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Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

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  • #46
    Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

    Originally posted by Kuai
    First off that mob could check as EP since ive never even heard of it. Second off, i was talking about wars and mnks in exp pt setting and not in some random encounter. Anyone can put out big numbers if the lvl is low enough.
    I laugh at your stupidity...

    1) if you look at the other peopel damage, it is relative
    2) I HAVE heard of those mobs, and they are not low level (I think 60+)
    3) you are ignorant
    Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


    • #47
      Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

      They're NMs, but the monks I'm with are all of a higher level. Penta Thrust with 100% TP, Berserk, no food, and I forgot to equip my Tiger gear. It checks as impossible to gauge, but I was assume it's incredibly tough seeing as how it takes an alliance of 65-70 to take him down.

      I want to get back into the Drg scene and post some parsed logs, but I'm currently leveling sub jobs. I'll get back to it soon though because the parse is where it's at. Dragoons can get some pretty nice spike damage every once in a while but nobody notices their awesome DoT.
      Last edited by DakAttack; 10-25-2005, 04:15 PM.


      • #48
        Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

        I'm not ignorant, its a fact that War and Mnk have more DoT than most classes in the game. I can't believe after all this time people defend dragoon as still "outdamaging warriors and monks" because unless the war or mnk was seriously gimped its just not possible. Oh well have fun leveling a subpar useless class to 75


        • #49
          Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

          Originally posted by Kuai
          I'm not ignorant, its a fact that War and Mnk have more DoT than most classes in the game. I can't believe after all this time people defend dragoon as still "outdamaging warriors and monks" because unless the war or mnk was seriously gimped its just not possible. Oh well have fun leveling a subpar useless class to 75
          lol, you really have not seen it for yourself, or tested it many times, I have seen a DRG easly out damage a WAR and MNK many times over and a DRG vs a DRK, that alot closer of a compition. The only time a MNK can outdamge a DRG is if they are fighting a Skelly or shelled creature. If you say a MNK or WAR can easly out damage a DRG, then you truely have no clue what you are talking about. Hell I did not even mention the extra damage added from the Wyvern.

          Kuai, you are just a DRG bashing troll, that cant even troll right, now get the hell out of the DRG forums if you still think we are "subpar useless class" t(^.^t)
          Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


          • #50
            Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

            For the record...a good drg doesn't suck compared to mnk and war. HOWEVER, War and Mnk are both very powerful DD and CAN outdo DRG if played right. Yes MNK and WAR is just that powerful. That's not to say that DRG sucks at all. A properly played DRG can outdo either class as well. But to dismiss WAR and MNK and say that DRG does better DoT than them all the time everyday all day, with everyone having the best gear they can possibly gather for the task at hand is just silly. And no I'm not just talking about bone parties. And yeah, I've seen WAR and MNK outdamage DRK as well. Unfortunately DRK isn't the end all be all of DD.
            My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

            Which FF Character Are You?
            Originally posted by Balfree
            Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


            • #51
              Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

              Sorry but if you parse a mnk war and drg in the same pt the drg will always come out last if all people had equal skill and gear. if your too dumb to see that then well thats why your a level 45 dragoon


              • #52
                Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                Originally posted by Kuai
                First off that mob could check as EP since ive never even heard of it. Second off, i was talking about wars and mnks in exp pt setting and not in some random encounter. Anyone can put out big numbers if the lvl is low enough.
                I like the logic here, "I've never heard of the mob, so I'll challenge your credibility and call you a liar"
                And I have seen parsers of drg's, drk's, and mnk's in the same party. Funny thing is the drg won. And no, the drk and mnk weren't gimp, they were actually very talented, sometimes thats just the way things happen.
                I RNG 75 I WAR 37 I NIN 38 I SAM 50 I Woodworking 92+2

                PSN: Caspian


                • #53
                  Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?


                  I know Hroth, he's a good monk, I think he had Ochiudo's Kote but I'm not too sure.

                  Most of the time when I say I outdamage this job, and that job, and whatever I'm referring to decently equipped players of equal skill. Decently equipped warrior and monk wont beat a Dragoon because all we have is decent equipment yet we still shine. Give a monk an Ochiudo's kote, brown belt, jujitsu gi, fuma kyahn, scorpian harness, and yea he'll most likely out damage a Dragoon. Give a warrior or dark knight a haubergeon and sure he'll do really well. What do you give Dragoons? It isn't so cut and dry with us, we need to customize our equipment to balance our stats to do max damage. A Dragoon with above average equipment will out damage most of the other jobs, but even so we've got very little to choose from.


                  • #54
                    Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                    Kaui, I use these forums to play DRG well. I don't necessarily outdamage everyone at any given moment, but I am a party enabler. On average, I usually tie with or take 2nd place to the BLM. I normally have the highest output of all melee in the party on my own. I very seldom do less damage than another job when you add my wyvern's damage. In those rare instances that I am not doing much damage, it is because I am enabling others to do more damage (i.e. using a weaker WS to set up a stronger WS to chain and MB).

                    DRG is a genuinely difficult job to explain. Just the right timing of a jump can actually affect the length of a battle. And after all, how many melee jobs can effectively sub a mage job? I'll allow WAR/WHM until level 30, and then they have no excuse. (I've heard of MNK/WHM for MND to Chi Blast, but that's very specific and ruins the whole DOT argument.) What I'm trying to say, Kaui, is that my experience contradicts your claims. Now, you can argue the level I currently have DRG leveled to, but you will have only attacked my character and proved nothing. In the end you claims are only that. Claims.

