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The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

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  • The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

    When you think of a Dragoon in a party... a few things may come to mind:

    ~ "What!? Was there no other job available???"
    ~ "I guess its better than nothing..."
    ~ or the occassional "Hell yeah!"

    Now for the past few weeks of discussing with DRGs across my server aswell as on a few other servers, I find that there are no actuall complaints about the job itself - just the player. Many people on these forums including myself have always said that the job doesnt define the player, its the player that defines the job. After looking around, it seems that 90% of all comments about DRGs have been based off of 1 player . . . just one. The people who say Dragoon is a great job are people who have had a good experience with a player who is DRG. Now the reason why I bring this up is because it leads into my next part. . .

    It has been proven that 9/10 of all players do not know how to REALLY play their job until they are between the levels of 60-70. When you see a Black Mage just casting normal nukes and magic bursts, that is just one part of the job. But when you see a Black Mage lash out with every spell and every ability you will be amazed at what they can do. The same goes with all jobs, including Dragoon. When a player knows how the play Dragoon... they can dish out as much damage if not more than some melee. With the right technique, a DRG can not only deal massive amounts of damage, but can even draw hate away from the tank because of power they can dish out.

    Prime example would be my party last night with my DRG/WAR. I got there and a few people started bitching about me being a DRG and then later said "Wow" - yes, I actually made one guy say the word "Wow" lol. I was dishin out about 90-110 on normal attacks and about 400+ with Double Thrust. I was using Jump and High Jump at every oppertunity and was dealing around 100+ each with them. The SAM in my party was the only one who could really keep up and that was because of his /THF sub and his Meditate. Now granted im only a 43 DRG... but It was alot of fun being able to squash some rumors about DRGs. One guy even said "Wow, I guess the update really made DRGs better." . . . . My response was simple "They didnt change how I play the job. They didnt change my stats. They didnt change that much at all." And the best part was after I said that, the WHM who was rippin on me for being a DRG and was bashing the job told me "Wow, you are a really good Dragoon then."

    So it is possible for Dragoons to deal out damage and compete with the best of them out there - its just a matter of unleashing your fury!

    So lets hear some of your stories about a triumph for DRGs!

  • #2
    Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

    Now I DEFINATELY need to become a dragoon. I've been reading around alot and I've seen alot of people post about how dragoons suck (I've proven stuff like this wrong before). Anyways, congrats, this is seriously the first time I've read anywhere where someone commented a dragoon on kickin butt. O.o


    • #3
      Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

      Originally posted by Spazz

      Now for the past few weeks of discussing with DRGs across my server aswell as on a few other servers, I find that there are no actuall complaints about the job itself - just the player. Many people on these forums including myself have always said that the job doesnt define the player, its the player that defines the job. After looking around, it seems that 90% of all comments about DRGs have been based off of 1 player . . . just one. The people who say Dragoon is a great job are people who have had a good experience with a player who is DRG. Now the reason why I bring this up is because it leads into my next part. . .

      It has been proven that 9/10 of all players do not know how to REALLY play their job until they are between the levels of 60-70.


      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

        T_T. Summoner's don't become Summoner's until 70 T_T.
        Hacked on 9/9/09
        FFXIAH - Omniblast


        • #5
          Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

          Hey Spaz thank you again for posting somehting like this. People dont seem to understand how its not the job yet the player, maybe this time they will finally understand. Well we were bored one night me (drg) grim (drk) esp(pld) naru(thf). so we decided to get a couple mages so everyone could hit 60. Me and Esp where the "misfits" I being a dragoon and peoples views, and esp being a pld with a great sword. Grim had been my friend for a long time and he always told me how he was gonna out dd me. We headed to Valley of Sorrows and decide to test grims boast out. We start partying and the mage where amazed at how well esp kept hate seeing many people look down on it, and the numbers i put out damage wise and grim will never live his boast down.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #6
            Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

            Heres another one of my stories.

            I was seeking a group for about 5 minutes when my buddy who is lvling SAM gets on and we start talking while seeking. He starts talking about how he has noticed DRGs getting more and more invites and how it was really nice because he respected the DRG job and the people who play through all the rumors and comments. After about 20 minutes, I got an invite. I got up and started running to go grab my signet when I got another /tell from my friend who said "Nice man... get an invite?" I replied "Yep, headin out to my group now." He told me "Good luck my dragoon friend." So I got to my group and a person needs to leave. Well there is a Dragoon and my friend who is Samurai. The leader asked the group "What do you guys want?" and before I could say "Grab the SAM, hes my buddy." . . . I heard "Grab the Dragoon! 2 Dragoons in the same party kick ass!". I was floored. My jaw was on the ground. I ran over to my mom (yes my mom plays and is a 51RDM) and told her "My group just grabbed a DRG over a SAM!!!!" She was stunned too because of all the shit she has heard about DRGs. So the other DRG arrives and her and I are having a blast. Next thing you know my buddy shows up with his group and says "WTF! I was seeking way before that other DRG was seeking... AND HE GOT A PARTY BEFORE ME!" I was kinda giggling a bit and I sent him a /tell say "Damn dude, you must really suck to be chosen over a DRG." and his response that sent me to the floor laughing was, "Damn Dragoons! You can all goto hell! You goto hell and you die! I hate you! Oh yeah, we still on for tonights BCNM?"


