Are the jump moves(jump, high jump, and super jump) moves that as soon as you activate them they are used or do you have to wait til your next swing til they are used? And since im on the topic does super jump do any dmg or does it just erase hate from you?
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JUmp moves
Re: JUmp moves
Is it also true that if a person is casting a spell if i use a jump ability will in interrupt it?
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Re: JUmp moves
well like any kind of hit, it has a chance of doing so, but not 100% but since jump can be used at will you can time it right to try and stop a spell being casted.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.
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Re: JUmp moves
If you are solo and use super jump then your wyvern will get hate next. If you are in a party and use super jump the person next in line with hate will then get it.
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Re: JUmp moves
Jump-> Damage and tp move
High Jump-> Removes some hate i think they said around half (not sure on %) and some damage
Super Jump-> Erases your hate ur wyvern does still keep some unoticable unless soloing, allows u to take 0 damage from aoes, also will stop enemy casting if they are targeting you.
As from stopping Super will and in ballista jump and high jump can stop but that depends on who you are figthing and what gear. I cant recall my jumps stopping casting it may have but i havent seen it as of late.
also 2hr gives moded effects
Jump-> tagert def down(about 50%)
High Jump-> Tp down(about 50%)
Super Jump-> hate down(about 50%) the person directly behind you "sata postions)
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Re: JUmp moves
Here's my experience with the jumps.
Jump and High jump do damage. High jump also sheds some hate. Super jump sheds hate from you. If you can time Super jump right, you can miss the AOE's as mentioned (bomb's in Ifrits Cauldron anyone? lol).
In my experience parties, we always had a THF or /THF. I was trick buddy. THF does SATA on me and I either High jump or Super jump (whichever one is ready) and hate goes right back to the tank.
In duo parties or while solo, I'll use my jumps for damage, and also use both regular Jump and High jump to interrupt the mobs spells. A few times while soloing, Super jump has given Ember hate long enough for me to get to safety. Love my wyvern!!
I have never in my 75 levels of DRG had my jump interrupt a party members spell casting.
Hope my experience helps answer your question.DRG 75 / SMN 75
Cooking: 93.7
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Re: JUmp moves
super will stop a cure castother than that it cant interupt an ally
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Re: JUmp moves
Originally posted by Mesha
I have never in my 75 levels of DRG had my jump interrupt a party members spell casting.Last edited by Brayden; 05-19-2006, 02:05 PM.
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Re: JUmp moves
I've been lucky then.. I can't remember a time I missed a buff or a cure. I didn't say it never happens, I should have said that I can't remember my jumps interrupting a party members casting.
DRG 75 / SMN 75
Cooking: 93.7
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Re: JUmp moves
To add to interruption rates. In Ballista, Jump/HighJ definitely have a change to interrupt a targets casting. I use this tactic multiple times on 1v1 fights for magic casters; and Super Jump is just putting you at the bottom of the monsters Hate List. You still have aggro from him, but youll be last.
| Relic 5/5 Complete | Attestation: X |
| Hecatomb Harness: O | Austeres: O | Elemental Staves: O |
| Celestial Avatars:O | Fenrir: O | Diabolos: O |
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Re: JUmp moves
In ballista when would be a good time to use super jump?
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Re: JUmp moves
when you have like 3 people attacking you, or when you see a bad spell being casted on you. After you SJ either kill the person you were attacking or kill the caster or run from the 3 people. 3 vs 1 will kill you fast.
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