                    I highly suggest you bring facts to the table that back up your assertions. You have to remember that you are in our forum, our turf, and that we currently have more proof than you do. And even if ignoring proof and going on popular opinion, you are currently the minority. Our problem isn't with what you are saying, but rather the matter in which you go about saying it. Kaui, please think out your response well.

                    Before you make yourself look any more of a fool.
                    4 out of 3 people have a problem with fractions. . .


                    • #55
                      Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                      WAR isnt a good DoT unless NIN is subbed. But still. I was partying with a really good WAR mithra. Really great gear on, her/his damage per both swings were at around 10-20 points less than mine. But her/his WS would either equal and maybe 70-90 points over mine. And exping with MNKs felt the same aswell. This is only 60-62lvls though. Dont get much chances to exp with MNKs so I dont know how well they do now days.

                      Anyways.. I do lvl other jobs. MNK WAR WHM DRK SAM are all over 20. Mnk was for WAR for sub to 37(one day i might lvl it higher) WHM for solo purposes. DRK for CoP believe it or not. And SAM to check out how well Ill do in HNMs one day. I believe Ill lvl DRK and SAM higher than 50 one day too. Id like DRG to be over with ya know? Then run around all sexy like..


                      • #56
                        Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                        Originally posted by Balodoth
                        Kaui, I use these forums to play DRG well. I don't necessarily outdamage everyone at any given moment, but I am a party enabler. On average, I usually tie with or take 2nd place to the BLM. I normally have the highest output of all melee in the party on my own. I very seldom do less damage than another job when you add my wyvern's damage. In those rare instances that I am not doing much damage, it is because I am enabling others to do more damage (i.e. using a weaker WS to set up a stronger WS to chain and MB).

                        DRG is a genuinely difficult job to explain. Just the right timing of a jump can actually affect the length of a battle. And after all, how many melee jobs can effectively sub a mage job? I'll allow WAR/WHM until level 30, and then they have no excuse. (I've heard of MNK/WHM for MND to Chi Blast, but that's very specific and ruins the whole DOT argument.) What I'm trying to say, Kaui, is that my experience contradicts your claims. Now, you can argue the level I currently have DRG leveled to, but you will have only attacked my character and proved nothing. In the end you claims are only that. Claims.

                        I highly suggest you bring facts to the table that back up your assertions. You have to remember that you are in our forum, our turf, and that we currently have more proof than you do. And even if ignoring proof and going on popular opinion, you are currently the minority. Our problem isn't with what you are saying, but rather the matter in which you go about saying it. Kaui, please think out your response well.

                        Before you make yourself look any more of a fool.
                        This is what I have seen myself, I have not been able to outdamage a DRK yet myself, but my equipment is only average, and I am only 58 :p but I have seen many other DRGs do as Balodoth has stated. and when I posted about DRG outdamageing WAR and MNK, I of course did not mean 100% of the time -.- I know that is just silly, but Kuai basicly stated that a DRG could never outdamage another class -.-
                        Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                        • #57
                          Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                          i have to say i lvl drg for some of the reasons listed in this topic, also i lvl drg because i set a goal when i started to a year and a half ago to be a drg/sam long before they nerf'd the combo. then i was sent out of country to other parts of the world and have been working on the combo ever since i have a 31 sam and am 34drg and still lvling in the desert it takes a lot of time but with time you appreciate the job you lvl a lot more because you have taken the time to perfect it.


                          • #58
                            Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                            Kuai, let me ask you a question....and I mean this in all seriousness. Are you ready for it? Here goes....

                            ....Is your head up your ass for the warmth?

                            Seriously, because you have to be retarded beyond words to state anything that you just said. So, as I am a person who has leveled a "subpar useless" job to 75, I feel I need to embarrass you horribly.

                            1. The mob that was shown in that screenshot is Doomed Pilgrims, which is an NM used for Zilaart Mission 5. Now, anyone who has fought a flesh mob knows they hit VERY hard and have a decent defense. The fact that you DON'T know what it was, as you have never "seen" it...means you are a pathetic idiot who is probably still around level 20. That is if you even play the game.

                            2. Each job takes advantage of its abilities in producing DoT. You, in your all knowing ineptness, failed to add the wyvern to the equation. Non-withstanding the fact that my wyvern does what a War or Mnk does in one axe/fist hit, the fact that it adds to my own damage puts me up there enough to counter your theory. If it could be called anything near that. As Kailea was saying I believe, do I say I outdamage them all the time? No. I get reamed on some weaponskills. But do I equal their damage in DoT? Yes...yes I do.

                            Before you put out an opinion on a job, how about you actually GET a job high enough to have an opinion on the subject? It might be useful to your cause, and it may even help you form cognitive opinions next time you speak. Come back and see me when you do ZM5 or reach lvl 50.

                            Then maybe I'll deign to give you 5 minutes of my time...which I just wasted on your pitiful opinions.

                            Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.


                            • #59
                              Re: Serious Question! Why don't you level another job?

                              alright, enough bickering.

                              Thanks Yyg!

