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  • #31
    Re: Drg/Mnk

    Originally posted by Icemage
    You're asking us why elephants can't fly. We've told you that if you want something that flies, you should look at birds. What more do you want? DRG/MNK sucks. There's no other words for it. No visible benefits above any other subjob, and leaves a terrible impression that you care more about being "unique" than "good". That's not a good recommendation for a party member.


    You havn't given me one good reason why elephants can't fly. All I'm reading is BS. >.>

    TheCraft - Crafting Linkshell
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    • #32
      Re: Drg/Mnk

      If all you are intrested in what is good pre-30 then just about anything you sub will be alright. Every sub gives something but nothing much really special till around 30 as the DRG and 15 whichever sub.

      As far as a pre-30 job tanking solo, that is easily possible but has a condition. You need 2 good healers to do a 1-2 heal effect, this way hate is distributed between 2 healers which makes it very unlikely for them to get hate. Of course a person who will be tanking solo should also have some good gear.

      When you get into the higher levels the job you choose as a sub can start to distinguish the abilities you can and can't do. The more favorable choice for melees is generally to sub WAR or NIN depending on the Main Jobs capabilities.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #33
        Re: Drg/Mnk

        First of all, I'm terribly sorry if my words were misinterpreted. It was not my intention to call everyone who replied to this post an elitist; the comment was not aimed at everyone.

        I meant to convey earlier, that I knew that /War was more useful than /Mnk. I just wanted people's opinions on Drg/Mnk as a pure dd, with out comparing /War but I presumed this was missed. I know now that I can sub Monk, albeit, /war is the overall beneficial sub for the pt.

        But, In any case, I do appreciate everyone's opinions and input even if I did not show it. Didn't mean to come off as an ignorant noob that doesn't listen to the advice of other players.


        • #34
          Re: Drg/Mnk

          In the end I truly believe you will get parties. You however will have to endure people speaking down to you about your inane subjob choice. Monk brings nothing to the table for Dragoon. Its true Warrior and (post 60) Thief are the pain subjobs for Dragoon, with Samurai and White Mage bringing up the "specialist" subjobs. If you are looking to sub something just to be different, atleast thing about something that might help you or your party out a bit. Ninja gives you utsusemi which may reduce mp usage, Redmage gives you healing breath and minor debuffs, hell even bard is argueably better subjob choice than monk. I would have to say that if you want to party and be different, thats entirely your choice, but don't be entirely selfish about it. Remember your subjob choice effects the other 5 party members just as much as it does you. Its true that you may get invites from people desperate just to fill out a party, or maybe people will even join your party (more likely if you are /anon), but come on, dont be selfish and be the best you can be.
          75BRD, 75NIN, 75SMN, 67RDM, 56WHM
          Rank 10 Windurst | Rank 10 Bastok | Rank 8 Sand'Oria
          Zilart COMPLETE | Promathia COMPLETE
          Smithing 78+1 Cooking 60 Fishing 21


          • #35
            Re: Drg/Mnk

            If you want to be unique and still semi useful, sub brd. Your stats will be about the same and paon (free hp regen song) will help the party. While I would say war is better, at least this provides some help to the party unlike mnk. And in the process of lvling brd you might see the error of drg/mnk. It really looks like you lvled mnk to 30 to unlock drg and don't want to take the time to lvl a proper sub.
            Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


            • #36
              Re: Drg/Mnk

              Originally posted by Auron517
              What makes you so sure that I'm guaranteed no invites /mnk? I'm pretty sure there are worse subjob choices. I really don't understand this, war gives NOTHING to Dragoon (again, at those levels), excluding provoke; which helps out, alot, however is not a necesity.

              If I am in a good party, with a good tank, back up, and mages, my subjob won't be a problem. Drg/Mnk will preform just as good as a Drg/War can. And I'm pretty sure I could simply take 30 minutes making a party instead of waiting for hours for a pt.
              Ok, what makes it bad for invites is if you have a SJ that isnt good for your job, for example, mnk, then people will trust you are inexperienced and pass... war gives more str than mnk which you want as drg...and no /mnk cannot perform as good as /war
              [Blm 75] [Mnk 72] [Drg 64] [Brd 41] [War 37] [Whm 37] [Rdm 37] [Sam 28] [Smn 26] [Thf 25] [Blu 12] [Nin 10] [Pld 9] [Bst 8] [Rng 8] [Pup 3] [Cor 1] [Drk 1] Rank 10 San D'oria


              • #37
                Re: Drg/Mnk

                This is stupid. You know MNK sub can only take you to 30 max anyway. Why not just level a subjob now that won't make you a total gimp at 30.
                Proud member of Arcanum and Crimson Rain


                • #38
                  Re: Drg/Mnk

                  errr I just thought I'd drop in...

                  Remember that Str and Attack are both useful -- you WANT both. So it's hard to say which is better -- the +12 or so attack per boost or the +2 Str that's always there (I'm a Str whore btw but your milage may differ).

                  Here's something awesome about your position, Auron. You'll need warrior raised anyway because you know you'll be using it once you can use Berserk, and you'd like to try mnk sub. Guess what?!?! Mnk is the best sub for warrior until 30 (in my mind, best 'til 50 but I'm not going into that) so just level monk to 18, war to 37 (or if you get mnk to 30 to unlock 'goon, just level warrior and keep it capped as you go). The point is, this gives you that exciting choice of choosing your sub! If you get in a party with a war and a nin/war, the war will handle being the voke buddy, you'll be free to sub mnk and test its mileage. This is ideal 20-30 as qufim parties are usually put together in jeuno so you can change your sub and kazham always has a moogle nearby.
                  "And if he left off dreaming about you, where do you suppose you'd be?"


                  • #39
                    Re: Drg/Mnk

                    Originally posted by Sidra
                    This is stupid. You know MNK sub can only take you to 30 max anyway. Why not just level a subjob now that won't make you a total gimp at 30.
                    How about because I fucking want to? Seriously, this thread has been discussed and been dead for about two weeks now. Is it really a necesity to post something insignifigant, just to have an excuse to be a dick?


                    • #40
                      Re: Drg/Mnk

                      I'm really tired of seeing gimp dragoons. Dragoons is unleveled sub jobs, terrible equipment, or Dragoons that are wearing Ok equipment but don't use a lance.

                      Seriously, just because they gimped your favorite job, ranger, doesn't mean you're going to find the quick trip to 75 in Dragoon. We have a hard enough time finding parties higher up, don't make it harder on the new comers as well.


                      • #41
                        Re: Drg/Mnk

                        What in the hell are you talking about? I'm not even going to touch the "gimp" comment (There is already more than enough discussion above)

                        I don't even PLAY this game yet, so how in the hell do you figure I'm only interested in Dragoon to get to level 75 because of the Ranger update? Looks like someone is a little bitter from sitting in Jueno for hours on end with thier seek flag up. You need to get a fucking clue.


                        • #42
                          Re: Drg/Mnk

                          okay. this thread has run it's course. no more flaming.

                          Thanks Yyg!

