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Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

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  • #16
    Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

    When did Dragoon solely mean a Dragon Slayer in the FFXI world? The story itself for Dragoons was no were near that idea. In fact to the story you are actually saving a Wyvern from death even though you did kill another. Then also the Dragon you kill was basically an evil dragon and the one you saved bears a holy mark.

    In essense the story is more of the Dragoon drawing strength from his Dragon counterpart, not killing them. Just the logic seems to be misguided to me because of the Ancient Circle ability. Even though every other ability is working with the dragon who's bonded with you. To make better sense of why the DRG has Ancient Circle a description they also used for BLU fits perfectly to explain that.

    The idea of fight fire with fire, catch a thief with a thief, and use a beast to kill a beast. That's all that the Ancient Circle touches on and I think was intended to be the smallest part of focus to the Dragoon, but someone seems to think it should of been otherwise.

    The DRG new 2HR is intresting but I think one going in reverse to that would be intresting too. One were the DRG can temporarily fuse his power to the Wyvern, or a modified idea off the puppet masters and blu's. What if the DRG by level were given some like stat points that they can attribute to their wyvern to give it unique functions and purpose?
    Last edited by Macht; 04-13-2006, 02:42 PM.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #17
      Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

      Here we go again. Give them an inch.....


      Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


      • #18
        Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

        We've come from "DRGs suck" to "DRGs are great" to "DRGs are good now, but in case they suck later..."?

        Get over the shell shock. DRGs don't suck any more. If anything, the job that needs the most help now (ironically) is RNG.

        I'm not saying that DRG couldn't use more variety, but more power? Nah. Flexibility yes. Power no. As far as dealing damage, DRGs are just fine where they are right now - what would be nice to see is more options than simply /WAR or /THF (as mentioned above).

        P.S. to Jei: Yes, bard songs do trigger healing breath, but they trigger at a lower HP% than with a pure mage subjob (25% base for /BRD vs. 33% for /Mage, increased to 33% and 50% with AF1 if I recall correctly).



        • #19
          Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

          I just want access to more equipment for DRG then I will be satisfied.


          • #20
            Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

            DRG's equipment is more or less like THF's Equip =P
            not saying DRG is weak , i'm DRG65 and i know it's pretty strong (again not compared to MNK or WAR/NIN , but in some cases Yes!)

            and the new 2H isn't weak , actually one of the best when used in a right way.
            check your Wyvern's tp <pettp> should be over 100% then:
            engage > WS ( before the wyvern engages ) ( Macro )
            Spirit surge ( weeeee~ wyvern's TP! )
            Jump > penta thrust
            High jump
            Meditate if u r /SAM and u may be able to spam a 3rd penta thrust ( or ic wing for a 3rd ws )
            super jump if u want OR if some1 needs it.
            this combo can do 1.2K DMG at least
            and for a 2H ability , yes this is great :D

            75 | Beastmaster75 | Thief69


            • #21
              Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

              Oh, I have no problems with our 2-hour. As far as I can remember, THF is the only job to get a change to their 2-hour. Personally, I think THF needs more attention than RNG. PLD too for that matter. Overall, I have to say when S-E covered all those jobs they seemed to have a decent handle on how the jobs stacked up to each other.

              Other than the RNG statement, I agree with you Icemage. DRG is still a force to be reckoned with. They don't necessarily need more power (not that I'd mind more power), but they would benefit more from something that encourages variety. I feel the variety should be in the form of boosting subjobs. It would be better to give a bonus specific to that sub, but that would just multiply the amount of work for the servers and our PC's to do. That's one reason I suggested a bonus along the same lines that our wyvern's function is decided. Mage and Multipurpose subs stand to benefit the most, but even melee subs stand to benefit.
              4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


              • #22
                Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                Originally posted by seq
                DRG's equipment is more or less like THF's Equip =P
                So is MNK but you don't see them creating a "Whine" thread every other day on any forum that'll let them post.


                Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                • #23
                  Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                  DRGs wipe the floor on DRK/THF at my level -_-;; See thread in DRK forum.

                  RNGs don't need help. I know a RNG @ 42 that was sucking hate like no business and doing more damage than the BLM. RNG need help? {No thanks}


                  • #24
                    Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                    RNGs need some way to reduce enmity. Their game mechanics suck right now - if they stand in the right places to shoot, they pull hate - which puts them out of position. Give them the ability to do their damage without pulling the monster all over the universe and they'll be just fine.

                    Other than that I wouldn't change them, but because of this flaw in their current setup, I think it's a bigger problem than either THF or PLD have at the moment.



                    • #25
                      Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                      Can RNG equip the Crow set? Lots of -enmity on that iirc


                      • #26
                        Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                        Originally posted by Intensity
                        So is MNK but you don't see them creating a "Whine" thread every other day on any forum that'll let them post.
                        Monks have a lot more equipment choices than both Drg and Thf. Everything a Dragoon can wear that isn't mainstream lame is for soloing, whereas Monks' equipment is all about party play. Ochiudo's Kote comes to mind as an awesome piece of equipment because it can be worn from 34 to 75 or whatever level you can begin to wear it. Dragoons pretty much wear mixed and assorted pieces of gear that just happen to have beneficial stats. It's not uncommon to see level ffity Dragoons wearing different pieces equipment ranging from level 13 to 50 because there just isn't much to choose from.

