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  • C++

    Brushing up on my C++ because I'm rusty and the author of the textbook, in reviewing variable declaration, uses the examples "int total;", "float slope;", and...."double thrust".

    That's my loldrg humor for this Friday afternoon. Have a good weekend.
    Dryhus, Elvaan male | Bismarck | San d'Oria 6 | Windurst 5
    Woodworking 94.7+2 | Bonecraft 53 | Cooking 42 | Fishing 29
    Smithing 29 | Alchemy 27 | Goldsmithing 21

    Bismarck Crafting Services
    My Skillcap Chart, printable on 8.5"x11"

  • #2
    Re: C++

    Hooray for programming humor........... I'm such a nerd
    My crowning achievement:

    who avesta is


    • #3
      Re: C++

      Brushing up on C++?



      • #4
        Re: C++

        I'm taking C++ this semester. Need any help, give me a PM.
        ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~


        • #5
          Re: C++

          double thrust... *grin*

          enjoy OOP :D
          Character: Bricklayer
          Server: Ramuh
          31 RDM/ 23 BLM/ 20 WHM


          • #6
            Re: C++

            I have to take C# at my school. I haven't taken C++ in a year.
            You kill one man, your a murderer
            Kill many and your a conquerer
            Kill them all... your a God.


            • #7
              Re: C++

              Ugh... C#. Microsoft onry language? {No, Thank You.}

              You have to install Microsoft .NET on your system to operate on a website that uses C#; therefore, it's not cross-platform friendly. Do you think Microsoft will ever release a .NET client for Linux? Highly doubtful. Therefore, a good portion of people will not be able to use your program because of this. C# is web-oriented, and the web is moving to a new standard. A standard of actual standards rather than browser warfare crap--people, especially programmers and web designers, are tired of all the browser-specific and platform specific crap. Most webpages that are intended to be viewed by people are designed to allow maximum viewership of that page. Shockwave and Sun Java, for example, are both available cross-platform. While their might be some neat gadgets in C# (I have the complete Microsoft .NET Studio), it's not worth the trouble unless you absolutely have to have some of their classes for your project. Better to learn Java than VB or C#--it's more world-friendly. I'm not saying don't learn them because I've had occasion to use them (VB mostly), but they're not especially useful for anything beyond designing intranet applications.
              Last edited by Sabaron; 08-19-2006, 08:27 AM.


              • #8
                Re: C++

                "double thrust" for the win! Hah!


                C# is overrated. I agree with Sabaron. It's quirky and useful in its own way, but too platform-specific and not widely used enough to be worth the time investment unless you're learning it to do something at your job.

                If you're going to learn a programming language, C/C++ is your catch-all generic use, and there's a handful of other useful languages out there too for various broad applications (Java, SQL, Visual Basic, Delphi, etc.).

                I'm currently fiddling with Lua, which seems to be picking up steam as an add-on metalanguage for applications that wouldn't otherwise have a programming environment (particularly games, but I'm seeing it in other applications as well).



                • #9
                  Re: C++

                  I took C++ and I did pretty well, but it wasn't until we did object oriented programming that I decided that crap wasn't for me. Maybe it was just the book we had to use, but it seemed like for every example they explained there were three they neglected to, and so when they put everything together at the end of the chapter it was like it was in Japanese with a little bit of English scattered about. Shit was referring to other shit and slipping in crap here and there and going from module to module and damn I just couldn't keep up.

                  It felt like I was steering two people through a maze with one controller.


                  • #10
                    Re: C++

                    C++ without a good instructor is hard.

                    Thanks Yyg!


                    • #11
                      Re: C++

                      Nothing wrong with OOP, it makes things easier to understand. An example of this would be using C++ with OpenGL i made a 3d terrain generator. so instead of having to physically hardcoding all the objects to render i created a tree with a virtual render function. so in the main file all i had was Root->Render() this function walked through and rendered all the objects. and if i want it to add another object to render i would just say something like Root->Add(object) and it would add it to the end of the tree. even thou this is possible with non-OOP language I found it alot easier with OOP.


                      • #12
                        Re: C++

                        Read my post again. It says I have to take C#, not that it is an option. I am in a club at the same school where we will be learning all of the other languages also. A lot of people at my school feel the same way as you guys, saying that not many people program games with C#.
                        You kill one man, your a murderer
                        Kill many and your a conquerer
                        Kill them all... your a God.


                        • #13
                          Re: C++

                          heh, does ANYONE program games in C#?

                          anyway, for programming, the actual language itself does not matter so much as the concepts. If you master the concepts then other languages are just syntax (over simplifying -- I know).

                          Thanks Yyg!


                          • #14
                            Re: C++

                            Originally posted by neighbortaru
                            anyway, for programming, the actual language itself does not matter so much as the concepts. If you master the concepts then other languages are just syntax (over simplifying -- I know).
                            Not really oversimplifying I think. It really is the truth about programming. Language syntax isn't important except for debugging purposes; what's really useful is knowing the foundations of controlling program flow well enough to write code without actively thinking about it.

                            I already know about a dozen programming languages, so learning Lua took me less than a month to be conversant enough to create my own original code. I'd say after about 3 languages you just look for the nuances since most everything else will at least be somewhat familiar.



                            • #15
                              Re: C++

                              Yeah, once you've done 3-4 different languages you find out they're almost all the same. They're either OOP or Structured, though most are migrating to OOP because the easy encapulation of function and data allows for rather elegant programming constructs. The ideas behind programming are the same from language to language. You choose the language based on what your needs are rather than specializing in any specific language.

                              As for no games being designed in C#:


                              I can't, of course, be sure it's C# because that's not mentioned, but it is .NET platform which means that it could've been written in C# among other things.

