently on Lakshmi.)
I would find something else for TP build. I dunno what's available to DRG as an Atk/Acc item for their feet around this level. DRKs use the Thick set and I guess it's too heavy for DRGs. (I guess you guys can't Jump too well with heavy armor on. lol Make sense, but kinda sucks for you guys.) But if you can't find anything else more suitable, DLY:450 + 2% = 459. Not that big a difference as somebody already mentioned. I'd only go otherwise since I'm a DRK, I'm ~very~ aware of my DLY.Odude
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Re: Rutter Sabatons?
I pretty much use Rutters 100% of the time and only swap them out for jump. I never really noticed a slowdown. The positives outweigh the slow quite a bit in my mind. They are decent endgame footwear and easier to get then a number of pieces such as Heca or Homam.
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