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The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

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  • #31
    Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

    The sad fact is that, for the most part, Dragoon does suck. Well, not really suck so much as is overshadowed by other jobs. Don't get me wrong, 1-50 or 60 you can and will find yourself at the top of the charts. But after the other jobs begin getting access to gear, Job Traits, and Job Abilities that you don't, you'll inevitably find yourself replaced by them. You won't hit as hard as a Dark Knight (note: at least weaponskill wise; I've found most DRKs gimp themselves with /THF and sushi, something you should never do regardless of job). You won't hit as fast as a Monk or Warrior/Ninja.

    But the primary reason most people say Dragoon is undesirable, unbeknowst to those who haven't reached endgame and are merely going off what other's say, is your usefulness at that point. You can either go as a damage dealer who can't hit as hard or often as others (Warriors and Samurais primarily, because at this point, Dark Knight is just as lol as Dragoon), or you can go as a healer who can't heal as well as a Red Mage or White Mage. The usefullness of a Wheeling Thrust or Impulse Drive without Sneak Attack is questionable, as you won't have the damage or accuracy provided by that. As such, it's not even a guaranteed Light/Darkness opener if you're trying to be as useful as you can to the group by subbing White Mage. Healing Breath can be useful, but I honestly doubt that you'll save too many people with it. At best, you're healer for an add party. At worst, you're a leech.

    Dragoons have to realize this and make their part in battles work. You're really just there to assist, not really contributing large numbers either through damage or healing. You won't be the guy that the group says "Wow, good thing we had that Dragoon there or else we would have lost". You'll be the guy there Paralyning so White Mages and Red Mages can focus on healing. You'll be the one fighting adds so tanks can focus on the big guy. You won't be there putting up big numbers that make you look good in your sig.

    The hardest part of Dragoon may be accepting that your role in events like this isn't the star of the show.


    • #32
      Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

      Much like any "EndGame" of any MMO. Sadly those roles are needed.

      You can't do a big fight without the Main tank, but nor could you do it without the off tanks.

      So Drg can't be in the spotlight. It doesn't matter as long as your doing what you can. So you can be replaced, so can everyone else, including the tank.

      Befor I played FFXI, I was the raid stratigist for an EQ guild. If you think Drg has it bad, think again, many many so called EndGame fights require classes/jobs to do things they cant do well, or do nothing at all.

      Fenin Ro for example, Has an AE that will 2 shot your entire raid. How do you over come this? 72 people, 1 main tank, 16 various healer classes at max range, 5 Rangers, 10ish mages/wizards at max range. 40 people standing on the sidelines, rogues and warriors shooting their bows (doing nothing).

      Did we make fun of them? no. They're our friends and always do everything they can, even when they can't do anything.

      I'm tired... enough rambling.
      Last edited by Kravex; 05-18-2006, 11:11 PM.
      You have been Black Listed for 10 points of damage.


      • #33
        Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

        @ 58 my gear on Cordelia. Luckily i got to use a lot of the high pricetag items from my main rdm (snipers and SH). The accuracy allows me to use Sis Kebabi. Now for story.. since that's the way this seems to go.. and i have 3.

        One: While i was in CN (level 40 something) doing soldier crawlers, i got invited to this party where the other DD was a DRK. Wow he had bad gear. I'm talking level 20 stuff and i have no clue what he was doing.. but I was parsing the pt and at the end Ringo(my buddy... the flying kind) parsed about as much dmg as him (he was not having trouble connecting and had decent accuracy but was hitting for about 1/3 my dmg per swing).

        I think i had "Ringo does more dmg than badly equiped drks" in my baazar comment for a week. I know that at that level drgs are among the premier DDs but i never figured the difference would be that high.

        Two: Level 56.. oh how i hated that level.. 1 level away from SH and no invite for a week... (found that i could solo DC easily while getting my af feet). I check online and find that the bats in Bostaunieux Oubliette are about my level (EM). So i go there and get to work.. first one check EM and so .. i go yay.. mobs i think i can fight. Get my lance and poke it.. it dies.. (well pretty fast neway).

        So i target the next bat and start fighting. This guy.. is hitting real hard.. so i check him.. and he's tough. Oh well nothing to do about it .. i pop a melon drink (/rdm) and go to work.. and well whatdya know .. he's dead.. and i still have 65 MP left (I soooo love insta cure3 for 6 MP). So i take on the next mob.. and it turns out its tough too... at the end of that fight.. i was about 0 on mp .. but had a chain 2 for 288 exp .. solo. I rest up and the mobs repop and i start fighting the first bat and .. the other 2 bats.. casual.. (i mean .. they just wandered over to this guy) ... link and kill me... yay 15 mins +600 exp - 1k exp ... bah.. i go back to chaining EP gobs in altep.