                        I can't exactly comment on Thief for obvious reasons.
                        Last edited by DakAttack; 04-13-2006, 08:33 PM.


                        • #27
                          Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                          Originally posted by bikkebakke
                          Can RNG equip the Crow set? Lots of -enmity on that iirc
                          No. Only BRD BST DRG MNK PLD RDM SMN THF WHM can equip Crow gear.



                          • #28
                            Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                            Note- THF isn't the only job getting a 2hr change. WHM is getting Benediction to heal status effects, or so they say.
                            RDM 75 - SMN 72 - WHM 37 - BLM 37 - DRK 37 -
                            Bastok Rank 10 Completed
                            Rise of the Zilart 16 "The Celestial Nexus"
                            Chains of Promathia 8 - 1 "Garden of Antiquity"
                            Treasures of Aht Urghan 13 "Lost Kingdom"


                            • #29
                              Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                              Lol, about the best thing I can find for RNGs is that Novia Earring. -7 Emnity about the biggest -Emnity item that a RNG can wear. Otherwise it seems mostly the RNGs that complain are the ones that go RNG/NIN because for them pulling hate isn't as easy and to add that they can't do the chain with the THFs as effectively now.

                              I would like to get that Novia Earring, that and add in the change they say their doing with Sharpshot and I think I'll be pretty much set anything else they add to it would be nice I think.

                              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                              • #30
                                Re: Don't let S-E forget they promised us.

                                Originally posted by Intensity
                                So is MNK but you don't see them creating a "Whine" thread every other day on any forum that'll let them post.
                                If DRG had:
                                1) An insane series of belt items that gave STR and haste bonuses, culiminating in a str+7, haste +12% and Damage reduction 5% item (Any ONE of those stats being on an item would make them much sought after, but they get all 3!)

                                2) Lances that scale in damage with Skill and merits, so that at level 75 with 8 points of merits, you actually hit as hard as a level 78 monk.

                                3) Ridiculous amounts of haste and atk gear + kick attacks for TP

                                4)WS as good and SC-friendly as Asuran fists/Raging fists/Dragon kick.

                                5) The ability to equip almost any god equipment as opposed to ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FROM THE SKY including the complete absence of lance drops from the sky despite it being you know, a Zilart area. Oh, and the ability to equip kotes at level 34 that give +20 to your attack skill.

                                Oh wait, we can equip Kirin Pole! WHEEEEE. (Kinkobo anyone?)

                                6) Destroyers - Drg do not have a stone splitter/gondo-shizunori equivalent without horrible D(amage) due to the fact they have to share with samurai (i.e. a lance, not a spear). Destroyers works even in a merit party when unlatented because most of your D is coming from your skill, not your weapon.

                                7) AF that didn't completely suck except for 1 piece that has little use in regular EXP parties. When I see a DRG in AF in an EXP party and it isn't the boots (which aren't so much good as 'marginally better than the retarded alternatives at that level'), I know I'm in for a horrible time.

                                8) Any job ability OR trait after level 50. (Even Bard gets resist silence level 4 - woah!) Especially one trait that gives you the equivalent of 10% or so haste on regular attacks.

                                9) A 2hour that wasn't "highly situational buff that lasts for 60 seconds and usually results in nobody knowing what it did because the effect was underwhelming" the only real use of being invalid because it requires

                                -the mage that got aggro to stand still and not move (HAHAHAHA)

                                -for you to insert yourself in the space between the mage and the monster, which is sometimes nonexistant.

                                10) An eagerly sought role in merit parties at level 75 rather than "Party MP sponge (drg/war), 'Gimp Warrior/nin' (drg/nin), 'Healer for parties that like the idea of playing at half hp all the time' (drg/whm), 'Why didn't I invite a Samurai?" (drg/thf)

                                If DRG had all that and still whined, you'd have something known as "a valid point". I can't believe you're comparing it to MNK (a.k.a. 75% of the jobs in uncapped 75 ballista).

                                P.S.: I don't think Dragoon is a weak melee job, but I don't think very highly of it either since it is inefficient in an experience setting. But that's precisely why I levelled it to 75 as opposed to one of the more popular jobs, because nothing entitles you to criticize a job as much as actual experience. Anyone can be competent as a Monk, that's ridiculously easy, but being a DRG that can stand up to the Warriors in the party - now that takes effort.

                                Please list what advantages you think a Dragoon has gearwise over any other job. A one-line snarky remark without substantiation does not an intelligent point make.

                                Before you open your can of sarcasm, try walking a mile in the other person's shoes - that does a whole lot for empathy, compassion and perspective.
                                Last edited by locus; 04-15-2006, 03:13 AM.
                                I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.