            Now this is in no way shape or form attacking the SAM job. I just found this to be pretty funny and a decent story on Dragoons ^^



            • #7
              Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

              yea i am happy how poeple are chaning ther minds about drg i was 50 and hardly partying,

              now i am 55 and still rising getting 1-2 lvls a nite depending on the party

              gonna hit 56 tonight and i love showing popel how much damage i can do on mobs

              record got 617 on new 2hr and bersek for a double thrust being lvl 54
              insane? or rare? lol well it opened some eyes ^^

              wanna party? sure
              wanna do a bcnm? great
              leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


              • #8
                Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                Im just getting kinda nerves reading this stuff^^ lol
                Thing is, im kinda new, and i really wanna do stuff right. Thats why i am still only 39 BLM^^ hehe i read and looks for info so i can do the best job possible. I dont wanna screw it all up, and if i do i feel bad long time after... Have tryd to look for drg guide and that stuff, but it can be hard to find. You guys sonds like experienced players, so any advice will be great!! I know the basic stuff, but what i need is the key to the ultimate sucsess lol^^ Hehe.
                I also wanna do damage close to a sam now im only level 30 drg/war so i still have ALOT to learn about the job^^
                Keep on rocking in the free world!
                In the end your alway alone!
                So far... So good... So what!?
                BLM/RDM ~ DRG/WAR


                • #9
                  Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                  Nice story Spazz! Keep them coming :p

                  I'm really happy for all of you!
                  I'm back! Sanim restored!


                  • #10
                    Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                    On my quest to get all jobs to 40+, I have played through DRG. Other than the occaisonal "nice damage" and "unofficial hate stealer [via damage alone]" I haven't gotten many comments, but I have noticed that even compared to other DRGs I do a lot more damage. The thing is you have to equip the right gear. Many DRGs go through with no attack gear. Even using Platoon Lance (a measely 20k on Ragnarok) makes a huge difference over the other level 20 polearms, and many above that. That with quite a bit of attack gear (most of it easily under 100k, usually under 50k), meant I was doing on average 30 more damage than most other Dragoons, which is significant, especially at the levels you party in Yuhtunga and Yhoator. Nobody is able to even get close to outdoing my damage it seems. Dragoon is extremely powerful if played and equipped right.

                    Another comment I have about Dragoon, is I enjoy inviting them to level 73-75 parties in Lathiene (sp?). They are extremely good against birds.

                    BTW, at the time of this typing, my Dragoon is level 34 and my signature is outdated by a couple days.

                    My main gripe about playing the job, though, is it is extremely boring. Auto attack -> Jump -> WS when ready. That's all there is to do.
                    Red Mage ~ White Mage ~ Summoner ~ Black Mage ~ Beastmaster ~ Samurai ~ Paladin ~ Blue Mage


                    Windurst: ★Rank 10★ | San d'Oria: ★Rank 10★ | Bastok: ★Rank 10★
                    Zilart: ★The Last Verse★ | Promathia: ★The Last Verse★
                    Aht Urhgan: ★Eternal Mercenary★| Assault: ★Captain★
                    Goddess: Fate In Haze | Campaign: Moonlight Medal
                    Crystalline: ★A Crystalline Prophecy (Fin.)★ | Moogle: ★A Moogle Kupo d'Etat (Fin.)★



                    • #11
                      Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                      true DRG can get boring... any job can...

                      Ok boys and girls... time for "Storytime with Spazz" with your host, SPAZZ!

                      So I was in this group with a Dragoon and I was my Samurai. (My Dragoon and Samurai are same level... ) So we're fighting and Im easily out-damaging this Dragoon ~ I mean, more than usual. I examined him and he had some decent gear but I know for a fact I do more damage than he does. He was an Elvaan Dragoon and I of course am a Taru, which normally should mean he does more damage than me just based on race. So after talking to this guy through /tell's and asking him why his damage sucks, he got all pissed and said, "If you think you can do better, lets see your dragoon!" So I asked the party if I could change from SAM to DRG and they all said that was fine. I got a D2 from my party's BLM, changed, and came back to the group. Within the first 2-3 pulls... I was dealing about 10 more points of damage then him every hit. Now this is where it got kinda funny... The Dragoon thought I had merit points on STR or something, which I dont. I have merits on HP and thats it. LoL. After about another hour of grouping with this guy... he outdamaged me on a few weaponskills, but other than that I was dealing more - and he respectfuly acknowledged that. His exact words as the group disbanded were "Your pretty powerful for a midget." I will never let that down now lol.... Triumph for Taru DRGs ^^