        Three: This was just yesterday. I (with ringo's dmg) was just about keeping up on dmg with a WAR 1 level up (and i mean he was real good... 700 rampage and stuff). They're a static the rest of them in the pt. I kept anouncing my TP everytime i hit 100 cuz i dont use windower. After a bit he goes..
        WAR >> YA i know u have jump.
        ME >> huh?
        WAR >> i'm being destroyed on TP by a drg in SH eating meat.
        ME >> Don't worry u're out damaging me.
        WAR >> I'm not used to being the one lagging on TP its usually me at 150 and other DD at 90.
        ME >> Um.. drgs are the second fastest TP gainers next to SAM.
        WAR >> Not the ones we've ptd with.
        WHM >> Hmm.. we havent pt with any really good drgs yet tho..
        ME >> Obviously.

        Edit: I parsed some of the fights in the last story and the damage % between the war and myself was real even and it almost always seemed to be his WS that made the difference. (bad rampage i get more % good rampage he gets more %). We had an overall fun pt doing about 7.5-8k/hour.
        Last edited by Bothari; 05-19-2006, 09:26 AM.


        • #34
          Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

          Well i got back into lvling my drg this weekend started @66 and got 67 quick and the pt disbanded so i was like i got things to do and put up flage i look back 3 min later and i had an invite so i went back to lvling.. i get to the camp look around and no tank. I was like ok.. i ask and they said i was gonna tank. Was like why not we where chaining vts and ts. I tanked my way to 68 without a death was pysched about it it was late so we disbanded next afternoon i get into a pt 2 lvls down on our dds. We had a good pld tank so i didnt have to jump hate e away i start going all out building tp and figuring thf could keep up... but ofcourse not right lol i was ws and was +40% tp on her. That pt disbands i firugred maybe just a bad thief... I get into a pt with a thief i know could build tp and was still about+75% on them. So i realised why i missed drg its to damn fun getting tells " slow down a bit ur making me look bad". And alls i could respond "i havent been spaming jump both timers have been up for 5 min >.<"
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #35
            Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

            a random one from me :p last night I was in Bibiki Bay and we where fighting gobs, well right before we killed a gob, (at half health killed itself) leaveing us pretty damaged and WHM down, then the gob we had sleeping followed up with another bobm toss -.- right ater that we where all in read, so I divin seal+ curagaII and followed by a jump+highjump+wheeling thrust+ SuperJump :p yeah we won that fight and was loved
            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


            • #36
              Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

              Originally posted by Brakki
              The sad fact is that, for the most part, Dragoon does suck. Well, not really suck so much as is overshadowed by other jobs. Don't get me wrong, 1-50 or 60 you can and will find yourself at the top of the charts. But after the other jobs begin getting access to gear, Job Traits, and Job Abilities that you don't, you'll inevitably find yourself replaced by them. You won't hit as hard as a Dark Knight (note: at least weaponskill wise; I've found most DRKs gimp themselves with /THF and sushi, something you should never do regardless of job). You won't hit as fast as a Monk or Warrior/Ninja.

              But the primary reason most people say Dragoon is undesirable, unbeknowst to those who haven't reached endgame and are merely going off what other's say, is your usefulness at that point. You can either go as a damage dealer who can't hit as hard or often as others (Warriors and Samurais primarily, because at this point, Dark Knight is just as lol as Dragoon), or you can go as a healer who can't heal as well as a Red Mage or White Mage. The usefullness of a Wheeling Thrust or Impulse Drive without Sneak Attack is questionable, as you won't have the damage or accuracy provided by that. As such, it's not even a guaranteed Light/Darkness opener if you're trying to be as useful as you can to the group by subbing White Mage. Healing Breath can be useful, but I honestly doubt that you'll save too many people with it. At best, you're healer for an add party. At worst, you're a leech.

              Dragoons have to realize this and make their part in battles work. You're really just there to assist, not really contributing large numbers either through damage or healing. You won't be the guy that the group says "Wow, good thing we had that Dragoon there or else we would have lost". You'll be the guy there Paralyning so White Mages and Red Mages can focus on healing. You'll be the one fighting adds so tanks can focus on the big guy. You won't be there putting up big numbers that make you look good in your sig.

