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New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

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  • New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

    Ok, I logged in, all excited, got into a PT..popped the 2 hour...and noticed NOTHING. You get +14 Strength, which is laughable for a 2 hour.

    It also eats your wyvern so what little extra damage you do get, is canceled out by the fact that your Wyvern isnt there to cast spells, or for his DoT.

    The jumps did not make a difference at all. The "Defense" down has to be a joke.

    What is wrong with SE, why do they insist that DRG isn't underpowered. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that DRG is the -ONLY- melee damage job without some sort of attack buff.

    WAKE UP S-E!
    Last edited by Zyph; 12-12-2005, 05:48 PM.

  • #2
    Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

    Yeah, I used it in a PT, my per hit damage wasn't any different. But like I said, the fact that it eats your wyvern and only lasts 30 seconds. Cancels out what little damage bonus you do get from it..

    With your wyvern out, you get 20-30+ a hit at 61. 50-60 with criticals. Plus the added Weaponskill damage.

    Also, what good is the HP it gives? You don't take damage or pull aggro, lol.
    Last edited by Zyph; 12-12-2005, 06:16 PM.


    • #3
      Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

      Don't just assume it sucks yet. U only used it once under one scenario. SE won't be that dumb to make such a unoriginal and retarded two hour.


      • #4
        Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

        Get TP, use DRG 2hr while loading up on all necessary +str/atk WS equipment, use WS = Higher damage than before.

        Better yet, get TP, use 2hr, Jump (weakens defense), use WS = da pain...hopefully!

        Granted, I'm not a DRG nor do I have any plans of leveling one...but at least this 2hr ability is much more useful than a useless wyvern that dies to AE in the following round.
        Last edited by Xythalia; 12-12-2005, 07:21 PM.
        75 Bst / 75 Whm / 75 Brd / 75 RNG/ 70 Mnk


        • #5
          Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

          the jump effects sound really cool but requiring 2hr to use makes them kinda unreliable imo.
          super jump that lowers other person hate could really be used more in a regular basis.
          There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
          but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
          transform a yellow spot into the sun.

          - Pablo Picasso


          • #6
            Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

            if it lasts 30 seconds gotta use good timing for it with your umps to maximize potential


            • #7
              Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

              The wyverns strength gets added to ur character, so prolly the higher lvl u are the more ur attacks will be increased


              • #8
                Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                No, it's a fixed 14 STR. I got 14, and my 73 friend got 14.


                • #9
                  Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                  So far I know that the new 2hr:

                  Gives you added str based on your level/race.
                  Increases your max HP by a certain amount (~300 hp as a 75 mithra).
                  Heals you for the amount of HP your wyvern had.
                  Gives you the TP your wyvern had.
                  Gives your Jumps the effects you can read about in the patch notes.
                  Lasts 1 minute.

                  There's some unclarified stuff about how much your damage increases by, because the damage increase could be from the added strength, the def down effect, or just some static bonus for using the two hour. Supposedly the def down effect is significant, but of course it probably depends on what you're fighting.


                  • #10
                    Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                    I with with a DRG from my LS last night when he decided to test his. It looked as if he did around an extra 30 or so damage per with with his SP active. Given that without it his wyvern was hitting for 100-120 it was a bit of a step down.

                    This was on Too Weak mobs though, maybe it's a little better on exp worthy mobs. I certainly hope so.


                    • #11
                      Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                      Get TP, WS, Spirit Surge, Jump, WS, Icarus wing, WS, High Jump, Super Jump. Sounds pretty excelsior to me.


                      • #12
                        Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                        it sounds like a step in the right direction...

                        but it sounds like a step when a flying leap was needed.

                        Originally posted by SelfdestButton
                        Get TP, WS, Spirit Surge, Jump, WS, Icarus wing, WS, High Jump, Super Jump. Sounds pretty excelsior to me.
                        yeah, but you coulda done that before the patch. the 2 hr itself doesnt sound too great. it's an improvement, but it's not enough...

                        still, at least the drg's are not totally gimp now...

                        ionia of Cait Sith! 75 RDM, 75 THF
                        Plotting World Domination and doing silly emotes on a server probably not near you!
                        I live to entertain!


                        • #13
                          Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                          Other thing is what if your Wyvern is under enhanced effect due to your gear. Do those effects transfer over to you then for those 30 sec.? Still tons to test with DRG before declaring that 2hr bogus.

                          As far as I can see there is +HP items a DRG can wear for his Wyvern, +Accuracy, and a Regen effect. Do those end up transfering to the DRG when he activates that?

                          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                          • #14
                            Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                            You could do two with an icarus wing. Now you can do three consecutively, with two having more damage, higher STR, against a mob with reduced defense. You could do 300 damage pentas to say, Ouryu. Now you can spam 3 of those at a higher damage, erase his TP, your hate, and reduce someone elses hate.

                            I say again, excelsior.
                            Last edited by SelfdestButton; 12-13-2005, 12:12 PM.


                            • #15
                              Re: New 2 hour ability- "Free Meat Chiefkabob"

                              Regardless of whether the new 2 hr is awesome or sucks or whatever, having Call Wyvern reduced to 20 mins is a HUGE improvement. It's already been plenty proven that a Dragoon with his wyvern can hold his own in dmg against other jobs, and the problem before the patch was that it only took a few aoes to gimp a Dragoon for a whole 2 hours.

                              The second problem was that Drgs couldn't use their 2 hour to add any special benefit in BC or emergency situations; now they can.

