クイリリラ ï¾ï¾˜ï¾˜ï¾˜ ï¾ï¾ï½¾ï½²ï¾ï½²ï¾„ï½² スラソノト
Ok ive been leveling my drg, and everytime I summon my Jessie (dragon) he dies with in a battle or two from either a bomb toss or fire ball.Ok to the real question, how do i keep him alive or is it that he is just weak.Also who thinks that the new update will help dragoon and give me your comments on that too.
i would like some advice and nothing else OK
ï¾…ï¾ï½¼ï½²ï½½ï¾„カï¾ï¾ï½¼ ï¾ï¾—ï¾… セイラセリイ カクï¾ï½¶ リニï¾ï¾‰ï½² カラ ハリï¾ï¾“ï½² ï¾—ï¾ ï¾“ï½²ï¾™
Ok ive been leveling my drg, and everytime I summon my Jessie (dragon) he dies with in a battle or two from either a bomb toss or fire ball.Ok to the real question, how do i keep him alive or is it that he is just weak.Also who thinks that the new update will help dragoon and give me your comments on that too.
i would like some advice and nothing else OK
ï¾…ï¾ï½¼ï½²ï½½ï¾„カï¾ï¾ï½¼ ï¾ï¾—ï¾… セイラセリイ カクï¾ï½¶ リニï¾ï¾‰ï½² カラ ハリï¾ï¾“ï½² ï¾—ï¾ ï¾“ï½²ï¾™