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Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

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  • Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

    hi dragon's :hoo:

    why all dragon 's i know stay dragon for long time? why not lvl another job? i dont like waiting 1 hour for party , how about day's and week's ,that's really scary , since you guys know how drg wait long time for exp pt, i really dont know why people keep lvling dragon's and ask about nerfing other job , why not lvl another job and be useful in high lvl HNM/sky/kirin?
    i dont mean to hurt you guys,


    i notice something !!:sweat: why all dragon's when they hit lvl75 they quit the game ,

    i know how dragon's used to be powerful :errr: not gimp ,

    just lvl another job :thumb: and you will be happy with your friends

    Last edited by Relmo; 07-05-2005, 12:53 PM.
    RNG75 || BST50 || BLM60

  • #2
    Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

    Here's a serious question, why don't you study English a little bit more? >_>

    All kidding aside, we love our job a lot more than we love any other job. I notice a lot of Dragoons also level Warrior. They're similar in a way that they're been considered underdogs for a long time, except they have a lot more potential than other classes.

    I like surpising people with how well I can party and how efficient I can be.


    • #3
      Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

      Most DRG75 level RNG. ;D


      • #4
        Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

        When I max Dragoon, I'm going to level Warrior. I want to get all the jobs with the sexiest artifact armor done first.


        • #5
          Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

          My bad english :sweat: i'm sorry , please forgive me
          RNG75 || BST50 || BLM60


          • #6
            Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

            I agree if you love a particular job stick to it but what annoys me is how in the Dragoon forums, every Dragoon cries and whines about how all the other jobs are so much more powerful/useful than theirs. If you love the job, how can you complain about how much better the other jobs are in comparison? Now I'm not saying all drg's are like this, Impaction above I haven't seen complaining, but a fair amount are. If you love the job, play it well and show others how well it can work rather than saying it's impossible to play your job because everyone else is so "overpowered". A perfect example of this is the wars. For the longest time they were shunned as the half tank/half DD, but always veiwed as ineffective in comparison to other jobs as a dd/tank. Then people such as Nny (Don't let it go to your head) not only excelled and thrived, but manage to change the general opinion of war's as a viable job. Rather than sending your ineffectual prayers and complaints to SE through the message boards, maybe you should attempt to be such a good dragoon that the people you pt with change their opinions respectively. Don't dwell on the problem, work on the solution.


            Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


            • #7
              Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

              I plan on taking Dragoon all the way to 75 and then spend all my effort to get it every godly piece of equipment he can use. I am happy with the job because I enjoy playing it, even though the waiting for party is just downright painful.

              Thanks to Bila for the signature


              • #8
                Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                cause bein a dragoon is fun? at last for us? why level any job in the game. to reach a goal that tyou enjoy mostly.


                • #9
                  Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                  To the origional poster, you obviously do not know anything about the Dragoon class. This is a pointless topic and has been discussed many times. I noticed you played Ranger to 75, notice that RNG is being changed? YES that is because they do too much damage and needed to be changed so classes like Dragoon will actually get party invites because they do the same if not better damage in EXP parties and this has been proven many times. They are also very viable on HNM, Gods, and whatnot. I not only pick dragoons in my parties because they are good Damage Dealers but because I am tired of seeing 10,000 rangers acting like they are THE best damage dealer. Well they arent and parsers have proven this DRG is one of the best if not the best.

                  Nites 75RDM/BLM - Rank 10

                  I need a buddy pass!


                  • #10
                    Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                    There are types of people who are just naturally flawed at things, and these people are never taken seriously. Everyone does better than them with such little effort, so they get called "useless", "inferior", and "never will amount to anything in life." Sometimes this hurts so much that these flawed people want to work hard, just to show up all the others who said they'd never make it.

                    Dragoon has the biggest "surprise" factor of all the jobs in FFXI. EVERYONE takes them for granted, but they (in fact) are very, very good if played right. They just have such a reputation for falling short, that everyone assumes all Dragoons are worthless.

                    I know a lot of people who play DRG just because they are flawed themselves, and want to show the world...
                    Jaudemus Azelought
                    ~ San'Dorian Youth ~
                    ~ Former member of Headstrong Hope linkshell ~


                    • #11
                      Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                      funny thing to point out. If someone likes the job, they'll play it. Any other reason? Person that can't bear the hassle will switch job eventually of course.
                      There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
                      but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
                      transform a yellow spot into the sun.

                      - Pablo Picasso


                      • #12
                        Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                        I agree, roughly, with Bushido. Their really is no "crap/gimped/useless/nerfed" job in ffxi. I enjoy playing them all, and lvl everything every now and then. Granted, some jobs have a stronger place in pt's and hnm scraps, but if played well all the jobs have their place. Any job can be made to work fairly well in any enviroment. It's the lazy people that /cry whenever they have to semi-work to be a good player. It's like the sam's out there that refuse to orchestrate SC's in their pt's, or the drg's that only look at per hit dmg vs. DoT with their wyvern, then bytch and moan because they aren't doin' huge dmg. As I said before, don't complain about the problem, work on a solution. Regardless of your so-called crappy job, if you're a good player, you'll get invites. If you're waiting for hours LFG, you better make sure the next pt you get you're such an awesome drg that the pt leader can't help but look for you next time he builds a pt.


                        Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


                        • #13
                          Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                          Dragoon should have access to the same gear as most other melees (Haubergeon comes to mind) instead of having to wear the +Acc that like thf does. Most dragoons don't have scorpion harness, and if they do they seem to want to rather show off their af body instead. Drg shouldn't need to farm all that extra gil for SH instead of being able to just wear Haubergeon like all the wars, drks, and sams they have to compete with. Little tweaks like that could help them out a lot.

                          fk yes


                          • #14
                            Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                            Here's my question for you then. Why are more than 4 or 5 jobs played? The generic party roles are tank, healer, damage dealer, buffer/debuffer. Why do you need multiple jobs to fill these roles?

                            The point I want to make is that there are many different jobs to cater to the tastes of many different players. Each job has something different to offer, something that someone will enjoy. DRG is an enjoyable job. As others have said, the problem isn't with the job, it's with popular opinion. There's a stigma that surrounds this job as being subpar. The intelligent players do try to change the community's opinion one party at a time, but they also would like Square to do something to speed up the process. . . because when you compare how many DRG's there are to everything else, making a difference one party at a time suddenly becomes a very daunting task. But is is a task worth undertaking becuase, we play DRG because we like it, gosh darn it all!
                            4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                            • #15
                              Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                              The difference i seen in DRGs being sucky and good is extremely easy to see. When you see a DRG doing a 90 dmg Skewer like a party i was in vs Torama, you know that this DRG is not doing well. Then when you see some DRG(who did not use a SH but some Tiger Jerkin for +ATK) who know what they are doing and doing a 4-500dmg Skewer(add on 70-150 dmg from Wyvern) consistantly with a THF sub then you know that they are in the know. The DRG can skillchain 2 times with the WAR i was pted with too and the WAR holds a Kraken(which he spammed Rampage with but it was so random his can go as high as 700 but dipped as low as 6 many times O_o so..."orz"). I was immensely impressed with that DRG being able to keep up TP to skillchain 2 times...

                              Unfortunetly i cant say too much more since the party was going so damn fast i wasnt able to really look at most of his gear ; ; But you bet damn well i am going to invite that guy again when i see him, he does NOT suck. However 3 of the 4 parties i been in with DRGs in the 60s however werent as hot as the dude...and i feel thats where the DRGs suck comment comes from...

