Hey now that its been around while im wondering how everone is using the 2hr. In my old sky ls there was 2 of us and he would only use his 2hr to save himself. I find my self in sky and dynamis making sure i nail jump on boss/god and making sure who ever has the most un wanted hate gets a super jump for the hate loss.
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Spirit Surge
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Spirit Surge
Re: Spirit Surge
I always sub Samurai when we fight Gods in my LS. I am also usually the first skillchain opener, so without hesitation Spirit Surge + Jump is always landed on the God before I even open the skillchain.
I always use my 2hr about 10-15 minutes into an xp party, and bust out Penta Thrust for fun. I make sure the Call Wyvern recast is at 0 so after Spirit Surge wears off I can recall Soryu.
Spirit Surge has an amazing result in CoP BCNM missions. My CoP static has a War and a Samurai. BCNMs such as Snoll Tsar and Tenzen went like this:
1. (War) Provoke
2. (Drg) Spirit Surge + Jump
3. (War) Berserk + Warcry + Mighty Strikes + Icarus Wing + Rampage
4. (Drg) Icarus Wing + Penta Thrust
5. (Sam/Rng) Meditate + Sidewinder + Meikyo Shisui + Sidewinder x 3 + Icarus Wing + Sidewinder
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Re: Spirit Surge
Cool info on the bcnm nite im actually starting cop lmao havent been bothered to do it outside enms. My new ls wants me to lvl thru and join them in limbus
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Re: Spirit Surge
I just started using it in ENM 60 Pulling Strings.
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Re: Spirit Surge
I think I've used it all of twice since they introduced Spirit Surge. Once to see what it looks like, and once in Dynamis to show others what it looked like.
I got my DRG to 75 before the change, so the thought of using a 2 hour to benefit or help in an exp party or bcnm never crosses my mind. I guess I should go play with it nowDRG 75 / SMN 75
Cooking: 93.7
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Re: Spirit Surge
It's incredibly useful, and I try to use it whenever possible. BLM pull too much hate with AM? Spirit Surge > Super Jump. Particularly tough mob, or a link? Spirt Surge > Jump > WS. Hell, if you've got the timing down you can self SC.
Okay, I'm editing to provide a bit more detail on how it works for anyone that's not quite sure. For a self SC to work, you'll need to get 100 TP up yourself. Use your WS, and then spirit surge quickly before the wyvern can use it's breath attack. You have now gained it's TP and other various stats! You might also want to try and fit a jump in there before the second weapon skill, since super jump adds a somewhat nice defense down effect to it. It's also nice to have another melee 2 hour (like WAR's mighty strikes) be told to wait until after you've jumped during yours so they gain the full effect of the def. down. Also, for Spirit Suge > Super Jump, you'd need to be in front of the the person you'd want to remove hate from to the point where you're almost right on them. You also get a great instant heal if your wyvern was healthy, a sizeable vit an str bonus, and probably a few other things I've yet to notice. It's a great tactical 2 hour and is currently one of the best in the game.Last edited by Langley; 05-18-2006, 03:24 PM.
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Re: Spirit Surge
I usually end a soloing session with a self skillchain. Actually thats probably what I have used it the most for.
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Re: Spirit Surge
So far, soloing 22-31, I've only used it for "Oh crap, link! Zone!" survival.Ellipses on Fenrir
There is no rush. If you're not willing to take your time, don't be surprised when no one wants to give you much of theirs.
. . .
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