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utterly pwned

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  • utterly pwned

    i was thinking of retiring from the pre sky zms and found out that my friend still needed sky so i vowed to help her get sky and then retire completly from pre sky zms... well it was one of those zm4 pts where people didnt listen i was mad but was like this is the last time... well we get to the bcnm. (this is run 125 not to mention the massive amounts of tonberry kills i have w.o erasing hate) well i was tanking cuz it was easy enough. so im watching to see my self one shotted from everyone rancor it happened and the damage i took mad me fall out of my chair and spam do u have windower... 81,212 points of damage. unfortanly no one had it to take a ss and my digital cam is broken... but this made me wonder how bad have you ever been pwned?

    I pwn at being pwned =P fear the dead drg LOL

    Game is about fun thats why i do bone pts =P

    Losing levels one death at a time =P
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]

  • #2
    Re: utterly pwned

    4 Sentences in that paragraph, I think... >.<


    • #3
      Re: utterly pwned

      I speak English, sir.

      Main Job: 70RDM/BLM or WHM ~ Fairy (I hate you, Maat)
      Currently Leveling: 49WHM/BLM
      Windurst Rank 10 ~ As of 5/25/07! Woot!

      My Fanfiction (please read, or at least skim!)

      Susan>> Babies are just like people.
      Susan>> Just smaller.
      [GM]Dave>> But I don't like people.
      [GM]Dave>> I hate people.
      Susan>> Babies are like small people that can't talk.
      [GM]Dave>> ...
      [GM]Dave>> I'm listening.


      • #4
        Re: utterly pwned

        Originally posted by Lilani
        I speak English, sir.
        : : : : :_/ _/ _/ : : : : : : : : : : : :_/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :_/ : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
        : : : :_/ : : : :_/ : : :_/ _/ _/ : : : :_/ : _/_/ : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ : : _/ : : : : _/ _/ _/
        : : :_/ : : : :_/ : _/: : : : _/ : _/ :_/:_/: : : : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ _/ : : : : :_/ : : : :_/
        : :_/ : : : :_/ : _/ : : : :_/ : _/ :_/: : : : : : :_/: : : : :_/: _/ : :_/ : : :_/ : : : : _/
        :_/ _/ _/ : : : :_/ _/ _/ : _/ :_/: : : : : : : :_/ _/ _/ : _/ : : : : _/ : : _/ _/ _/ :


        • #5
          Re: utterly pwned

          Originally posted by SevIfrit
          i was thinking of retiring from the pre sky zms and found out that my friend still needed sky so i vowed to help her get sky and then retire completly from pre sky zms... well it was one of those zm4 pts where people didnt listen i was mad but was like this is the last time... well we get to the bcnm. (this is run 125 not to mention the massive amounts of tonberry kills i have w.o erasing hate) well i was tanking cuz it was easy enough. so im watching to see my self one shotted from everyone rancor it happened and the damage i took mad me fall out of my chair and spam do u have windower... 81,212 points of damage. unfortanly no one had it to take a ss and my digital cam is broken... but this made me wonder how bad have you ever been pwned?

          I pwn at being pwned =P fear the dead drg LOL

          Game is about fun thats why i do bone pts =P

          Losing levels one death at a time =P
          0.o my god 81,212 damage...........
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #6
            Re: utterly pwned

            1001 bomb toss, i was lvling nin an we were going for chain 7, they got it but i didnt.

            Nin75, Bst75. Drk61, War61, Rdm40, All other jobs are 37. All 3 starting city missions completed. All Zilart missions completed. All CoP missions completed. TouA completed.


            • #7
              Re: utterly pwned

              The number trancends grammar. SevIfrit, you lost so hard you win.
              lagolakshmi on Guildwork :: Lago Aletheia on Lodestone


              • #8
                Re: utterly pwned

                I think my highest was something like 940, from Ouryu's Geotric Breath.

                Side note, if you are on PC, use fraps. You can take a shot of anything on-screen and you don't need windower for it. Example: My avatar is a pic of Prishe using fraps, but I wasn't using windower and it's a cutscene.

                (On an even more distant side, my CoP static killed Ouryu with a DRG, a PLD ((using GS)) and Carbuncle as DD.. I've been told people think nuking is the only way to do it effectively.)


                • #9
                  Re: utterly pwned

                  I took 10,000+ in Besieged. Mamooks were attacking. I've taken 4k and 8k in Besieged also. But, yeah. I hear quite a few people reaching high damage deaths in Zm4.

                  Title: Sergeant Major
                  SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
                  Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
                  Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
                  Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


                  • #10
                    Re: utterly pwned

                    lol sorry about the grammar lol was a lil drunk but ya, I still cant believe the damage... I will never clear my tonberry hate and will do one more ZM4 before i leave the game forever.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #11
                      Re: utterly pwned

                      How much 151 did you put down?
                      ~~~BLM SAM RNG NIN PLD~~~