              The hardest part of Dragoon may be accepting that your role in events like this isn't the star of the show.
              The first time my LS actually let me come to Fafnir as a DRG(instead of as boring BARD) they were all surprised. My gear was quite crappy then but they were still surprised. The expected me to do crap damage but I was right up there with all the other melee.

              I don't think you've played with a good DRG. I've been in many PTs with top WARs and SAMs and been equal or better than them in damage. DRG is not all about damage via WS. DRG is a DoT job. Most people don't add in our wyvern, or even jumps. A DRG can hit as hard as a SAM and even WARs(even in WS).

              I have had people say "Wow good thing we had a DRG" in 75 PTs. Why? Knowing how to use Spirit Surge and use jumps.

              Anyone who plays DRG to be the star of the show should go play THF. Since "star of the show" usually revolves around WS damage and most people just go "Ohh pretty big number". WS is not everything.

              | 75 DRG | 75 MNK | 75 BRD | 37 WAR | 37 NIN | 38 WHM | 37 THF | 60 RNG |
              | 65 SAM | 61 BST | 37 BLM | 46 RDM | 14 BLU | 10 PUP | 10 COR |


              • #37
                Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                Let me sum it how how impressive I think DRGs are.

                The Dragoon uses Penta Thrust.
                The Eastern Sphinx takes 1400 damage.
                The Dragoon uses High Jump.
                Skillchain: Darkness.
                The Eastern Sphinx takes 1600 damage.
                The Wyvern uses Frost Breath.
                Magic Burst! The Eastern Sphinx takes 1200 damage.
                The Eastern Sphinx was owned by the Dragoon.

                ....nuff said.
                Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

                Get creative and pretend these happened.
                Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



                • #38
                  Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                  Originally posted by Brakki
                  You'll be the guy there Paralyning so White Mages and Red Mages can focus on healing.
                  Sad but true.

                  End game for Dragoons is as glamerous as black nail polish.


                  • #39
                    Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                    wait isnt brakki that guy with the guide lol??? and everyone was using his guide if it was the same guy... sad just sad
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #40
                      Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                      Crazy or not, you can't take Dragoon past 70 and not come to the same conclusion as every other Dragoon.


                      • #41
                        Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                        Originally posted by Moaku Hyena
                        Let me sum it how how impressive I think DRGs are.

                        The Dragoon uses Penta Thrust.
                        The Eastern Sphinx takes 1400 damage.
                        The Dragoon uses High Jump.
                        Skillchain: Darkness.
                        The Eastern Sphinx takes 1600 damage.
                        The Wyvern uses Frost Breath.
                        Magic Burst! The Eastern Sphinx takes 1200 damage.
                        The Eastern Sphinx was owned by the Dragoon.

                        ....nuff said.


                        • #42
                          Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                          Granted, i am a low level player - but i have a level 43 DRG in my linkshell, and to me his damage is outstanding.

                          The people who believe that DRG doesn't deal as much damage as other melee classes, have you added the dragon on to that? Because a DRG attack, plus the dragons attack, combined, is surely far greater damage than a samurai or warrior.


                          • #43
                            Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                            most do not count the Wyvern because in the past it was our 2hr and it died quick, but with it being 20min and SL to help, Wyvern can be kept out alot more.
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #44
                              Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                              Originally posted by Brakki
                              You'll be the guy there Paralyning so White Mages and Red Mages can focus on healing. You'll be the one fighting adds so tanks can focus on the big guy. You won't be there putting up big numbers that make you look good in your sig.

                              The hardest part of Dragoon may be accepting that your role in events like this isn't the star of the show.
                              First I would like to say that every HNM shell is different in regards to drg. Our shell does not have drgs doing healing or paralyna. LOL They have the same job as the other melee.

                              While I agree that not every drg is going to be putting out hugh numbers, there are some that do. We have a drg in our ls that keeps right up there with our other melee. But there are some that fal woefully behind him in skill, so yes, some do leech.

                              The hardest part of ANY MELEE job is accepting your role in events. I always get a kick out of a mage or tank in our ls when they lvl up a melee job and get it to 75. They want to try it out at events and soon realize its just not as glamorous as they thought it would be. TP up, get in alliance, sc, drop pt, TP up,.... Thf is especially fun when all they do is get you in near the end for your TH! So ya, melee jobs in endgame are not particularly fun at events and I think thats something they all get used to in the end......either that or they go lvl blm! LOL (said in jest)
                              Originally posted by Feba
                              But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                              Originally posted by Taskmage
                              God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                              Originally posted by DakAttack
                              ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.


                              • #45
                                Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                                lol im well past 70 lmao i just never update my sig lol i broke 70 2months ago lmao
                                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


