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Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

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  • Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

    Hello I was hoping to get some imput from experienced dragoons. I have not actually unlocked the job yet so this is just wishful thinking at the moment. Does anyone think it would be possible to solo the lvl25 rank dragon. What sort of tactics could you use to accomplish this? What items and equipment would you need? Should I just get these crazy ideas out of my head now? Please discuss. I would love to see what everyone else thinks.

  • #2
    Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

    I'm totally not a DRG, but I played one on TV. Er. I played a couple different level 72-75 DRGs before on my friends' accounts. Anyway...I'd say the key to victory here for any melee is hi potions. Lots of hi potions. As many as you can carry. I don't think healing breath can sustain you against two fairly difficult monsters.

    That's the advice from the peanut gallery. '-')/
    Generic Info!


    • #3
      Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

      I once saw a video, where a guy (guess what, a japanese guy) killed it alone. And yes, you need a lot of healing food and enhancing food. BUt yes, you can do it.
      Signature, ah!


      • #4
        Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

        Solo as a Dragoon? Not likely, though I suppose with some outrageous amounts of hi-potions and other meds you might win with a little help from friends. Maybe bring a Blue Mage with Diamondhide to buff you, and a WHM or RDM to cast a solid Protect and Shell that will last a few minutes (Protect III, Shell III? I doubt Protect IV or Shell IV will last very long at level 25).

        Recommend you bring lots of hi-potions, an Icarus Wing, an Opo-Opo Necklace with sleeping potions, a couple Holy Water, some useful low level food like Meat Mithkabobs or perhaps Jack-O-Lantern.

        The only job combinations I know for sure can win are MNK/anything (hundred fists) and RDM/NIN (bring in lots of buffs before entering).

        Killing the Ahriman quickly is key if you let it cast on you during the fight you're hosed.



        • #5
          Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

          Seyonne of El-Forto has solo'd it. Look him up, he might be able to send you a copy of the video.

          Basically, DRG/RDM, Yagudo Drink + barspells


          • #6
            Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

            lol i think i remember a fight where PiNG soloed it as a DRK/WHM Taru.

            Either way Seyone of the Gilglamesh server has soloed this, i uploaded it to Youtube, and well although there was very close calls, the only thing out of the normal Yag Drinks and Food seem to be the Icarus Wing at the start and Echo Drops. He subbed RDM. This is also pre-patch, as in no Spirit Surge. And yes there were many special effects that the dragon could have done but he didnt so he was lucky on those accounts, and i noticed he moved away from the head of the dragon to try to avoid the line sight petrification.


            EDIT: Damn lol someone posted while i was uploading.


            • #7
              Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

              Still glad to have the video, Lionx.^^ Cool stuff.


              • #8
                Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                Great video, but that guy was very very lucky, all the dragon used was breath and thorn song.

                As I recall, these dragons all have the standard fun stuff that their cousins do: AoE Curse and Body Slam (AoE damage - quite a lot of it), Either one would have wrecked him, as Curse would have negated the trigger condition on Healing Breath (Max HP down), and as you can see he would have had no time in a lot of places to activate a Holy Water to negate it.

                In other words: Don't try this at home, kids - it's not as easy as it looks.



                • #9
                  Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                  I've seen a Galka WAR/MNK w/ GAX solo it.

                  Used like 4 Hi-Pots.

                  What he did was:
                  Enter, buff up, rest to 100%.

                  Go in and Strumwind the Eye, 1/2 damage. He then did 4 Criticals in a Row, w/o Mighty Strikes, and kill it.

                  He used 2 Hi-Pots, then popped mighty strikes hit him a few times, used to more hi-pots, then Strumwind finished him off.
                  BRD75 BST55 WHM44 NIN37 RDM36 WAR35 BLM34
                  MNK20 THF20 SMN17 DRG16 ... all others are <15, but >10.

                  Linkshell-Tob (
                  Rank-6.2 Windurst


                  • #10
                    Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                    It seems like the one in Balgas Dias is the most popular to solo.

                    I've seen videos of galka WAR and MNK soloing it.. but they spammed meds and potions, so I don't really consider that much of a victory...simple food and meds, yes, but when you're creating a flase HP pool through hi-pot


                    • #11
                      Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                      So they used a few items. They still killed it themselves without any help. I don't see any reason to consider it a cheaper win than another job who can just heal themselves naturally.

                      Using items is just part of the game mechanic. Now, exploiting a bug in the system, such as getting intentionally trapped in a cutscene to bypass a difficult BCNM? Cheap. Forcing an HNM against an invisible wall? Cheap. Using items that anyone can purchase? Not cheap.
                      Last edited by Murphie; 05-24-2006, 03:15 AM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                        Lol i duoed i with a WAR friend, i was Hume PLD, only used OJ to refresh myself, it was a pretty close one and i got pretified but mighty strikes Sturmwind killed it X3 too bad i didnt record it...


                        • #13
                          Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                          Fewest I've ever done is Trio. BST, SMN, BLM. I was the BLM (19), and I mostly just kited the Dragon around after it woke up until the Eye was killed.

                          I'll be having a go at it again pretty soon, so we'll see how few folks I can get away with this time.


                          • #14
                            Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                            doesn't the dragon have draw in? how dya kite it?
                            Kylestie was defeated by Curiosity.


                            • #15
                              Re: Lvl25 Dragon Solo. Can it be done?

                              He didn't use it, I guess. I just ran around the edges of the circle and hoped for the best.

                              To be fair, I didn't kite him for very long. I mean, it's not a terribly taxing fight. I made maybe two circuits around the circle, and by then the BST was done killing the Eye.

