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level 40 rings

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  • #16
    Re: level 40 rings

    well i gone the route of 2x snip rings they really help but then you focus on more str then anything else, also hey tao how you do that thing in your signeture????? it looks cool btw, merman gorgot is endgame armor, also with that acc bonus if you eat sushi you should be fine sole = str + acc and squid is Agi and Acc (but agi helps out Jump damage so your choice) well thats all i gotta say, but yes dragoon is a very job but can be slow at 55+ (unless you form all of your partys, cuase that seems to help a ton) (p.s. acc more for galkan's and evlaans' or you can do a mixture for hume but we do have allil better dex i think oh well your choice)

    wanna party? sure
    wanna do a bcnm? great
    leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


    • #17
      Re: level 40 rings

      Lol am i the only one not shelling out money for snipers and woodsman rings? Assault and a vener rign work too well. When i have some spare gil eating thru my invetory i may get em but hey im 70 and still haveing no problems
      [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


      • #18
        Re: level 40 rings

        I have another suggestion for a some nice cash. If you have done the Promy mission, get a team up and do the enms in the spires. You can easily farm the stuff for animas on the first floor of the promys. Also you will get a little exp and beastmen seals.
        Thanks Kazuki.
        Dragoon Equipment


        • #19
          Re: level 40 rings

          If I recall, 70+ as Hume you need (at max) +33 Acc, a little more for HNMs. Once you have Merman's Gorget, Life Belt and afew other various +Acc gear your fine, if your unsure if something will do or not, /c the ITs you'll be fighting, if it's Low Eva, your doing fine.
          You have been Black Listed for 10 points of damage.


          • #20
            Re: level 40 rings

            Lol reason i dont have them i shelled out gil on other peices like the full barone set... lol and my sh but ne ways i have always had a att and acc peice for almost every slot just play around till u get the best preformance.... and thf mobs suck i give up on blaggers
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #21
              Re: level 40 rings

              hehe i try and balanc my gear all i can. i try to have enough acc so that i can hit the mob, then attack so im maxing my damage, and then str to make max damage limit alitle higher. I have a DRG friend how always it like "Hey only acc for drg, all the acc you can get!" Hehe^^ Think hes alitle pissed im not going all acc, but truth is (my opinion only lol) that as soon as we maxing out our acc need, we have to have some attacking power too In my experience this is true, but pleas give me replays if you expirience it different. That being said, am a hume and need to work alitle more on my damageing.
              Keep on rocking in the free world!
              In the end your alway alone!
              So far... So good... So what!?
              BLM/RDM ~ DRG/WAR