                      Another story I have is when I was in a group with all melee and 2 powerlvlers. It was DRG, THF, DRK, MNK, MNK, PLD. We were just kickin the shit outta monsters and finally I had to go get ready for a date. Well, my date called and cancled so I got back online. It had been about 30 minutes since I had left the group and when I got back online I got /tell's from one of the MNKs and the DRK - BOTH saying "Please come back! This replacement sucks ass!" So without hesitation, I geared up and headed out. I got there to find the guy who replaced me was a WAR. I was watching and this WAR was doing great damage but he kept messin up the skillchain. So they kicked him and invited me. I was doing about 10-15 points of damage less than he was, but I was hitting the skillchains perfect and the group was having a blast. The WAR got all pissed off not just because he got replaced, but because he got replaced with a taru DRG. He kept spoutin out "WTF! Some f***in midget replaces me who can't f***in deal have the d*mn damage I can! This is bullsh*t." Well we got tired of it, dropped 2 of our people, invited one of the powerlevlers who was a 75BLM into the party and invited the pissed off WAR. Well the WAR accepted the invite and without missin a beat the leader of the party said "You may do better damage than Spazz, but atleast 90% of all Dragoons dont f***in mess up skillchains!!!" and they D2'd his ass outta there! It was awesome.

                      So, yeah... those are my stories. I will have to wait for some more stuff to happen and more parties so that I can tell you what happens. =) Until then boys and girls... keep those Wyvern flying high and those polearms sharp!



                      • #12
                        Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                        Yaay your DRG gotta rock!^^

                        I actually have a story even thoug im not that high in level. I was i the jungel whit my drg. NIN tank, THF, MNK, BLM and SMN. The BLM starts off whit how DRG was not that good of a job and that she could do good whitout. Not long after she DC and are not comming back. (Thats to bad) i think to myself lol^^ Anyway, this THF and NIN is experienced high rank players and know how to do there job. Me am as always nerves to screw up lol. But the party got amaizing! we hang out from level 27-30+ and hade good exp comming. Next day i get a /tell from the THF saying pleas come and replace a spot in this party^^ Hehe gotta feel good for DRG after that.
                        Last edited by Hecky; 01-03-2006, 04:08 AM.
                        Keep on rocking in the free world!
                        In the end your alway alone!
                        So far... So good... So what!?
                        BLM/RDM ~ DRG/WAR


                        • #13
                          Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                          i wish i had alil more stories about drg i have a couple but none too interseting. well i cant have many drg stories myself <need better gear so i am making bow with my craft to get more more>

                          well as my 50 rdm i had one time awhile back with a good friend, well he invited me one day, i partyed with him before as redmage and had fun so i said wath the hell why not.

                          aftergetting there and partying we stayed there for 6 hours lol 6 hours
                          (he's a galkan drg lol and hit 60 a couple days ago, lol lucky i am still 55)

                          well i started refresh and heal and haste and him and the sam kept blowing the mob's a new one
                          (tachi:junpi for 180 + penta for 380+) (gravitation for 250+) (and anystone MB was 170+ althought blm was hitting for 370 with stone3)
                          thats what made me decide to be a drg myself seeing how they were sooo powerful also i would like to know how many drg's out there have a walkure or valkure mask (and is it worth it??) cuase i making the money for one now, just need the bows to sell lol <a mule in the 3 begining towns and me in jueno they should sell fast>

                          well keep this post going and spazz your a drg monster man lol out damaging a elvaan lol i can only do that on a good day <i need some mertit on str when i get rdm high enough>

                          well see you guys later

                          wanna party? sure
                          wanna do a bcnm? great
                          leveling bst in your free time cuase you cant not get party as drg??? priceless


                          • #14
                            Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                            I use a Walkures Mask and I like it. I paid 400k for it back in the day... now the dang thing is like 2 mil. Is it worth it... I think so. Would I pay 2 mil for it... f*** no!

                            lol I actually got 2 private messages last night asking my gear as a DRG.... so here it is folks:

                            Peregrine =
                            Walkure's Mask =
                            Wonder Kaftan =
                            Wonder Mitts =
                            Wonder Braccae =



                            • #15
                              Re: The TRUE Power of Dragoons - share your stories.

                              Here is the rest:
                              Wonder Clomps =
                              Beetle Earring+1 (x2) =
                              Puissance Ring (x2) =
                              Swordbelt =
                              Earth Mantle =


